Sunday, May 31, 2009

Finish What You Started

This is an important lesson in your journey. It will set you apart from many others with similar ideas and passion. It will offer you breakthroughs and give you a profound sense of accomplishment.

Many people talk the talk but don't deliver. There are lots of entrepreneurs out there who have nothing to show for themselves but a bunch of unfinished ideas and dreams. If possible, finish what you started. Don't quit before you complete it, or let someone talk you out of your dreams, goals and what can become a reality. I repeat again. FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED.

That doesn't mean when something gets too hard you give it over to someone else and say "This is too hard, you do it." But if you need some expertise to complete it, there is nothing wrong with reaching out to someone who can assist you to get it done. Also finish the project with the best of your ability not half hearted. There are a lot of sloppy completed jobs out there. But it is not a sign of excellence. But here's the thing, if achieving perfection is stalling you and it means that the project is not complete after many years, drop your perfectionist attitude and finish it. On y our second project you can incorporate more of what you wished to achieve in the first try. If you don't complete and finish tasks you are going to have a ton of regrets in your life. "I could have-" I should have--" "This was a good idea, I don't know why I didn't do something with it-" --"If I can just get off my _ _ _ and get it done, I might have huge success." "This could have been a huge best seller-" etc.

Do you have many uncompleted manuscripts, stories, films, great inventions, clever ideas that linger in your closet and file cabinets? When I turned 40 years old, there was this urgency in my life to FINISH SOMETHING. To get it out there to the public with everything I could muster. I began to finish some projects. The sense of urgency drives me forward. I am now determined to finish every new thing that I start.

You can have that same fervor to finish projects. Never mind if anyone likes it or what people may or may not think. Get it done. Let others wonder how you did it after it's done. Start to complete tasks and stop wasting your time and life. In case you didn't know your life, work and energy is a limited resource. You only have this moment to work and complete it.

Have a different mind set in determining when the project is actually complete. Don't stop before the full project is accomplished. For instance, you have an idea and maybe an outline for a book, you write it, now you have to get it edited, and published. But you can't forget marketing and promoting! You do an outline of an audio CD and you have to record it, produce it and market it! If you have a great idea for a song, why not determine how many songs are needed to create an album? That would be a finished project!! I know that completing tasks can be daunting, but if you have the mind set to finish what you started, that discipline will solidify talent and ability that you have. You will emerge as a leader and doer.

People will know that if you say something they will be able to count on you to accomplish what you say will be done. But for yourself, it is necessary for building confidence, strong self esteem, a sense of pride and understanding of your personal strengths, talents and discipline. Once you achieved something, no one can take that accomplishment away from you. Whether it is your school work, after school curriculum, a group project, or a research project, or your own brilliant idea, you will feel ecstatic when you did it to the best of your ability and others start taking notice. But let me remind you again, nobody will ever notice anything if you have all these unfinished, albeit great ideas scattered around your room, closet, filing cabinets, or filling notebooks, etc. Determine to finish what you started.

Some projects are more urgent than others so make them the priority. For an example if you don't finish high school or get your GED you will never get into college. If you need to pass a certification test to enter into a profession, you must finish and complete that certification process satisfactorily before you can be admitted. You won't be a MD if you don't finish medical school and then pass the medical tests or your internship at an area hospital. Everything is relative to what you wish to accomplish in your life.

If you can't finish an assignment, very shortly the assignments will begin to dry up because bosses will know that you are unreliable. If you wish to be a professional athlete and you don't finish your first competitive match up, you can't move on to the next round. Many times we don't finish projects or ideas because we start to get intimidated first by the undertaking, and second by what others might think of us, and thirdly by our own doubts or thoughts of unworthiness. We shelve the project in the idea stage many times simply because we talked ourselves out of it.

Find those things that you are really suitable for and focus your energy on these. This will help you to finish what you set out to do, because you will have passion, devotion, and drive for what you love to do. Many times you have to dig really deep within you for courage and the discipline to complete one thing or everything. But it will be worth it in the long run both financially and emotionally. You will feel complete inside with each project or goal that you undertake to it's fullest and get done.

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