Friday, July 10, 2009

Qualities That You Need to Achieve Your Goals

We all have our own heroes; people that we admire, ones who achieved something significant despite all the odds stacked against them. For some reasons, we feel attracted to their lives, what they did exactly to achieve their goals, what kind of character they have, what is their driving force in life. We are attracted to all the articles about them, all the books written by them or about them in search of the answers.

If you are not a kind of person who reads everything about any celebrity you might be wondering why you are so attached to these people. People who are attracted to us or who we feel to be attracted to usually show us our own negative aspects that we need to get rid of or positive traits that we need to develop to realize our full potential.

You are attracted to particular people; you admire them because they possess the qualities you need to develop to be able to live the life of your dreams.

Write down the names of five to ten people you admire. What traits do they have that attract you?
Prepare a list of at least five traits for each of them. Do they have some traits in common? What are they? Write them down. These are the traits that you need to develop yourself.

Prepare a plan how you will show the new qualities in your daily life. What habits do you need to develop to support the new you? Reinforce these new habits daily. In about two months your new habits will become automatic and will steer your life into a new direction, direction of your dreams.

Do you need help to make your dreams come true? Visit for a free book and more details

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Lynn Alex is a Life-Skills Coach, Yoga Teacher and an American Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

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