Thursday, May 14, 2009

10 Essential Planning Tips For Success In 2008

1. Write your goals down. If they are in your head, you won't have the same commitment to working on them.

2. Keep them visible at home at your office or over your desk.

3. Use the Four Quadrants for Breakthroughs in Business system *
(*Want the FREE outline and tip sheet on my FOUR QUADRANTS OF BREAKTHROUGH SUCCESS (c)? - write to me at I will send it to you for FREE!)

4. Align your activities with your goals. Review your schedule each week; review your goals and the plan each week. Are your activities and your goals in alignment? If not, adjust accordingly.

5. Work with a "board of advisors," "dream team," or Mastermind group to support you in these goals.

This brilliant concept, Masterminding, was created by Napoleon Hill in in his all-time best-selling success book, Think And Grow Rich, (an absolute must read!)

6. Get out there! Don't just sit in your office at your computer and wait for the phone to ring. Build your network.

7. Leverage all the resources around you. What chips have you left on the table that can assist you in fulfilling on your plan?

8. Daily Consistent Activity(c). I've written about this before. Are you doing action steps DAILY on your business plan? If not, put at least one action on your calendar EVERY DAY to ensure you are continually moving forward. (it's like brushing your teeth - no matter what, you do it every day).

9. LEARN. Read a book or articles from others you admire and from whom you believe you can learn. Take a course. The world is changing so rapidly that if you don't keep up, you will surely be left behind.

10. Be unstoppable. This is where you have to work on your ATTITUDE. Your mind can be a dangerous neighborhood. If you don't see results fast enough, don't get off the wagon. Stay the course. Most people give up when the going gets a little rocky. Success is a product of consistency and persistence.

(c) 2007, all rights reserved, Fox Resources Inc., Nancy Fox

Nancy Fox is President of Fox Coaching Associates, a coaching and training firm specializing in assisting professionals and business owners nationwide"make rain without the pain(tm)" She has worked with hundreds of legal and other professionals in leveraging contacts, building successful relationships in business, and making lots of rain

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