Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nostalgic Candy Memories

The nostalgic candy you used to eat as a kid is something fun to think about in these difficult economic times. Remember back to the days when you were young and how your five cents allowance was burning a hole in your pocket. You could not wait to go down the street to the penny candy store for your next fix of sweet goodness. What would you get this time? Would it be wax bottles, candy buttons on paper, a Mary Jane, Kits, Bit-O-Honey, Pixy Stix, or a candy necklace?

Those were the good old days. Five cents could buy you quite an assortment of penny candy. Back then, if you knew how to bargain, you could even get two pieces of nostalgic candy for a penny! Money was really worth something then.

In the summer you were probably out riding your bicycle with the neighborhood kids, playing kick ball and causing a ruckus in the yard. You were a kid then, and you did not have a worry in the world. Right now, all that you have to do is bite off the top of a Nik-L-Nip bottle, drink the sweet syrup, chew on the wax, and you can be transported instantly to when you were eight years old! If you want to go back to this youthful time, nostalgic candy can bring you there.

Now fast forward to adulthood. We have bills to pay, demands at work, pressures at home, medical issues, and economic concerns. Just finding enough time for life can be a challenge. These are worries that you did not have when you were young.

We are longing for the simpler times when life was stress free and uncomplicated. Many people have deep connections to these thoughts of the past, and it's no wonder that certain sights, sounds, and tastes can trigger these feelings.

Watching a 1955 Chevrolet drive by, listening to Oldies but Goodies music, seeing old movies, and eating nostalgic candy can take you back down memory lane. It can be so much fun reminiscing about the olden days! It's easy to be carried back by our memories of earlier days, and it's a wonderful break from the hum drum of everyday life with all of our daily responsibilities. We have all heard older people telling their stories of childhood. Now it's your turn to tell the kids about your favorite things from childhood. And while you're telling them, don't forget to pass around the nostalgic candy!

Bridget Sweeney is the owner of Woodstock Candy, an online store that specializes in retro and nostalgic candy gift boxes. Please visit for all your favorite old time candies.

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