Sunday, April 5, 2009

One Personal and One Professional Goal For 2009

Good bye 2008. It is over and it is gone. Only what we did in this year remain, as a witness for this great year that have slipped away from us. The year which made us jump with joy, made us take crucial step's and decisions of our life and spent a life we always wished to live. Lot of happiness and achievements, and it is time to tell a fair well good bye to 2008, and whole heartedly welcome 2009 to our life.

Welcome 2009. As fresh as it could be. A new year to go for our life ambitions. Life passions. A new year to see our dreams being fulfilled. A new year to achieve the impossible. A new year to bring out the best out of us, and make it the best life we ever had in our life.

Life Resolution New Year resolution is part of our rituals for January 1. However, study shows that 95% of those who make new year resolution fail to keep them up for more than 2-3 weeks. Today I want to ask you not to keep a New Year resolution, but a Life Resolution. We are going to pick 2 Life Goals for 2009 - one from our personal life and one from our professional life, and go through a life journey to achieve them. This is the first installment of power article's in and the whole 2009 will be dedicated to article's in achieving these life goals we are going to set today.

Let us pick the best two goals for 2009 that would make 2009 the best year for us ever.

One important point here: You commit one thing to me. "I am going to allocate a weekly quota for these goals and commit that I will not take any other personal/professional goal, unless my primary goal quota is complete."

Question ? What if I have two goals in each category.

Answer: It is perfectly fine to have two or more goals for each category. BUT, you should make one of them as primary for each category, and other's as secondary. You are going to work towards the secondary goals, only if your weekly quota for these goals is achieved.

Personal goal 2009:

I want you to do an exercise here. Take a paper/pen. Write down one personal goal that if you achieve will totally change the way you live. It could be something as small as mending a broken relationship, or could be something big, say changing your dietary habit or come out of a bad habit or improving your financial life or learning a foreign language. Just one goal - not more nor less. Just one personal goal, that could change your life and turn your dream into a reality. This goal could be also a spiritual goal or any goal that would improve your inner/personal life.

Now that you have this ONE personal goal written down, I want you to do the second step.

Write down 5 steps that if you do one at a time, you will achieve the above goal. Let me explain you with an example.

Imagine your goal is: "To learn a new foreign language".

So here is how, I would break down the goal into 5 steps. (For each person, the steps would be different. Identifying what works for YOU is the most important part here).

Sub Goal 1: Join an institute teaching this foreign language.

Sub Goal 2: Decide on a syllabus for 2009 that if I complete them, would reach my target.

Sub Goal 3: Buy/Get the required books/resources that I am going to use for this goal.

Sub Goal 4: Decide how much hours/time I am going to spent every week for this goal.

Sub Goal 5: Commit to stick with my goal and constantly check my goal progress.

Professional goal 2009:

Now let us come to a professional goal. This is a goal that would make a real real positive impact on your professional life. This is THAT goal if you achieve, would change your professional career life, and achieve what you always dreamt in your life in your career.

I want you to write this down. How you are going to achieve them is not important here. What you want to achieve is important here.

Here is an example of a professional goal:

"I improve my communication and interpersonal skills"

Sub Goal 1: Join a toastmaster's club and start a public speaking course.

Sub Goal 2: Work with a professional mentor to identify the area's of improvement.

Sub Goal 3: Spent sometime every day for exercise. Join yoga classes or a gym.

Sub Goal 4: If you look to become a manager, work towards achieving managerial skills/qualification. Like improving relationships, increasing personal contacts, etc.

Sub Goal 5: Proactively invest time in one project that would make a difference and help me towards my life goals. (This is a quadrant 2 activity and we will cover about four quadrants of time management in one of the future article).

The above goal/sub goals is just shown for an example. You can choose them based what you want in your life, and how best you want to use 2009. Here is a criteria for choosing your goals : "It is the ONE goal that would change my life, make 2009 the best year ever I had, and take me closer to achieve my life dreams."

Let's can take our time, and work towards our goals. Let us bring out the best out of us. Let us go for to achieve the impossible and get want you dreamt in your life. Believe me, you are in the process of changing your life, and changing the life of people's aroundyou, and let us be excited that we are in the process to make 2009 the best year ever we had in our life.

Wish you all the best and New Year greetings to all the readers.

I maintain my personal success blog website, and you can visit this website to read more success articles.

Sijith Salim

R Kent Hughes

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