Friday, September 11, 2009

Feng Shui 101

What is it anyway? Feng shui has been there for many years now but still some of us do not yet know what it is or how it can be helpful. It is the art of arranging the environment in such a way that it fuses harmoniously with the surroundings. The word itself means wind and water in Chinese and it symbolizes cosmic energy. Where did feng shui originated? It was way back 3,000 years ago when philosophers of China have made the Book of Changes. This was an ancient book that uses feng shui to determine the best sites to bury the departed. People then had a strong belief that the position of the grave has a great significance on bringing prosperity and peace to their loved ones. And from there, more and more people have come to know feng shui and started to spread it.

From the burial rituals it was then extended to villages and other communities. It was then applied in the way of arranging the home, the school, a room, office or a restaurant. From then on, it was then adopted by some westerners in building their houses, rearranging the furniture, and many more. Apart from shiatsu, acupuncture and tai chi, feng shui has played an essential part in their lives. From then on, the people's interest on it has greatly increased especially when it comes to home furnishings or placements. From the colors, to the shapes of each room, to the way the light is facing and much more.

So why do people use feng shui? It is said that if you use it, the room's positive energy is optimized. Moreover, the negative energy is known to be minimized, thus, promoting a healthy well-being. Feng shui is based on the principle of chi, an invisible energy that is present in the surroundings. It flows endlessly so when it runs on a straight path, the chi is lost. But when it is stuck on a certain space, it becomes stagnant, thus, losing chi also. Keep in mind, not all chi gives positive energy.

There is the unlucky energy that may oppose the forces. The main objective of feng shui is to let positive chi flow smoothly opposing negative chi and in effect, achieving harmony. Feng shui experts say that sharp angles in a room can activate negative energy. If you want to remove it, make a balance to counter that flaw. Combining shapes, colors and adding materials may elevate positive chi which may minimize the misfortunes that may come along.

Moreover, the well-being of the occupants is said to be improved. If you bring good feng shui into your environment, then you may attract positive energy that may help in your success or in opening doors for opportunity. And it is very popular nowadays that you can tell which rooms or houses have applied this principle. When you walk into a room or a house, do you feel comfort? Does the atmosphere feel light and inviting? Well, chances are, the owner of the house has used feng shui in building their home.

Colors and placement is a very important aspect of it. There are many feng shui tips for arranging furniture around the house or in a certain room like the dining area or the bed room. They say that it can lead you to a healthier relationship with your loved ones and business relations. Moreover, it could also promote a healthier emotional well-being among the family and others. Feng shui has been there for many years now, if it was not effective, it would have died down a long time ago. But nowadays, it is still very alive and continues to help people in many different ways.

Find more interesting and helpful information about feng shui by visiting The Feng Shui Tips

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