Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yoga and Gay Men

Over the past twenty years, people have become more open to trying new things that before just seemed, frankly, a little weird to them. It used to be that only hippies and naturalists were open to yoga. But as the information age has advanced, the incredible benefits of yoga are no longer held as a little secret.

There are many kinds of yoga that address different issues and goals that the class participants have.


Ashtanga yoga, which literally means eight-limbed yoga, actually espouses eight distinct goals within its program:

- Yama, or moral codes

- Samadhi, or contemplation

- Niyama, or self-purification and study

- Dhyana, or meditation,

- Dharana, or concentration

- Asana, or posture

- Pratyahara, or sense control

- Pranayana, or breath control


Power yoga is a form of yoga that incorporates much of the concepts of ashtanga, yet has more of a vigorous approach to fitness that appeals more to the western world. Power yoga can be credited with helping bring yoga to a wider population because it helped people to actually see yoga as a way to really work out.


Hatha yoga is an excellent choice for stress management as it is designed to promote a calmer mind. Hatha yoga also typically emphasizes improving overall flexibility.


It seems that when most people think of yoga, they think of meditation. Meditation is one of the five key principles of yoga. The process of meditation calls for you to calm and quiet your mind and then focus it on one specific point. Through that, you begin to be in touch with and become more aware of "self." The result is a clearer mind, improved concentration, inner wisdom and tranquility, and a greater sense of purpose and will. The rise in interest of yoga among gay men could be based on many things.

One, it is less competitive than the typical macho workout that attracts heterosexual men. Two, it sculpts the body into a physique that is more appealing to other gay men. Three, the camaraderie formed in the classes is peaceful as all participants are learning stress coping mechanisms and getting in touch with the trigger points that initiate negative feelings and reactions. Four, the increased flexibility has benefits that affect many aspects of the physical life. Five, it is a lot of fun. Yoga is a new experience that you will fast want to adapt as a big part of your life style. In the end, you will be a more tranquil, balanced, and peaceful man. To your health!

Kriss Bonin is an avid yoga supporter. He operates Yoga-for-Gay Blog at Yoga strengthens both your body and mind. Visit for daily yoga information, tips, and inspiration.

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