Sunday, May 3, 2009

Personal Values, Beliefs, Fears and Your Health - Knee Problems One of Your Recent Health Issues?

Knee problems are a very common health concern for persons of all age groups. I have often experienced knee problems at different times of my life. I have learned to quickly examine and work on my inner personal values, beliefs, fears, habitual thought and feeling patterns to quickly get at the source of my knee pain or discomfort.

I always use Louise Hay's 'Heal Your Body' primer to quickly identify the mind body spirit issues to work with. She was an early pioneer in this field and you can use the following cause and affirmation information to help you deal with knee problems whenever you experience them.

Personal Values, Beliefs, Fears and 'Heal Your Body' Causes of Knee Problems

Stubborn ego and pride. Inability to bend. Fear. Inflexibility. Won't give in.

Louise Hay Mind Body Spirit Affirmations For Knee Problems

Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I bend and flow with ease and all is well.

Effects of Stress on the Body, Dimensions of Health and Wellness Tips For Knee Problems

I know. The suggested causes do not sound great! But anytime I have honestly dug into current front burner life issues, be they relationships or challenges I'm facing, I have always been able to find the culprit, do the inner healing and balancing work and enjoy wonderful reprieve from the nagging knee problem.

Of course, using normal medical assistance such as heat balm helps on the physical level whilst you are working on the inner mental and emotional 'stuff'! Because I have used Louise Hay's little primer for over two decades, I can attest to the power, simplicity and usefulness of this holistic approach to help you get to the source cause of health conditions.

Experiment for yourself and have fun using it to clear the inner blocked energy that causes your knee problems or any other health challenge you experience from time to time.

And to experience a powerful, FREE One-Hour Cosmic Healing Meditation Teleseminar Gift to help you clear energy blocks with this or other current health issues, request instant access here:

With love and blessings for an unforgettable, Soul-aligned day from Angela Chen Shui, "the Soul Alignment Coach".

Copyright 2008 - Angela Chen Shui. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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