Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Positive Action - Delete Your Personal History And Let Go Of Self-Limiting Beliefs

Letting go of anything is never easy. We all form a set of beliefs about ourselves at a very early age. We may not even be sure where those beliefs came from - they've just always been there, and they drive the way we think and behave.

We use this belief system to justify what we do and how we feel. We say things like, "My parents were alcoholics," "My spouse left me," "I lost my job," "Things aren't like they used to be," and use them as reasons why can't get on with our lives.

We focus on the things that have been done to us in the past, and we form a bond with those experiences. But, all the excuses in the world will never be able to erase the past. We must accept it and move on.

Wayne Dyer uses the metaphor of the wake of a boat. The wake is the trail left behind the boat. It's not the wake that moves the boat forward.

The same is true with the wake of your life. If you stay in the wake and hang on to your past experiences - your suffering, your hurt, your anger, your successes or failures - it is impossible to move your life forward.

Here are 3 Positive Action steps that can help you let go of those feelings and beliefs:

  1. Make a list of the things that are keeping you from moving forward. You can't just set it down and walk away from it - it will always be there to come back to. Pick it up, read it, embrace, it, understand it, and accept it. Know that you had to go through those things to be here now. Then toss it.
  2. Remove all labels that you've placed on yourself. The labels limit you. You are not defined by what you have done nor what you have not done.
  3. Write some affirmations (you may use these or write your own) and read them everyday: "I make a commitment to live in the moment" and "I am letting go of my past self-limiting beliefs."

Your history is no longer in your present physical reality. Let it go, and choose to live "now."

And, now I would like to offer you a free special report entitled, "Running 4 Your Life: How to Improve Your Physical, Emotional, Relationship, and Spiritual Health." Go to http://www.Running4YourLifeblog.net

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