We are in amazing times! Do you believe that in this new day the human body can handle so much stress and excitement? From the economy to the environment the body is bombarded daily by stress inducing factors. Stress is like a fast flowing avalanche of water; stress is the flood and plague of our times.
Although we live in such amazing times with stress levels of immense proportions many ways exist to expunge the body and mind of stress with lightning speed and faster. To clarify one's brain after a stressful day requires some self-initiative and a mindful awareness...hardly a facile task when you're tired and overwhelmed. But when you learn right now the steps to relieve stress in a most powerful way you'll absolutely know in the moments of overwhelm what to do to mitigate the damage and reverse the aging effects that stress induces. And to make sure the mind/body is expunged fully of most stress before we lay down to sleep (an imperative step for wellness) we will focus on an ancient art of body awareness.
This awareness will bring you to a place that is nearly stress free. These crucial exercises important as they are and as powerful are but a warm-up for the one time that can reduce stress levels to undetectable levels. This process we will now discuss is an ancient process old as life itself. Without it we will die in minutes and without a daily period of conscious breathing we absolutely cannot live stress free. Breathing rhythmically and as deeply and fully as feasible before bedtime is like a key that unlocks the deepest secret of stress release. The secret is oxygenated and unencumbered sleep.
It is something that everyone must do yet so few know how to unlock the full potential for stress reduction and healing that can take place nightly. Fortunately you are reading this and will be empowered and perhaps compelled to tell your family and friends of these stress relief techniques. Once you experience the amazing leaps of growth and expansion in your life and the downright astonishing moments of luck and "coincidence" you will be compelled to share your light and truth with the world.
The ancient art of pranayama meaning to lengthen breath and life will change the body from the inside out and allow the body to slip into the deepest level of sleep imaginable. After doing these exercises stress levels will plummet to levels that you may have only experienced when you were a newborn. Many of us have been since birth exposed to stress. Even if the first years were in a peaceful (and smoke free) home nearly all of us and almost everyone reading this is exposed to one of the most prolific inducers of stress of our time...electromagnetic frequencies. Daily stress factors are many but the following combination of powerful breathing exercises and a deep restful sleep is enough to renew the body, mind and spirit. And you'll sleep like a baby.
Before beginning be sure to sit down and keep both feet on the ground (Do not attempt while driving or flying a helicopter, operating a hover craft...get the picture).
The first exercise involves bringing the right hand to the face and covering your right nostril with your right thumb while the index and middle fingers touch the center of your forehead. Now exhale fully out the left nostril then inhale fully...now cover the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale out the right nostril. Inhale through the right nostril then cover it with the thumb. Exhale out the left nostril followed by an inhale...cover it then out the right.
Left, right, left, right, left, right... Do this exercise for two minutes or for ten cycles.
Now the next exercise: sitting tall drop your chin to your chest and tighten your abdominal muscles and buttocks. ("Locking" the chin down and locking the abs and butt will isolate the breath to the upper chest). Take a deep breath and start to inhale and exhale rapidly while the lowest ribs expand and contract powerfully. Do this for 30-50 exhales.
Next: Sit tall and "lock" your chest and shoulders tight; lock the buttocks and inhale deeply into the lower abdomen and belly. Quickly inhale/exhale and deliberately expand and contract the stomach 30-50 times. The stomach muscles should be tightened as much as possible on the exhalation and expanded equally on the inhalation.
And lastly stand up with feet about shoulder width apart or wider. Inhale deeply and thrust the hips up and forward while tightening the muscles of the reproductive organs. Exhale and stick the butt out and squat down slightly while tightening the center of the buttocks. Breathe up and in, then down and out 8-10 times.
The simple and profoundly effective series of breathing exercises we just learned can be done every night before bed. The breath has the effect of massaging the organs, calming the mind and releasing any blocks in energy within the tissues of the body. These benefits have the effect of stimulating the various systems of the body to operate more efficiently and in harmony within the whole system. When this energy is allowed to flow the effect on our sleep is profound.
The brain waves will harmonize into their natural frequency with deeper and longer and even waves. Releasing stress with the breathing exercises allows the mind to detach from the thoughts. The electrical system of the body harmonizes with the breath. All systems are allowed to align with a vibration of peace and well-being. The benefits continue all night long and the amount of surplus energy you gain will propel you to new levels of understanding of yourself and the world. We are in amazing times. Maximize the tools you possess to thrive in these times.
HypnoFreedom is currently offering a free teleseminar series "Clearing Your Path for Abundance: The Best of the Best for Boundless Well-Being". Please learn more and sign up here: http://www.alternativedesignsolutions.com/HypnoFreedom/bestofthebest.html
Shawn Duyette is a martial artist of ten years. He has been trained in several energy healing modalites including reiki, quantum touch, and Native American energy healing. Shawn is also a Certified Hypnotherapist and massage therapist. He has been trained in herbology and Chinese medicine (acupuncture, shiatsu, tui-na bodywork) and is currently on sabbatical from medical school.
Shawn is a life long meditator who began meditating at a very young age sitting for hours in the woods of his suburban childhood home in the northeastern United States.
Shawn enjoys writing poetry and has been published as a poet with some of his works found at http://www.Poetry.com
Currently he is blogging for hypno-freedom and he is working on his first book which is aimed at sharing metaphysical principles with children.
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