Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Effective Goal Setting For Busy Moms

Have you ever been frustrated with goal setting? As busy moms, some days we barely get through our daily to-do list. Who has time for long term goals?

Yet amidst all the family activities, I have found a way to set goals that works.

Every August for many years, I have attended a fantastic personal growth seminar called Mastermind Summit. Although top notch speakers like Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn have been highlights, it's the goal setting session that has impacted me the most. Now that I'm a busy mom with two young children, goal setting is very centering. It helps me see what's really important to accomplish and what can be abandoned if necessary.

Here's how you can create effective goals for the year ahead, no matter how busy you are:

1. Plan a goal setting time every year.

Maybe you want to set goals in December for the New Year. Or you can set them in August to correlate with the school year and get your kids to set goals with you. The important thing is to establish a regular ritual of goal setting that you won't forget. Maybe you want to plan a weekend getaway on your anniversary and make sure that one hour of that weekend is committed to goal setting. Create a fun ritual that you and your family will look forward to. Be sure to celebrate past accomplishments every year with your family.

2. Set goals in five areas of life.

The five areas are: personal, spiritual, business, financial and family. Following are a few examples to help you brainstorm:

Personal - to lose 10 pounds, to exercise at the gym twice a week, to learn how to play the guitar Spiritual - to read through the Bible in a year, to attend a spiritual retreat

Business - to increase sales by 10%, to find a freelance job for 5 hours a week

Financial - to save $2000, to make a budget for Christmas gifts

Family - to take a vacation to Hawaii, to help my child learn the 50 states

3. Make sure your goals are specific.

For instance, don't make a goal to "exercise more." Instead say "I am going to exercise twice a week." Now you have a measurable goal. You will know whether or not you accomplished it.

Even as busy moms, we can set goals that move our dreams forward. Effective goal setting starts with keeping it simple and specific. Keep growing alongside your children by setting personal goals for yourself and reaching them!

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