Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finding Your Path To Recovery

Perhaps B68the biggest paradigm shift we can make in our lives; whether illness, relationship difficulties, or any of life's challenges is, "You are in charge." You are in charge of your health, your body, and in creating the results you want. The biggest trap we can fall into is the mode of the victim, where there is little or nothing we can do to improve a situation. In facing any illness, your attitude can have profound effects on your recovery and your ability to heal. The emerging field of Health Psychology embraces the bio-psycho-social model of medicine to better explain health. That is to say that your health is an interaction of not only your biology, but also your psychology and social relationships as well. Given these all influence each other, there is always something you can do to improve your attitude and positively affect your health.

Here are just a few tips for overcoming illness, keeping a positive attitude, and speeding your road to recovery.

Find your Reason for Recovery - What is your reason for getting well. What would you like to be able to do, have, or be? What are you getting well for? Then practice seeing it, see yourself beyond your illness or challenge. What will life be like once you've overcome your illness?

Gather Perspectives- In NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Psychology) there is a saying, "wisdom is 3 or more perspectives." We are living in an information explosion. Information is everywhere, on the internet, libraries, even other community members, and support groups. Getting many perspectives can help you look at what's worked for others and develop your own strategies for creating your road to wellness.

Have a Clear Goal: Often, we ask for too little, if your goal is to manage your symptoms, that is what you will get. If you set your sights higher, chances are, you'll get even more. A little bit of hope can go a long way.

Take Charge of your Challenge- Work to make your goals reality. There are things you can do, and often trying combinations of therapies, or including alternatives like acupuncture, natural health, and massage will help you improve your mood, stay upbeat, and help you create your road to recovery.

What are the Life Lessons? What are you learning from this experience? What value is there in engaging in the process and working through these challenges?

What are the Gifts of your illness or challenge? One of my colleagues dealing with Chrone's disease said, "There is nothing like a chronic illness as a wake up call for life. You appreciate even more every day that you are well, and you identify what's really most important to you." I was a little taken aback at first, it was more than just making the best of a bad situation, it was bypassing the "bad" part, releasing judgement, and getting to gratitude.

The Power of Belief - Western Medical Doctors can't B40explain why some people diagnosed with cancer and given six months to live suddenly get well and are alive 12 years later. There is a lot to be said for the sheer will to live, and the power of belief. Faith healings work by this premise, as you believe- so it is.

Working with a Coach can give you the structure, time, and space to explore your own best answers. It is also a great support system where the Coach can offer a variety of perspectives, help you create new strategies, prioritize what's most important, be a sounding board, help you stay focused on your goals, and create a future that's compelling.

Working with an Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner can help you explore the internal sets of meanings and beliefs that may be contributing to your health and wellness. Once these are core issues are identified, applied psychology tools can help you work to resolve them, often speeding recovery. NLP processes can also help you create new associations and internal meanings that support your health as well as engage the power of belief to work in your favor.

Hypnotherapy is an active way of engaging the mind/ body system to improve health and effect positive change. It has become increasingly popular in preparing for surgery, speeding healing and recovery, and reducing pain. Its an effective form for working with the subconscious mind, and can be useful in identifying underlying issues that may be getting in the way of recovery and optimal health.

Holly Stokes, Personal and Professional Coach employs a wide range of skills and tools to help her clients achieve results. By incorporating the structure and support of coaching with applied psychology tools for deep level change and resolving core issues, her clients find amazing success in reaching their health and wellness, personal life and business goals. With a diverse background, she offers a unique approach in helping clients bring their dreams to life. Her background and certifications include: Certified Herbalist, Master NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, and Certified Coach, NutraCeutical Consultant. She offers Coaching, Classes and Trainings in Vancouver, Washington and by phone. Set your dreams in motion and live the life you were born to live! Visit: http://www.ExpandingPotentials.Net for more information, or call: 360-837-3209

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