Saturday, April 25, 2009

Success and Happiness - How To Make Choices In Your Life That Lead To Contentment and Success

Success is defined differently by different people. When you feel successful it may be because of a relationship, work, or because you achieved something in your life that meant a lot to you. However you define it, success is that feeling of well-being that comes when you have done something you truly wanted to do.

How do you reach for the things in your life that can make you feel like a success? Setting goals and then working towards achieving those goals is a good way to begin. Having the discipline to work every day at achieving a small piece of your larger goal will also get you headed in the right direction. Also, time management becomes very important. If you let time get away from you, success will be elusive.

Who do you turn to for support in becoming the successful person you want to be? Having friends, family and other mentors in your life can mean the difference between

success and failure. Other people see us very differently than we see ourselves and they are good sounding boards when we want to think out loud about what we are doing to achieve our goals. Being able to listen to constructive criticism from people who care about us is a good trait to develop early on in life.

Finally, how will you know when you have become successful? It is not a particular point in time. Instead, success comes over us like a wave of happiness and contentment. You will recognize this feeling when it comes. There is nothing else quite like it.

You can reinvent yourself at any time in your life. To find out how to be the person you would like to be visit

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