Sunday, May 31, 2009

Primal Leadership - A Book Summary

Primal leadership takes center stage in this book. This concept goes beyond the set of conventional competencies on the making of a leader. Beyond bottom line figures, this book takes a leap forward with the concept of primal leadership through a keen and in-depth understanding of emotional intelligence and its link to leading and building emotionally intelligent organizations.

The authors explore the idea of leadership as an emotional
function. They propose that the fundamental task of a leader is to create resonance at work, thereby unleashing positive traits and attributes in people. Emotionally intelligent leaders bring organizational success to the fore because they inspire, motivate and foster commitment in people.

Harness the power of primal leadership in this book and bring out the emotionally intelligent leader in you.

Primal Dimension of Leadership

The use of emotion in leadership functions is a primal task that sets leaders apart. Great leaders move people by channeling emotions in the right direction, whether it is in formulating corporate strategy in the boardroom or a series of action items in the shop floor.

Resonance Effect

The positive channeling of emotions that empowers people to be top performers is called resonance. The culture of resonance brings out the best in people. On the other hand, when leaders negatively drive emotions dissonance is created. Dissonance is not conducive to harmonious working relationships as it can undermine peoples potentials.

Key to Primal Leadership

Emotional intelligence is the foundation of making primal
leadership work. An emotionally intelligent leader knows how to handle himself and his relationship with the people he works with in order to drive up performance.

Good Moods, Good Work

A good mood is essential for a team to function effectively. It is crucial for a leader to foster positive working relationships because emotional conflicts in a group can hamper a teams performance.

A study of CEOs from Fortune 500 companies revealed that
positive overall mood of top management people leads to better cooperation and better business performance. This argument takes the view that it is top management that creates the conditions for workers to work well.

Resonant Leader

For emotionally intelligent leaders, resonance comes naturally in their dealings with people. Their actions reinforce synchrony within their team and within the organization. The strength of an emotionally resonant leader lies in the emotional bond he forms which allows people to collaborate with each other even in the face of change and uncertainty.

Four Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence

The creation of resonance is a hallmark of primal leadership that can only be fostered by emotionally intelligent leaders. For a leader to promote prime resonance in a group, it is important to understand the four EI competencies. Interestingly, these competencies are not innately inherent but are learned abilities. According to research, an effective leader typically demonstrates at least one competence among
the four dimensions.

1. Self-Awareness

2. Self-Management

3. Social Awareness

4. Relationship Management

Approaches to Leadership in a Nutshell

1. Visionary

2. Coaching

3. Affiliative

4. Democratic

5. Pacesetting

6. Commanding

The Five Discoveries of Self-Directed Learning

1. First Discovery: My ideal self Who do I want to be?

2. Second Discovery: My real self Who am I? What are my strengths and gaps?

3. Third Discovery: My learning agenda How can I build on my strengths while reducing my gaps?

4. Fourth Discovery: Experimenting with and practicing new behaviors, thoughts, and feelings to the point of mastery.

5. Fifth Discovery: Developing supportive and trusting
relationships that make change possible.

Final Notes

Primal leadership is anchored on emotions. These emotions have underlying neurological explanations to them such as the open loop system. Thus, a leader must work hard to obtain emotional intelligence competencies that will make him a resonant leader
because resonance is the key to primal leadership.

A resonant leader builds a culture of resonance by emonstrating emotionally intelligent abilities that permeate throughout the organization. A resonant leader aims to live a resonant life for him and his people in order to make resonant work. It is this kind of work that builds an emotionally intelligent
organization a kind of organization that can survive the changing business climate because it has built-in processes that can sustain change.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla

Regine Azurin is the President of, a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs. "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers for Busy Executives and Entrepreneurs


BusinessSummaries is a service.

(c) Copyright 2001- 2005, - Wisdom In A Nutshell

Studying On Faith Alone

Inspiration Ideas and Motivation at the Movies

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Thinking Like God
Magical Numbers

Collaboration Creates Harmony

Sometimes unwittingly you might engage in a power struggle, both at home or at work. These conflicts often stem from an unconscious desire to retain control of your circumstances or surroundings. However, your strong-willed and defensive approach to solving issues, may cause you to come up against a stronger resistance from perceived adversaries.

When you let go of your need to be in control and engage in a collaborative strategy that will help you work in tandem with others, rather than against, others you will notice that together you can create powerful solutions that allow you each to have your needs and desires fulfilled. You will feel your defensiveness disappear as you seek out a fair and balanced workable solution.

When you cease pushing against those with whom you are involved in struggles for dominance, the conflict dividing you from one another, eases, and you can begin working on an equitable solution to your differences. Hostility only engenders more hostility, blinding you to the cooperative and fair strategy you can use to diffuse aggression.

By avoiding to provide any more resistance, you create a situation in which cooperative energy can flow. Once the blockages that existed between you have been eradicated through the channel of your openness, you can begin communicating with your adversaries. As you gain a new understanding of one another, you are each empowered to devise a universally beneficial resolution. You will gain the power to dispel conflict when you recognize that letting go is the ultimate antidote to anger and conflict.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Backup Plans Feel Good

Finish What You Started

This is an important lesson in your journey. It will set you apart from many others with similar ideas and passion. It will offer you breakthroughs and give you a profound sense of accomplishment.

Many people talk the talk but don't deliver. There are lots of entrepreneurs out there who have nothing to show for themselves but a bunch of unfinished ideas and dreams. If possible, finish what you started. Don't quit before you complete it, or let someone talk you out of your dreams, goals and what can become a reality. I repeat again. FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED.

That doesn't mean when something gets too hard you give it over to someone else and say "This is too hard, you do it." But if you need some expertise to complete it, there is nothing wrong with reaching out to someone who can assist you to get it done. Also finish the project with the best of your ability not half hearted. There are a lot of sloppy completed jobs out there. But it is not a sign of excellence. But here's the thing, if achieving perfection is stalling you and it means that the project is not complete after many years, drop your perfectionist attitude and finish it. On y our second project you can incorporate more of what you wished to achieve in the first try. If you don't complete and finish tasks you are going to have a ton of regrets in your life. "I could have-" I should have--" "This was a good idea, I don't know why I didn't do something with it-" --"If I can just get off my _ _ _ and get it done, I might have huge success." "This could have been a huge best seller-" etc.

Do you have many uncompleted manuscripts, stories, films, great inventions, clever ideas that linger in your closet and file cabinets? When I turned 40 years old, there was this urgency in my life to FINISH SOMETHING. To get it out there to the public with everything I could muster. I began to finish some projects. The sense of urgency drives me forward. I am now determined to finish every new thing that I start.

You can have that same fervor to finish projects. Never mind if anyone likes it or what people may or may not think. Get it done. Let others wonder how you did it after it's done. Start to complete tasks and stop wasting your time and life. In case you didn't know your life, work and energy is a limited resource. You only have this moment to work and complete it.

Have a different mind set in determining when the project is actually complete. Don't stop before the full project is accomplished. For instance, you have an idea and maybe an outline for a book, you write it, now you have to get it edited, and published. But you can't forget marketing and promoting! You do an outline of an audio CD and you have to record it, produce it and market it! If you have a great idea for a song, why not determine how many songs are needed to create an album? That would be a finished project!! I know that completing tasks can be daunting, but if you have the mind set to finish what you started, that discipline will solidify talent and ability that you have. You will emerge as a leader and doer.

People will know that if you say something they will be able to count on you to accomplish what you say will be done. But for yourself, it is necessary for building confidence, strong self esteem, a sense of pride and understanding of your personal strengths, talents and discipline. Once you achieved something, no one can take that accomplishment away from you. Whether it is your school work, after school curriculum, a group project, or a research project, or your own brilliant idea, you will feel ecstatic when you did it to the best of your ability and others start taking notice. But let me remind you again, nobody will ever notice anything if you have all these unfinished, albeit great ideas scattered around your room, closet, filing cabinets, or filling notebooks, etc. Determine to finish what you started.

Some projects are more urgent than others so make them the priority. For an example if you don't finish high school or get your GED you will never get into college. If you need to pass a certification test to enter into a profession, you must finish and complete that certification process satisfactorily before you can be admitted. You won't be a MD if you don't finish medical school and then pass the medical tests or your internship at an area hospital. Everything is relative to what you wish to accomplish in your life.

If you can't finish an assignment, very shortly the assignments will begin to dry up because bosses will know that you are unreliable. If you wish to be a professional athlete and you don't finish your first competitive match up, you can't move on to the next round. Many times we don't finish projects or ideas because we start to get intimidated first by the undertaking, and second by what others might think of us, and thirdly by our own doubts or thoughts of unworthiness. We shelve the project in the idea stage many times simply because we talked ourselves out of it.

Find those things that you are really suitable for and focus your energy on these. This will help you to finish what you set out to do, because you will have passion, devotion, and drive for what you love to do. Many times you have to dig really deep within you for courage and the discipline to complete one thing or everything. But it will be worth it in the long run both financially and emotionally. You will feel complete inside with each project or goal that you undertake to it's fullest and get done.

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Is Money A Big Part Of Organized

How to Permanently Release the Pain of Disappointment and Rejection From Your Past

Old hurts associated with memories of past disappointments have many negative consequences on a person's life. In short they severely constrict the potential of that individual ever achieving a state of joy and fulfillment.

When one experiences a disappointing or hurtful event, be it in one's relational, work or financial life, the memory of that event gets stored in that person's mind/body, i.e. their unconscious mind, along with the associated feelings of emotional pain. These memories, if you reflect on any of them, serve to continually deplete your Life Force Energy. What is the consequence of that to you?

Well for one it is killing you! After all when one's Life Force Energy is completely drained from their Physical Body are they not therefore technically dead?

While you are still alive however, and you have such memories inside you, they "are" killing you and this is associated with many of the following experiences:

Feeling unmotivated to be in life, weak, vulnerable, sad, anxious, depressed, ill, lacking self confidence, lacking self esteem, lacking self worth, unable to trust one's self or others, like hiding or running away from life and so on. All of this equates to you being in a depleted Life Force Energy state.

You see all of one's strength, confidence, self esteem, self worth, resilience, health, courage, happiness, joy, and love for life and so on are inherent qualities of your Life Force Energy. Hence if you are being depleted of it by negative disappointing memories that you carry inside you then you are in a compromised or handicapped state. How does it feel like to "live" (that's a joke) in such a state?

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process (MRP).

A 1 hour free introductory MRP telephone consultation is available upon request by visiting my web site or emailing me at the address below. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)


Crimes Solved With Psychic Power

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Unbelievable Inspirational Video from the Founder of Pixar

this is one of the most moving videos I've seen on you to, Steve Jobs contribution to this world is beyond that of most of us. His ability to persevere can be a wonderful example to others who wish to achieve what he has. Thanks for the wonderful speech Steve and the person who put the video on the Internet.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Get Motivated Today

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Benefits Of Meditation
Stop Feeling Guilty Part 1

Memories and Questions Can Uncover Purpose and Passion

By exploring the things you love to do, your strengths and skills, and what you'd do even if you weren't paid, you can discover your purpose in life.

You can begin a process of discovering your purpose in life, or rediscovering a purpose you previously held that has become neglected and forgotten, with two simple techniques. One is recalling times in the past when you had a strong sense of the direction you should go and followed it. The other technique is answering several questions you may not have thought to ask yourself.

Incidentally, you will probably get more from this process if you don't try to force the memories and answers but allow your responses to bubble up from your subconscious in whatever way feels most comfortable. You will gradually get a sense of the direction in which you want your life to flow, much as a caterpillar needs to go into a chrysalis before it can emerge as a butterfly.

Your memories can help define the purpose of your life. So recall a time when ...

People wanted you to do something and you chose very deliberately not to do it. This may have happened in childhood or later as an adult. As your memories of this event come back to you, experience as fully as you can how it felt to stand up for what you believed in, to choose your own way.

You were very excited about a goal, either large or small, because it was something you wanted to do very much. Remembering that event, experience what it is like to move with determination toward something you want, even if you don't accomplish it as well as you had hoped.

Fate, luck, God, or whatever you would call it, placed an opportunity in your path and, because you took that opportunity, the direction of your life was changed. Experience what it feels like to take advantage of circumstances and challenges you had not expected, but which offer you a chance to grow in some way you would not have been able to grow otherwise.

You were quiet and your mind was not chattering, as it often does, and out of seemingly nowhere came a flash of inspiration showing you just what you needed to do to resolve some problem you were having. Experience as clearly as you can what it feels like to listen to your intuition, to follow your own inner guide.

You achieved something important and others praised you for it. Experience what it felt like to have others acknowledge your achievements.

You accomplished something you wanted to do, but no one else knew you had done it. Experience what it is like to do something well, whether or not others know about it.

Questions can guide you in your quest to discover a deeper purpose in life.

  • What do you love?
  • What do you like doing so much that it recharges your batteries even when you're too tired to do anything else?
  • What are your strengths and skills?
  • Was there ever something in your life that was so important to you that you felt at the time you absolutely had to accomplish it in order for your life to have meaning? Did you do it? And if you didn't, what got in the way?
  • Is there something you would like to do if money, time or energy were not a factor? And when you realize what that is, ask yourself how you might get the money, time or energy to do it.

One final question deals with the principles and values upon which you have built your life up to this point.

Like everyone else, you have chosen, out of the many possible religions and philosophies, one approach, or a combination of several, that resonates most clearly within you. Even if you follow the faith of your parents and accept their values, the question to ask yourself, in order to deepen your understanding of how you make decisions, and thus how you might discover your purpose, is:

What is it within you that caused you to choose your values, your beliefs and your philosophy of life?

All of these questions can guide you toward an overarching purpose for your life. When, in addition, you need to overcome some difficulty, there are seven questions you can ask every day that will remind you to live with purpose even when the going gets tough.

Arlene F. Harder, MA, MFT is Founder and Editor-in Chief of the websites and She has been a licensed psychotherapist for more than 20 years. Her specialties include healing imagery and reflective meditation techniques, and she is certified by the Academy for Guided Imagery. She is a co-founder of The Wellness Community-Foothills in Pasadena, California, and the author of the book Letting Go of Our Adult Children: When What We Do is Never Enough, and Questions to Ask Yourself When You Want Your Life to Change. She is currently developing her Better Tomorrows Program. Arlene can be contacted at and can be found at her blog,

Living Your Religion One Day A W

Christianity As the World Changes

Most people seem to go through life doing what others do and never seem to question much about whether the people around them are actually right or wrong. How many of us do exactly what our parents, grandparents and great grandparents do? I was raised a Christian by Christians and they were raised Christians by other Christians and so on. I don't know when or who in my family tree actually decided to become part of the Christian faith. I don't think it really matters today.

Someone had to of made the decision and I will probably never know. I do know this, I have followed Christianity as far as I possibly could and the next step in my life is going to be based somehow on a more spiritually universal world. I can't seem to follow something, that doesn't make sense to me, anymore. Christianity is more or less a religion that people throughout history have made adjustments to, whenever they felt necessary.

This is often like changing a tire on a car as it starts to wear or goes flat. In order for the car to operate and run smoothly we will need to pay a little attention to it, this will require maintenance over time as the car begins to have problems. We have to solve these problems or our car will become useless and will need to be sent to the junkyard.

Religions throughout history have done the same, as the people become more intelligent and less dependent, they need to create new things and make adjustments. If they don't make these adjustments over time, the religion will no longer be necessary and be sent to the junk heap of time. This is what happened to the Greek and Roman gods, what makes you think, that your God or gods will stand the test of time.

Do you think there's going to be any more adjustments to Christianity in the future? It seems like the last adjustments were Scientology and the Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. These religions don't exactly follow what Paul started in the Roman Catholic Church. What will the next adjustment be and why will it be necessary?

If you choose to follow Christianity, how do you know which church is right, I mean their core beliefs are right, aren't they. To love your neighbor and be compassionate. To show kindness towards others and help the needy. Do you think that we're going to have to adjust this one day and start treating certain religious followers, whose skin color is deference or speaks a different language with cruelty. I wonder what the next adjustment in Christianity is going to be.

Men Problems Christianity

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

30 Days To Creating Super Habits

The Truth About Gossip

Connecting with others is one of the most rewarding things about college. The times sitting around the dorm rooms swapping stories are some of the most memorable times for me.

As any woman knows, the gift of gab is KEY to your success if you want to survive dorm life. The chat sessions that we held in the dorm at all hours in the morning were some of the most fun and interesting times in college. We would order pizza and pig out while talking about who had lost or gained weight, and all of the interesting things that had gone on in our life, like our past romances or who we were dating at the time, or what good looking guy was our next ambition. But, often, when one of the regulars werent there, wed start gabbing about them, and what awful thing they had done this week. Since I was usually there during the sessions, it never occurred to me that I would be the subject of such talk. It just never crossed my mind. After all, I was so well liked, or so I thought!

After a run one day I came out of the shower to hear my name mentioned by one of my suite mates. To my horror, it wasn't just my suite mates, but my roommate and a whole room full of girls from the hall. As I stood in the bathroom listening to the talk and laughter in the room next to me, I quietly steamed. I heard about how often my boyfriend would let the phone ring 1000 times, how messy I was, how I was too loud and so on and so on. I couldnt believe that these were the same girls with whom I had confided my entire existence. I was in SHOCK that I was the subject of so many peoples disgust! They had been so nice to me in person, and now this?

I had no other choice than to confront them, head on. So, with my towel around my hair, and one around my dripping wet body, I quietly walked in the room during their lets talk about Mary gossip hour. The gasps of horror filled the room and now it was THEIR time to be shocked. And rather than yell and scream, I simply said: You know, Im really sorry that I have offended all of you like I have. And it is hard to believe that I had to sit here and hear all of the things that I have done wrong. But do you all realize that yesterday, Anne, you were talking about Kathryn? And Kathryn, the other day, you were talking bad about Lynn? And Lynn, you were dissing Elaine? And Elaine you were in disgust with Liz? So cant you see, all of us are sitting here right now, talking bad about ME, because Im the one that wasnt the room? But, if one of you left, that YOUR name would quickly be smeared all over the place? Is this how we want to be? Is this how we want to treat one another?

No one said a thing, but the words lingered stiffly in the air as everyone looked uncomfortably around the room. I quietly left as everyone was left with their own embarrassment of being exposed.

After that, things changed for me. Any time a gossip session started creeping up into the conversation, I remembered the time when I had been talked about so horribly. I remembered how bad I felt finding out that my friends were really disgusted with me and rather than tell me to my face, they opted to talk to others about it. I learned that I would always find people who were different from me, and it didnt matter that I understood what they did or not, that they were entitled to think and to act like they wanted to. I learned that even with our best friends, that we would sometimes disagree. I learned how important that loyalty was and what a great quality it was to develop. I learned that others would respect an individual who chose NOT to gossip and chose to stand apart from the people who do. And I learned, that I wanted to be that kind of person.

That day of gossip changed my life. I cant say that Im perfect now, but I do try to remember those lessons that I learned that day. I realize that I cant change or control anyone else, but I am in control of how I conduct myself. I also now have living proof that the words my mom told me so long ago were ones that I would want to live by: if you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all.

Mary Gardner, The Charisma Coach! is an Executive Communications Consultant and Trainer. She works with, coaches and trains individuals, sales teams, executives, and celebrities. She owned and operated one of the first coaching institutions on the east coast, CCI, in NYC, Philly and NJ. Mary has appeared on ABCs 20/20 and has self published a book on public speaking. Mary is married to Sway and is mommy to Jeremy 5, and lives in Orlando, FL.


Do Only A Few Go To Heaven

Friday, May 29, 2009

Being Flexible

In each of our lives, there will be times of joy and times of sorrow. In trauma, we are born. In trauma, we leave the world. Somewhere in the midst of living, growing, and understanding life in our maturity, we find ourselves seeking to find what we were born with. Innocence is precious. We really never lose it. We might for a time lose innocence, but life is too large for one perceptual being to embrace fully with the mind and the heart.

Innocence comes alive the moment we realize life is beyond our control, our ability to perceive, and our emotional capacity to feel. It is here we realize that life is beyond our control and we open our hearts and mind to something greater than ourselves. Our ego finds its proper place in our lives and we shift from being the central core of life's existence and attention to something much greater. At this point, we begin to place our life, our heart, our mind, and our soul into the very wisdom that has created us.

This movement from self-centered awareness to life-centered awareness allows us to perceive and have revealed to us information greater than what we know life to be to what can be known through us. Here, we become flexible with life, instead of, life having to go our way. This level of knowing creates a 6th sense, a super sense of awareness, an awareness in higher consciousness. We become more soul than body at this point. We become the awareness that brought us into this world. We become spiritual beings having a human experience. We become sons and daughters of the Universe.

When we remember who we are. We re - member ourselves back into the awareness at birth and at death. This awareness is with us always. We sometimes forget who we are. But, when we re - member who we are. We reconnect ourselves into the sense of knowing we grow through life and we also go through life. Through it all, our soul is in process of maturing and in process of remembering. With this in mind, our ups and our downs find consolation in our essence - in our spirit.

Samuel Oliver, author of, "What the Dying Teach Us: Lessons on Living" For more on this author;

We Know More About What We Dont

Inspiring Or Controlling Our Children - Raising Children With Love

I myself was a product of a child brought up in a Christian home, even though I would not consider my parents strong Christians. Both of my parents did what they believed was right and raised me and my siblings to the best of their ability. I sincerely believe my mother and father did the best they could with the information they had available at the time.

Were my parents inspiring me to become a better person, morally with discipline and obedience, or were they manipulating me to become a better person through religion and schooling. As children we don't have a lot of free will and as adults it seems like we have even less, the more we become controlled by our government, religion, family, friends or even our workplace, where we seem to spend most of our waking hours.

I believe we need to inspire our children through education and as a good parental example. This means we need to quit telling our children what to do and how to act and start doing so ourselves. Just because you go to church or your place of worship, does not make you a good person.

Manipulating our children with religion and raising them as products of our society, is often like farmers raising animals to have their lives sacrificed for others to benefit from. The minute we raise our children to fit into society, instead of questioning it, we are basically surrendering our free will and fitting into society to follow the laws and guidelines created by our governments.

Whenever someone in America says they are free, or this is the land of the free, I often look around at the people who have very little say in the lives they lead. Sure you get to choose whether you want to buy an ice cream or take a walk down the street but we are still blinded by the control placed upon us by our society.

I don't believe our children benefit from manipulation and control. I feel our children would do better if we acted as stewards towards them instead of owners. I have always viewed my children as individuals and often guided them through inspiration instead of manipulation.

I'm not asking you to let your children run wild through the grocery stores, raise your children with guidance and discipline but don't impose your will or beliefs upon them, we often do more damage in the long run creating a race of followers instead of thinkers. It seems like spoiled children become menaces to society eventually.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a inspirational video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Here is a rare thought is apparent, why don't you learn to be a good example for your children.

Book Of Life

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Six Steps to Stop Delaying What You Want to Do

Step One: List the costs and benefits of doing the task you are putting off. Examine each list and weigh each side. If the result of weighing the costs and the benefits points to doing the behavior then proceed to Step Two.

Step Two: Plan a specific step toward accomplishing your goal. The step you decide to take should be easily accomplished a brief period of time. You may have to break down your goal into several components. The old saying that every journey begins with one step applies to setting goals. Choose one step and don't worry about reaching the long-term goal.

Step Three: Take a moment to anticipate any barriers or problems that may interfere with your goal. Anticipating problems can help you to find a solution before you become discouraged. For example, you know that you are going to a party where there are going to be snacks but your goal is to not eat between meals. By anticipating this, you can take steps to eat a meal before you go to the party so that you are full when you arrive.

Step Four: Identify negative thoughts that undermine your effort. Some typical thoughts include:

  • I must accomplish every goal.
  • There is no use in trying because I have failed to accomplish this in the past.
  • There is so much to accomplish, I feel overwhelmed; I don't know where to start.
  • I'm going to be miserable trying to accomplish this goal.

Step Five: Establish a means for accountability. Set up some way to evaluate your progress and share your outcome with at least one other person. Help this individual to know that you are looking for encouragement not criticism. You may want to develop a method for charting your progress or simply develop a rating scale for yourself. For example, you could rate your progress toward your goal on a 1 to 100 scale each day. Make the evaluation simple and not a burden to complete.

Step Six: Plan to reward yourself for progress toward the goal, not just for reaching the goal. The reward can be a simple statement like, "You are doing great!" or you may want to reward yourself with a more lavish reward.

Setting My Goal

What is my goal that I want to accomplish?

If I were to take a step toward that goal today, what could I attempt to do?

What obstacles might I encounter from others that would interfere with this goal? How can I overcome these obstacles?

What internal obstacles might undermine my efforts? How might I prevent these thoughts or attitudes interfering with my effort to reach this goal?

Take a minute to imagine yourself reaching this goal. Now anticipate rewarding yourself with positive thoughts and benefits from reaching this goal. How do you want to be rewarded? Who can you include in your plans to reach this goal? Seek out someone who can hold you accountable without being critical or discouraging.

Lee Horton is a psychologist with more than 25 years treating adults with depression and anxiety. Visit his website to evaluate your mood and learn more about Dr. Horton's approach to treating mood disorders.

You Have Got To Read This Book

Monday, May 25, 2009

Where is Heaven

Many people live their lives with the assumption that Heaven is out there somewhere and is completely separate from life on earth. Many are taught that Heaven is a mystical place only accessed through death of the physical body. But in actuality, the spiritual planes of reality and the physical earth plane interpenetrate one another in the same point in space. Each plane has its own unique energetic structure that vibrates at its own frequency. The physical world is the lowest vibration of energy and actually lies within higher vibrational planes.

We can routinely access some of the higher, less dense planes through sleep, meditation or prayer. Whenever we are in an altered state of consciousness, we align with higher vibrational planes of reality and may come to have an expanded awareness that we dont experience in a waking state.

In the case of meditation , as we connect with our higher self, our creativity may be awakened or we may experience a light bulb moment that gives us a better understanding of who we are or of a situation going on in our lives.

As we dream, we are whisked off to a land of symbolismthe secret language of Spirit. Dreams can offer clues that can help us to resolve matters in our current waking lives. Through our dreams, we may also come in contact with deceased friends or family members or even catch a glimpse of an event that hasnt happened yet. Dream interpretation is a very useful tool that can bring the workings of Heaven into our awareness.

In prayer to the God of our understanding, we place ourselves in a position to be humbly conscious of the limitless possibilities that Heaven offers us. By recognizing the opportunities open to us, we can act on them and bring them into manifest.

Heaven is not a place, it is a system a system of subtle energies that are constantly stirring about and creating new effects that help shape and transform our daily lives. The earth plane is not separate from this system; it is merely the physical component of it. The system that sustains us in life is the same system that sustains us in death.

Karin Nemri is a Spiritual Counselor, Aiijii Healer and inter-nationally known Lecturer/Presenter. She has a private practice in Connecticut. You may wish to visit her website, to learn how Spirit works through her to help others.

Backup Plans Feel Good

Self Help Books - Do They Help?

I recall seeing a study somewhere that suggested self help books don't really help. I believe it looked at financial self help books. If I remember correctly, three or ten years after reading various "get rich quick" and other money-related books, the readers were generally making more money, but so was everyone else (on average) that didn't read the books. The conclusion was that the books didn't help.

Now that is jumping to conclusions! Consider the assumption implicit in it. Researchers assumed those who didn't read books did nothing special. This seems unlikely, to say the least. From what we see of people, we might wonder if most really want to work on general self development, but we also can see that almost everyone regularly tries to better their financial situation.

In other words, people in the control group were doing things other than reading self help books, and those efforts got them further ahead also. Think about this for a moment. How does this show that the books didn't help? It's like "proving" that a car can't get you across the city because walking and biking and taking a bus can also get you there. They are just different ways to the same goal!

In other words, the books may have helped (on average), just like the other things people tried. Perhaps people choose the things that work best for them. Based on this hypothesis, a better test might be to have one group choose their self help methods while another is forced to use methods chosen by the researchers. If the first group shows more improvement, it suggests that many methods work, and that each person intuitively knows which will be more helpful.

It might show the opposite too. It is difficult to design such research. It is also difficult to have a proper "control," and to start with the best hypothesis. One lesson from this is to be skeptical of research where things are hard to define and measure.

Self Help Books Clearly Can Help

There are those of us who don't need research to prove that a good book can help. We clearly recall a book that changed the course of our lives, or that obviously helped us in our relationships, or even boosted our income. Yes, of course self help books can help us.

Now, there is the question of why they don't always help. You may have a friend who has told you all about a great new self help book or theory, yet doesn't seem to be much affected by it in the end. You may have read some books yourself that got you excited, but didn't seem to "stick" in our mind or change your subsequent behavior or life.

One reason for this apparent ineffectiveness may be that you need to read each book more than once, and that self help books in general help most if they are read regularly. (It is also possible that the effects of such books can be powerful, yet too subtle to notice right away.)

This reminds me of some research on eating I read about once. Researchers had people eat a meal. They then concluded that eating didn't increase the odds of survival, since everyone died of starvation two months later. Okay, I made that up, but do you see the point? Just like you have to eat regularly to get the maximum survival benefit, perhaps you need to get those self help books out again and feed your mind from time to time to get the most out of them.

Copyright Steve Gillman. For more on Self Improvement, and to get the Brainpower Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

Advice To Jealous Partners

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yoga and Gay Men

Over the past twenty years, people have become more open to trying new things that before just seemed, frankly, a little weird to them. It used to be that only hippies and naturalists were open to yoga. But as the information age has advanced, the incredible benefits of yoga are no longer held as a little secret.

There are many kinds of yoga that address different issues and goals that the class participants have.


Ashtanga yoga, which literally means eight-limbed yoga, actually espouses eight distinct goals within its program:

- Yama, or moral codes

- Samadhi, or contemplation

- Niyama, or self-purification and study

- Dhyana, or meditation,

- Dharana, or concentration

- Asana, or posture

- Pratyahara, or sense control

- Pranayana, or breath control


Power yoga is a form of yoga that incorporates much of the concepts of ashtanga, yet has more of a vigorous approach to fitness that appeals more to the western world. Power yoga can be credited with helping bring yoga to a wider population because it helped people to actually see yoga as a way to really work out.


Hatha yoga is an excellent choice for stress management as it is designed to promote a calmer mind. Hatha yoga also typically emphasizes improving overall flexibility.


It seems that when most people think of yoga, they think of meditation. Meditation is one of the five key principles of yoga. The process of meditation calls for you to calm and quiet your mind and then focus it on one specific point. Through that, you begin to be in touch with and become more aware of "self." The result is a clearer mind, improved concentration, inner wisdom and tranquility, and a greater sense of purpose and will. The rise in interest of yoga among gay men could be based on many things.

One, it is less competitive than the typical macho workout that attracts heterosexual men. Two, it sculpts the body into a physique that is more appealing to other gay men. Three, the camaraderie formed in the classes is peaceful as all participants are learning stress coping mechanisms and getting in touch with the trigger points that initiate negative feelings and reactions. Four, the increased flexibility has benefits that affect many aspects of the physical life. Five, it is a lot of fun. Yoga is a new experience that you will fast want to adapt as a big part of your life style. In the end, you will be a more tranquil, balanced, and peaceful man. To your health!

Kriss Bonin is an avid yoga supporter. He operates Yoga-for-Gay Blog at Yoga strengthens both your body and mind. Visit for daily yoga information, tips, and inspiration.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Conversations with God - Video

I Recommend Watching This Video and Then Picking up the Book If You're Interested in Any Spiritual Change

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Let God Handle It
Do You Lose Or Win In Christiani

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Motivation - The 4-Point Motivational Matrix For Getting You Unstuck

If you've ever found yourself saying you want to do something (or experience some kind of benefit) but you can't seem to get yourself to do it, that probably means there is some kind of dichotomy at play between the benefits and consequences of acting and not acting. This NLP tool can help you figure out what they are so you can strengthen the benefits of acting and/or the consequences of not acting and get yourself in motion.

1. First, pull out a piece of paper and divide it into four quadrants (like you did in school with the x and y axis) - Make sure it covers the whole piece of paper.

2. At the top of the page, write the goal you want to achieve but haven't been acting on. (Example, "Exercise every day")

3. In the top left-hand quadrant, write "Consequences of Taking Action." Now, think of what you feel you might have to give up or lose out on in order to take action/achieve this goal. Write everything that comes to you in that quadrant. (e.g., I won't be able to sleeping longer; I'll have to go to bed earlier; I won't be able to stay up late watching a favorite show; I'll have to work/move; I'll have to sweat; I'll feel pain, etc.)

4. In the top right-hand quadrant (at the top), write "Benefits of Taking Action." Think of what you will gain by taking action/achieving this goal. Write everything that comes to you in that quadrant (e.g., I'll be able to lose weight, I'll feel better; I'll get back into my smaller clothes; I'll be able to get more dates; I can get off medication; I'll have more energy; I can live longer; I can hike mountains/run races again/bend over and not pass out, etc.)

5. In the bottom left-hand quadrant (at the bottom), write "Consequences of NOT Taking Action." Think of what positives you'll likely be giving up or missing out on if you don't take action/achieve this goal. Write everything that comes to you in that quadrant (e.g., I won't be able to play much with my kids/grandkids,I'll die sooner; I won't be able to climb Chichen Itza when I go on my trip to Cancun; I'll stay a size ____ or larger forever; my diabetes will get worse and I'll have to start giving myself insulin shots; I'll die of a heart attack; my health insurance costs will rise more; etc.). Be very honest and think of all the possible probabilities to you and others you care about.

6. In the bottom left-hand quadrant (at the bottom), write "Benefits of NOT Taking Action." Think of what you get to keep or do that you will enjoy if you don't take action/achieve this goal. Write everything that comes to you in that quadrant (e.g., I won't have to worry about going to bed earlier or getting up earlier to fit it in; I won't have to sweat; I can keep being lazy; I can watch TV instead; I won't have to pay for (more) exercise equipment/ gym membership; I won't have to buy smaller clothes; I can hold onto my identity as the funny fat guy; I won't lose weight and get unwanted attention from men like I did in the past; I can keep smoking; etc.).

7. Now, look over the items in each quadrant and ask yourself: "What items in the top-left and bottom-right quadrants have the strongest emotional charge to them?" Put stars next to them or highlight them. These are most likely the strongest influencers to you staying stuck in inaction (or inconsistent action).

8. One of the laws of the mind is that when there are two conflicting emotions, the stronger one always wins out. In order to move into action NOW and on a consistent basis to achieve your goal(s), you need to find ways to punch holes in the validity of these unproductive beliefs or decrease their emotional charge, or to make the emotional charge of the other quadrants greater.

Visualization, affirmations, and other tools such as those I use with or teach my clients (hypnosis, NLP, EFT, etc.) are the most effective and quickest ways to make this switch in your thoughts and get what you REALLY want in life and achieve your highest good. That's what we're all deserving of.

If you'd like to learn some of these tools or receive a hypnosis CD that instills them easily for you, I can help! Read how below.

From helping improve your habits to helping you generate high levels of achievement, hypnosis and/or coaching have been proven to have immense benefits. You can read about some of them on my website on the "About Lisa" page. I offer several options for in-person and distance coaching that will help you learn, utilize, and incorporate changes more easily and quickly. Your consultation is F.R.E.E, so you have nothing to lose (except unwanted habits or health problems!). I also offer an "Unconditional Happiness Guarantee" for select programs.

Lisa Smith is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Wellness Coach, and NeuroLinguistic Programming Practitioner in the Virginia Beach area. She is a sought-after speaker, author, workshop presenter, and group coaching facilitator for creating healthy, natural, lasting change.

Her private practice, Life by Design Coaching and Hypnotherapy, offers coaching, hypnosis, NLP, and other options for health and self-improvement. In her 12 years in practice, she has worked with over 1,000 clients and conducted over 9,000 hypnosis sessions with children and adults for weight loss, addictions; stress and anxiety; phobias; childbirth; surgery preparation, cancer, pain management, and other mind-body healing. Sessions can be conducted in person or by phone. Visit her website at for contact and other information.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oprah Winfrey Show and the Movie the Secret

the Movie the Secret Was a Big Success, Watch Some Clips from the Oprah Winfrey Show on This Video

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Power Of Faith

Looking at Debt Consolidation in a Positive Light

There is no doubt about it, many people that need to seek debt consolidation are doing so with either nothing but negative feelings or with mixed feelings about the whole idea of having to turn to someone outside of their own household to deal with a problem that they have gotten themselves into (or created for themselves by being out of control in their spending habits). The good news here is that there is light at the end of this particular tunnel and a much better way to look at the debt consolidation service industry and process as a whole.

You need to remember that you are not all alone in this massive financial mess, although it may definitely feel like you should be. There is no shame in admitting that you are in a financial situation that you cannot get out of on your own. You need to put aside the old, outdated way of thinking that says that you must solve your financial problem completely on your own. This is not going to help you to get out of debt if you are not willing to seek help and ask for debt consolidation.

You might be thinking that you are the only one who has got problems managing your money if you are having to seek debt consolidation; but you are most assuredly wrong in that thought! Even the United States federal government has to bail out the individual states and entire industries to avoid a financial meltdown that will leave the country in ruins. The United States is not the only huge financial entity that is facing this crisis either; many other industries and countries are dealing with this same problem. The emphasis her is to tell you folks that you most certainly are not alone in this financial mess/problem folks!

Highly recommended reading:

How Debt Consolidation Works

Free guide to debt consolidation:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Attitude - Life is Good

Is it really true that a certain attitude can affect our lives in a significant way? Let's think of it as a scientific study. Say we hypothesize that a positive attitude deems success and a negative attitude deems failure. We could stratify the study -- see the differences between men and women, old and young -- but is that really necessary, aren't we just looking at the obvious?

Success is definitely more of a mental attitude -- it's not how much money we make, if we're male or female, or how skinny we are -- it's our perceptions, how we see ourselves fitting into this world. Rich people are not always at peace, beautiful people are not always happy, and why is that? Think of Victor Frankl and the Pursuit of Happiness -- the incredible trials -- but yet he still found peace amidst the unbelievable circumstances he had to endure.

Let me share a true story to illustrate my point -- one that a good friend shared with me. My friend was browsing in a bookstore one day when in walked two women. One was absolutely stunning -- you couldn't help but stare. Her features, manner, and clothing were swiped off the cover of a glamour magazine. Next to this beauty was her friend in a wheelchair -- kind of plain looking, maybe a little chubby, and with no real amazing sense of style. My friend thought they were an odd pair to be out together, but didn't think about it anymore and went back to her browsing. A few minutes later, she could hear the pair talking in the next aisle. One was gently coaxing the other. It's just your attitude, you can do anything you set your mind too. Life is wonderful, it's all about how we choose to see things. My friend was transfixed, the words and the voice were so powerful that she almost believed them. I mean, she was listening to the words of an obviously beautiful, successful woman. But then my friend snapped back to reality, almost slightly angry. So easy for her to say when she has everything. My friend rounded the corner and stopped in her tracks. The encouraging voice, the powerful positive message, came from the woman in the wheelchair.

That story has always stuck with me and illustrates my point perfectly.

So how does an attitude really cause our success? Here are some pointers.
  • Gratitude: When we are able to be grateful for even the smallest things, our thoughts and actions focus on the good of the situation.

  • Grounded: If you don't allow the craziness of everyday ups and downs get to you -- remain gracious and kind, focusing on the good -- you will better be able remember your priorities and work towards achieving your goals.

  • Attraction: As we are gracious and grounded, we attract other positive people. Put simply, do you prefer to hang out with grumps or happy people?

  • Opportunity Knocks: Your mind will be clear, and negative thinking won't affect your perceptions so you're better able to recognize an opportunity that aligns with your goals in life. And many times those opportunities may come in the form of happy, successful people that you've attracted into your life.
So to answer our question at the beginning -- yes, our attitudes can significantly affect our lives. Just as we focus on the positive aspect of life, focusing on the negative can have the same effect in the opposite direction. We'll attract negative-like minds. But we must remember that living in a fantasy bubble with our blinders on is almost as bad as wallowing in our pessimism. So as in everything, life is about balance. Let's have a good attitude but be aware with our eyes wide open.

Jaycee Fox writes on health and family related issues, and the pursuit of achieving a balanced life. She has a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters degree. She's happily married and the mother of three. If you're interested in finding that balance and the many resources that can help you achieve it -- even her recommended books on improving attitude -- then check out Jaycee's resource website at

Developing Wealth Building Habit

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spiritual Healing - What Happens When an Emotion Gets Resolved?

When an emotion gets resolved-we gain a spiritual lesson and we are able to move forward positively and productively without storing negative memories from the experience. This is our spiritual work in this lifetime-to recall and reconnect with who we truly are.

When we resolve emotions-

Our lives are flooded with peace and happiness. And, when a negative feeling gets released and deleted from our DNA, the door is opened for our lives to come into balance-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. People are often surprised when an emotion is released and their physical maladies disappear or that a lifelong behavioral problem is changed for the better. Aromas can play a transformational role in this process.

We have a choice here-we can choose to ignore or run away from spiritual growth. What are the consequences? Not pretty ones-refusing to resolve issues may be a result of fear or incorrect perception of truth. We fail to learn the life's lesson and our lives move in negative and unproductive ways like controlling habits and unproductive emotional reactions to life's situations. Our lives become dysfunctional, relationships become strained or broken and peace and happiness eludes us. These negative feelings get stored in our DNA and can lead to in-numerable physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems and inappropriate behaviors. They can lead to depression, anxiety, mental illness, hopelessness and even suicide. To be free of unresolved emotions you must be willing to look at both your present and your past, take responsibility for your emotions and release and let go that which no longer serves you in a positive and healthy way.

What Can We Do to Help Someone Else?

Spiritual healing-specifically Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry, Healing Touch or Reiki are all forms of spiritual healing. All of these modalities involve the practitioner centering, connecting to their Higher Source, to God, and willing to be a conduit for God's energy to flow through them for the highest good of the person before them. As a practitioner, I combine this work with aromatherapy to help unlock stuck emotions that are preventing the client from moving on in productive ways in their life.

Want to know more about healing energy and healing ministry? The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy teaches classes throughout the United States on both aromatherapy and energy (spiritual) healing.

I'd like to invite you to explore our educational offerings. When you go to my site I will have a BONUS GIFT for you--a sample of our work.

You will receive free instant access to a Special Report on Five Biblical Oils when you subscribe to my free short ezine newsletter on energy healing and aromatherapy. You can get your free access immediately by clicking on

From Linda L. Smith, Director of the Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy, a national program in Christian healing.

My Childhood Religious Beliefs

Ubuntu - The Power of Universal Connection

The wonders of the modern world

There are many commendable aspects of the modern commercial world.We have amazing technologies and advancements in modern science enable us to perform acts that would have been held as miracles just a few years ago.

and the down side

However, along with all the positives, there is also the down side.We are caught in a world where commercial marketing seduces us into wanting to possess more and more at considerable personal and global expense.


As a result, many of us lead complex lives, managing more possessions than we really have time to appreciate.We have to work hard and long to afford this material wealth and often there is someone at the bottom of the consumer chain working equally hard for next to nothing so we can have our branded goods, our tea and coffee and our latest gadgets.


What has all this got to do with a small African word, Ubuntu.The truth is it has everything to do with it.Ubuntu means quite simply "I am because we are".In other words, my whole experience of self only makes sense because we are all joined up.

joined up, physically, socially, spiritually

Clearly this makes sense at the physical level.We could not enjoy a cup of tea if someone didn't grow it for us.Also at a social level, we are dependent on others for friendship and our sense of self worth.And at a spiritual level, our consciousness is actually at one with that of other beings.

we share and we grow

The more we contemplate our one-ness the more profound it becomes.Every dialogue we enter into affects us in an irreversible way.We learn from each other.When someone expresses a valid concern to us, their concern might easily become our concern.Similarly we share joy and sorrow and so on.

silence speaks

Mystics throughout the ages seem to agree that the most profound spiritual wisdom comes through silence.This has been true of every spiritual teacher the world has ever known.Jesus took time out to "be with his father".Buddha Shakyamuni sat under the Bodhi tree and found enlightenment.

true connection

It is in the silence and stillness that we can truly find connection or, as some would put it, find God.We don't need to be enlightened to know this.There is such an overwhelming body of evidence that suggests stillness brings wisdom and connection with our deepest self.

The power of nature We can also experience our connectedness when we spend quiet time in nature.The more we allow ourselves to truly experience nature, the more we feel at one with it.Our connection becomes obvious.

the danger of disconnection

The opposite is also true.If we do not take quiet time alone and if we do not connect with the world around us we begin to feel disconnected, out of kilter.We start to make poor decisions; we become reactive on a purely material level.If someone shouts at us we shout back.We behave like selfish individuals rather than part of a whole.What's more is that we also become dissatisfied in the process.We become unhappy.

a happy and productive life

If we truly take Ubuntu to heart, we can take time to know our connectedness in the stillness and bring the resulting sense of presence into our relationships with others and with the world around us.We will become happier and more productive people in the long run.

Clive Wilson is passionate about human talent, authenticity and consciousness. From his home in Harrogate on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England, he reflects, writes, creates and speaks on these subjects anywhere in the world. He invites those who can relate to his material to join him at the Sacred Space community on where the vision is one of people across the world meeting in nature to share deep wisdom in friendship and peace.

George Leonard

Metaphysical Chemicalization - The Fizz Of Spiritual Growth

I have witnessed what I call 'emotional house cleanings' at a number of New Thought workshops and retreats I have attended during the past twenty years of higher consciousness exploration. People attend these retreats from all over the world and from all walks of life. Most of the participants are from a combination of Christian and New Thought backgrounds. Many of the 'house cleanings' come from people who are in some kind of life transition.

The 'house cleanings' I am referring to usually come on the third or fourth day of a week-long spiritual retreat. After almost a week of mind-boggling class discussions, evening assignments, and group projects on Biblical, New Age, New Thought, and metaphysical subjects, a few of the students (probably 30%) experience emotional meltdowns.

The metaphysical term for this meltdown is chemicalization. When people receive life-changing information that creates considerable cognitive dissonance, old emotional programming and belief systems resist the new information and they experience an internal upheaval.

My term for this chemicalization experience is 'Spiritual Sodium Bi-Carbs.' Sodium Bi-Carbs are a great metaphor for the 'perculating up' of old belief systems and self-defeating assumptions that we allow to limit our good.

That's what I believe is happening in Matthew 21:12-14. Jesus has just made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Read Matthew 21:12-14 in your favorite Bible translation to see what happens.

Here is a metaphysical meaning of the account. You may want to fasten your seatbelt:

I believe this event describes the chemicalization experience -- a Spiritual Sodium Bi-Carb moment -- which we all experience when our minds are stretched by information so new and thought-provoking that it sends us into an energetic mind-spin. It is a consciousness shift, and hopefully, a spiritual deepening. When we allow ourselves to work through our embedded belief systems we enter a state of receptivity that can produce spiritual awakening and growth. We are ready for the Indwelling Christ to speak to us.

Growth usually comes when our Christ potential (our Jesus quality) creates dissonance in our old belief system (represented by the money changers) and turns our old beliefs upside down (the tables). When this happens, we experience emotional chemicalization.

As we grow on our spiritual journeys, we are bound to run into moments when our old beliefs run head-on into our new-found understanding. When this happens, we experience some form of chemicalization.

When we go through a chemicalization experience it is sign of growth, not stagnation or backsliding. It means that the old stuff which has kept us unaware of who we really are and what we can really do is undergoing a revolutionary change. It means we are rising to a higher octave in consciousness.

Once we take a few Spiritual Sodium Bi-Carbs (chemicalization experiences) we feel the sizzle of enthusiasm, the swish of expectancy, and the fizz of a deep transformational lift which tell us we have been changed at depth.

Dr. Bil Holton is a metaphysician and Truth practitioner. His mission is to help others have a better understanding of the Bible, and learn how to walk the spiritual path on practical feet. Visit his website at to learn more about Bil, and to view the many resources that are available to help you on your Truth walk and spiritual journey.

Religious Freedom From Large

Wealth Wisdom Success Tips - Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge

The deplorable failure of many outward and isolated reforms is traceable to the fact that their devotees pursue them as an end in themselves, failing to see that they are merely steps towards ultimate, individual perfection. All true reform must come from within, in a changed heart and mind. The giving up of certain foods and drinks, and the breaking away from certain outward habits, are good and necessary beginnings; but they are only beginnings, and to end there is to fall far short of a true spiritual life. It is good, therefore, to cleanse the heart, to correct the mind, and to develop the understanding, for we know that the one thing needed is a regenerate heart.

As you take a deep inventory of yourself, do you find that you need to reform your bank account as well? That too starts from within - a renewing of the mind. What do you think about money? I'm sure you have been told that money is the root of all evil. You've heard it time and time again that it is engraved in your heart. Well, that is hogwash! The "love of money" is the root of all evil. It is not spiritual to idolize money with passion of greed.

Scripture in Hosea 4:6 say - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

This does not mean for lack of book knowledge or worldly knowledge, but spiritual knowledge is what the verse implicates. Ask yourself, am I living according to biblical principles of abundance and prosperity? Keep in mind that prosperity isn't about money. Although finances are a piece, prosperity includes fulfillment mentally, socially, physically and personally.

To begin your journey of fulfillment, take a long look at yourself. Make a list of changes you need to make then act on changing. If you take a serious inventory of yourself you should see clearly the changes that need to be made. You may not want to admit to the changes but recognition is the first step.

Sign up for no cost tele-classes, click here ==> for your VIP code to discover practical strategies to build wealth and master the "inner" and "outer" laws of money and life prosperity.

Earlvin Harris is a Wealth Strategist and Personal Development Mentor. He helps individuals and couples to accelerate their money growth using proven wealth-building strategies, with particular focus on faith based principles. Find out more at Earlvin is passionate about showing people how to develop powerful profitable lives.

Feeling Alive Teenage Problems

Thursday, May 14, 2009

10 Essential Planning Tips For Success In 2008

1. Write your goals down. If they are in your head, you won't have the same commitment to working on them.

2. Keep them visible at home at your office or over your desk.

3. Use the Four Quadrants for Breakthroughs in Business system *
(*Want the FREE outline and tip sheet on my FOUR QUADRANTS OF BREAKTHROUGH SUCCESS (c)? - write to me at I will send it to you for FREE!)

4. Align your activities with your goals. Review your schedule each week; review your goals and the plan each week. Are your activities and your goals in alignment? If not, adjust accordingly.

5. Work with a "board of advisors," "dream team," or Mastermind group to support you in these goals.

This brilliant concept, Masterminding, was created by Napoleon Hill in in his all-time best-selling success book, Think And Grow Rich, (an absolute must read!)

6. Get out there! Don't just sit in your office at your computer and wait for the phone to ring. Build your network.

7. Leverage all the resources around you. What chips have you left on the table that can assist you in fulfilling on your plan?

8. Daily Consistent Activity(c). I've written about this before. Are you doing action steps DAILY on your business plan? If not, put at least one action on your calendar EVERY DAY to ensure you are continually moving forward. (it's like brushing your teeth - no matter what, you do it every day).

9. LEARN. Read a book or articles from others you admire and from whom you believe you can learn. Take a course. The world is changing so rapidly that if you don't keep up, you will surely be left behind.

10. Be unstoppable. This is where you have to work on your ATTITUDE. Your mind can be a dangerous neighborhood. If you don't see results fast enough, don't get off the wagon. Stay the course. Most people give up when the going gets a little rocky. Success is a product of consistency and persistence.

(c) 2007, all rights reserved, Fox Resources Inc., Nancy Fox

Nancy Fox is President of Fox Coaching Associates, a coaching and training firm specializing in assisting professionals and business owners nationwide"make rain without the pain(tm)" She has worked with hundreds of legal and other professionals in leveraging contacts, building successful relationships in business, and making lots of rain

Moral Leadership of The Christian Community

The presidential election of 1992 introduced the discussion of
family values as a political issue. Apparently the populous
did not accept this issue as being significant. Christian
organizations were reluctant to enter political activities so
they did not push the concept of family values as being a
religious imperative.

Do some of these issues seem too "political" for the Christian
community to become involved? Are not, however, some of these
issues important enough to be hammered home by the clergy of
this country? When is sin significant enough to talk about


"Amazing Grace" was written by a slave trader who came to know
Jesus and his life changed dramatically. John Newton was a
sailor on a slave ship. After his conversion, he became an
Anglican minister and influenced Wilberforce against Slavery.

William Wilberforce, along with John Newton and Granville
Sharp lived in England in the late 1700's. These three men
stopped slavery in England and throughout the British Empire.
Sharp's work led to the emancipation of slaves in England in
1772 while the work of Wilberforce led to the abolition of
slave trade and the emancipation of slaves throughout the
British Empire.

Key Evangelical Christian leaders in the United States
included Samuel Hopkins, Lyman Beecher, Charles G Finney, John
Brown, Theodore Weld, Jonathan Blanchard, and Harriet Beecher
Stowe. These individuals preach Christ for the salvation of
the individual but also saw the total injustice of slavery in
the "land of the free". Abolition was not a hobby with them.
It was also not all they did. They were also Evangelical
Christians. Their efforts led to the abolition of slavery in
the United States and the emancipation of the slaves of


The involvement of Christian leaders throughout modern church
history demonstrates the historical basis of involvement of
the church in secular affairs. Social reform is the business
of the church. Social reform is not "socialism". Social
reform is not "government handouts" or "entitlement". Social
reform is moral leadership.

Christian lifestyle is a moral lifestyle. Moral leadership is
not the imposing of "blue laws" or "religious fanaticism".
Moral leadership deals with life and death issues. It deals
with freedom under God. Christian morals protect life and
property, things that even non-Christians cherish. Decisions
concerning morality must not be left to the atheists and to
the anti-Christians.

Christian leaders must take the initiative in developing a
corporate moral character for the country and the world. We
Christians are the "salt of the earth and if that salt loses
its taste, just what is it good for." These words in quotes
are not my words but Jesus's words. Perhaps we better start
applying the "salt".

Doug Johnson has been writing and online publishing Christian and Social Conservative articles since the 1990's on

Doug has been a Bible believing Evangelical Christian since childhood. He has been received into fellowship with the Evangelical Free Church, the Plymouth Brethern, the Assembly of God, the American Baptist, and the Southern Baptist.

In the early 2000's, he was received into full communion with the Catholic Church after careful study of the Catholic Catechism and the Bible. He believes Catholics and Bible believing Protestants should build on what they have in common rather than looking at what is different.

He is presently helping to establish the Independent Christian On-Line Academy at:

Doug has an online retail wallpaper business at:

Doug is available as a consultant and or speaker. To reach him, use the Contact Us page at any of the above websites.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Smart Thinking - Saving Money For the Future

While we are all aware of the importance of putting away money for the future, the reality is that saving doesn't come naturally to most of us. When it comes to putting money away, setting "smart" goals is the first step in finding the motivation to save.

What are "smart" goals? SMART is a popular acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. These five characteristics are vital for setting goals and the acronym provides an easy way to remember each of them.

When it comes to saving money it is important to make sure a goal is specific. Rather than telling yourself that you need to put away a little money each month, set a specific figure. This will give you a balance to base the rest of your monthly spending around, as well as a measuring stick to see whether or not you are achieving it.

Why is it important to have measurable goals? If a goal is not measurable, it's difficult to know whether you are actually achieving your goal. A measurable goal means that you will be able to monitor your success and hopefully this will give you a boost to continue saving.

To really achieve a goal it is important to take an action-orientated approach and hone in on all the proactive steps you need to take to achieve that goal. Ask yourself what actions are needed in order make this ambition a reality. From deciding how much to save, to deciding which savings accounts offer the best deals - all of the actions you take will form a vital part of achieving that goal.

While breaking your goal down into mini-actions is extremely important, it is even more important to make sure the goal set is realistic. Is the figure you have set yourself going to over-stretch your budget? Do you have any major outgoings over the next few months which could hinder this goal being achieved? If your goals are not realistic, they will only cause you anxiety; therefore, it makes more sense to save little and often, as opposed to setting an unreachable target.

The final step to smart goal setting is making sure your goals are timely, which refers to having an overall timeframe for your goal. It can also help to set some timely milestones to monitor your progress along the way. In a similar way to setting mini-actions towards your overall goal, setting mini-milestones breaks the process down into shorter, simpler steps - making the goal seem all the more achievable.

When considering your savings and the savings accounts which will work best for you, it is all about thinking smart. While it may take a little extra time to set your goals the smart way, it could pay dividends in the long-run.

Victoria Cochrane writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content

Monday, May 11, 2009

Psalms For Prosperity

The psalms of the Bible are a literary treasure chest of prayers for prosperity. Below is a list of which psalms to recite for common financial requests. In some Catholic and Santeria traditions, you say the prayer or write the prayer out after lighting a candle. You may also recite the prayer as many times as you want to transform it into a kind of a mantra.

Psalm 1: To disarm office gossips, discourage those who would harm your reputation

Psalm 3: To conquer fear of poverty

Psalm 5: To ask for a special financial favor

Psalm 6: To ask for mercy from creditors

Psalm 7: To ask that blocks to progress be removed

Psalm 8: To improve confidence, to bring customers to a business

Psalm 10: For encouragement, self-confidence and stamina

Psalm 11: For mercy, tenderness and compassion, to triumph over enemies when backed into a tough corner

Psalm 12: To over come gossip, bad rumors or attacks on reputation, to overcome anxiety

Psalm 13: To overcome anxiety, when backed into a corner

Psalm 14: To renew faith that the universe is unfolding as it should

Psalm 18: For protection of the home, deliverance from enemies

Psalm 19: To receive daily blessings, increase faith in the idea that the universe has a supply for every demand

Psalm 20: For a favorable verdict in court

Psalm 21: To increase one's spiritual vibration to invite prosperity into one's life.

Psalm 22: For deliverance from difficult financial situations, when you feel hopeless or backed into a corner

Psalm 23: For serenity, peace of mind and stillness of the spirit, to help access the higher self

Psalm 24: To calm disturbed thoughts, anxiety and still the subconscious and the spirit, relieve fears of the future

Psalm 25: For inspiration, to access the higher self

Psalm 26: For success in financial matters, to gain confidence

Psalm 28: To disarm adversaries, make peace with an enemy, invoke tenderness, mercy and kindness

Psalm 29: To raise your vibration, to purify the home

Psalm 30: For patience and acceptance of divine will, to understand that time brings what we need when appropriate, as a thank you for many blessings

Psalm 33: When feeling fearful

Psalm 35: For victory in a court case

Psalm 36: For when you feel cursed and for protection against the evil eye, to receive divine blessings

Psalm 37: To overcome jealousy, envy, resentment and disappointment, to become serene and still

Psalm 38: For protection in court

Psalm 39: For the courage to confront any problem, to conquer fear

Psalm 40: For the reinforcement of faith in God, to still the mind when you are feeling frustrated

Psalm 41: When feeling depressed or betrayed

Psalm 42: To reinforce the connection between your personality and the higher self; to open channels of opportunity

Psalm 43: For mercy when you find yourself in an unjust situation

Psalm 44: For mercy when you find yourself in an intolerable or unjust situation; to strengthen faith in God

Psalm 45: To increase one's faith in the power of the subconscious to follow your stated words

Psalm 46: To elevate enthusiasm for spiritual matter, increase one's faith in the guidance of the higher self

Psalm 47: To reinforce the four cornerstones of prosperity: health, freedom, happiness and love.

Psalm 48: To become a "smile millionaire", reinforce happiness and faith

Psalm 49: To overcome envy of the prosperity of others

Psalm 50: To reinforce the idea that the universe is benevolent and that all is unfolding as it should

Psalm 51: To quell feelings of guilt or self-criticism

Psalm 52: To correct an unjust situation

Psalms 53: To conquer skepticism and restore faith in the higher self and God

Psalm 54: To master doubts and negative thoughts

Psalm 55: To conquer anxiety and fear

Psalm 57: For when justice, compassion, kindness, tenderness or mercy is needed

Psalm 60: To put the past behind you, for a clean slate in the subconscious

Psalm 61: For help in finding a new home, when in trouble with creditors

Psalm 62: To reinforce faith in the higher self and strengthen spiritual values

Psalm 63: For anxiety, fear and discouragement

Psalm 64: To increase confidence, decrease fears of hidden enemies, to ask to be in the right place at the right time

Psalm 65: To give thanks for blessings that have been received

Psalm 66: To give thanks for an answered prayer and display an attitude of gratitude

Psalm 67: To give thanks for what one has, to eliminate discontent

Psalm 69: For deliverance in times of suffering

Psalm 70: To repel negative thoughts and attitudes of others

Psalm 71: For liberation from limiting thoughts or situations that seem like a trap, for confidence and persistence

Psalm 72: To improve financial conditions in general

Psalm 73: To eliminate those feelings and emotions such as anger, jealousy and resentment that take away our opportunities for our own enrichment and good

Psalm 74: To attract good fortune and repel enemies

Psalm 75: To encourage a job promotion or a hiring

Psalm 76: Traditionally, for luck winning the lottery or luck at gambling

Psalm 77: To restore lost faith in yourself and God

Psalm 78: To tune into the higher self and the resources of the Divine Imagination'

Psalm 81: To increase faith in the goodness of God, faith in the higher self and that we live in a universe filled with endless supply

Psalm 82: To eliminate fear of poverty and injustice; to help get organized and make a "to do" list

Psalm 84: To develop a more optimistic view of the future and attract prosperity

Psalm 85: To find inner stillness, serenity and peace with God

Psalm 86: When feeling despair or discouraged

Psalm 87: To promote chances for success in the arts; to be read out loud before an audition, interview, exhibition or a pitching session

Psalm 89: To ease all pain and suffering, including that of a financial nature

Psalm 90: To express thanks for the blessings received each day, for justice

Psalm 95: To remove prosperity blocks, to be inspired to follow the path that is for your highest good

Psalm 96: To strengthen wavering faith in the face of opposition to your plans

Psalm 97: To resolve problems with creditors

Psalm 98: To keep a joyful heart and an attitude of gratitude for what you do have

Psalm 99: For mercy in legal proceedings

Psalm 100: To repel negative energy and harmful influences

Psalm 101: To get off a treadmill or break bad habits such as overspending

Psalm 102: To receive an answer to a specific problem

Psalm 103: To engage one's willingness to change for the better, for stillness and serenity and grace

Psalm 105: For forgetting and forgiving oneself for the mistakes of the past, for clearing the subconscious so you can have a clean slate

Psalm 106: For trust in the higher self and renewed optimism for the future

Psalm 107: As thanks for receiving deliverance from a hopeless situation, to break bad personal habits that affect prosperity (laziness, drunkenness, overspending)

Psalm 108: For success in business.

Psalm 111: To find the right job or career path

Psalm 112: To enlarge one's perspective, see the big picture and to allow one to grasp the significance of all their options

Psalm 113: To receive honors, applause, awards, rewards or accolades

Psalm 115: To resist naysayers and uncooperative people, for success in business

Psalm 116: To maintain a daily attitude of gratitude

Psalm 117: To conquer self-pity

Psalm 118: When problems are overwhelming, as a prayer of thanksgiving for blessings received

Psalm 119: (Gambol: Verses 17 to 24) To attract money

Psalm 122: To prosper in business

Psalm 123: To assure the free circulation of kindness as energy in your life

Psalm 126: To understand that problems are temporary and that this too shall pass

Psalm 128: To have a happy and peaceful home

Psalm 129: For deliverance against financial oppression

Psalm 131: To cast off pride, which is thought to attract the evil eye, jealousy and misfortune

Psalm 132: To acquire material goods and property

Psalm 135: To strengthen the heart and will so that one is led to their highest aspirations in life

Psalm 138: For confidence in times when you feel overwhelmed, to lose fear and anxiety about the future

Psalm 139: To instill confidence in God and the Divine Plan that is in store for you, when feeling lost confused or sad

Psalm 141: To receive answers for specific financial requests, for confidence and peace of mind

Psalm 143: To restore faith in your path and renew confidence that there will be a joyful, hopeful tomorrow

Psalm 144: To express gratitude and thanks for blessings

Psalm 145: For when you feel overwhelmed by financial problems and need answers

Psalm 147: For a peaceful heart and serenity during times of conflict and turmoil

Psalm 149: To help understand the timing of divine providence and to understand that there is a supply for every demand

Psalm 150: To obtain blessings and express gratitude for blessings

A simple prayer:

"Dear Lord guide me to honor you with my talents and treasures. Amen."

Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

Positive Mind Control Programming With Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave entrainment is the name for the technology used to invoke frequency states within the mind so that we have access to many different 'talents' that the brain inherently has. The brain lives in different states, and this depends on what we are doing, our levels of activity and whether or not we are conscious to the world. The brain uses electrical impulses to send back and forth information to its different areas, and this happens through sets of complicated chemical reactions within the neurons of the brain.

What you have on hand is a network of nerves and channels that encompass the entire brain like a glove, and constant electromagnetic radiation through these pulses is present at all times. Sensitive equipment can read these radiations in frequency states in Hz. Science has discovered that sometimes, the entire nexus of these networks fire at the same time, creating a global brain frequency state and surprisingly this happens quite often within our daily lives. These states have been mapped and have been associated with super states of learning and thinking. They range from low Delta waves all the way to high Beta waves, and can range from as little as a value of >1Hz to 40 Hz or even more.

Each range can bring about certain gifts within us, from an increase in mental abilities, an enhancement of our IQ, mental focus as well as increased levels of alertness. Other ranges can also bring about relaxation, stress relief, stimulation of the immune system and even the ability to bring about states of accelerated learning. There are even states where we can bring about a relaxed state, where we can improve our own sleeping patterns and bring about conditions which are optimum for us to invoke self hypnosis and meditation. All these are aspects of positive mind control programming that we can bring about with brainwave entrainment.

The technology that is available to us is called binaural beats, and I highlight this technology because of its ease of use and its wide availability on the internet. The rationale behind it is that different frequency sculpted sounds are introduced into each ear and the difference is then picked up by the cortical in the cerebral cortex. The cortical responds by firing the neurons to produce a frequency state that matches the frequency variations produced by the binaural beats. In a nutshell, we now have the power to bring about our very own brainwave entrainment with simple to use technology.

If you need to learn faster or absorb more information before a big test then brainwave entrainment technology can help you. If you need better mental focus at work or higher levels of creativity then it also can help you. If you need to reprogram yourself with some positive mind control - then brainwave entrainment can help you.The applications are only limited by your imagination. Whatever your uses, whatever you need it for - even if it is for something as simple as reducing the effects of stress on your body, binaural beats and brainwave entrainment is your solution.

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave CD today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today!