Friday, May 1, 2009

Fifth Step on the Walk to Faith - God TV

Christian TV broadcasting arouses all sorts of sentiments both from within the church and outside. Some people can't stop watching it, others think it's manipulative and profiteering. The best thing to do is to make your own mind up. I have been through the full cycle from being glued to it on a daily basis, hanging onto every word of my favourite preachers, Joyce Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Ken Copeland, and many others, to not being able to watch it at all because of the incessant advertising and self-promotion which I found distasteful. Some people think they express extreme right wing views.

Whatever your think about the ethical standards or political beliefs of the producers of these programmers there is no doubt in my mind that you can only benefit from the lessons broadcasted. The preachers featured on these shows know their faith, know the Bible, and know God. Some would say that's good enough recommendation! And just maybe, the reason many of them have been blessed with wealth is because of their righteousness and their willingness to do God's work no matter what.

My own personal testimony is that I have without doubt being healed as a result of watching God Tv and in particular the 700 Club presented by Pat Robertson. I was living in Scotland at the time, the other side of the world as far as the 700 Club is concerned, and was watching the programme while I was unemployed at around 2 in the afternoon. I had been suffering with bad arthritic pain in both hands, beginning from the little fingers and creeping across, and had been anxious about losing the ability to type. A nightmare prospect for a writer! There are 3 reasons which make me absolutely certain that it was a faith healing I experienced:

1. The show features a "word of knowledge" section where the presenters receive knowledge of a particular healing and describe it on camera. I think it was Pat Robertson's son who began. He indicated the edges of his hands, the little finger side, and said someone was being healed.

2. At that moment I felt intense heat in my hands. It was a moment or two before I realised the pain had gone. The thought dawned on me that I had been healed by divine intervention.

3. As a final affirmation, Mr Robertson finished the show by saying: "This goes out to all of you, God Bless You, even you out there in Scotland!" I was gob-smacked. Why would he say that? Why Scotland? I had never heard him mention Scotland in that way before despite having watched hundreds of these programmes. Miracle or coincidence? I knew.

So watch God TV and wait for a miracle to happen. If you are praying, reading your Bible, and sincere in your faith, something will occur. When it does, you will be fired with belief, and well on your way to completing the most amazing journey of your life. Next step, a word on prayer.

Milton Johanides is a retired businessman, church elder, writer and artist. He has owned numerous art galleries and once ran an award winning picture framing business in Scotland. The views expressed in these articles are his own. Web address:

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