If you are going to make money in any endeavor, you will need to learn something about goal setting. This is the single most important thing you will ever think about during the course of your money making efforts and your internet marketing career.
I will focus the remainder of this article on Internet Marketing since that is what I know best. You need to know, first how much money you intend to earn, and second, what exactly you need to do to earn it.
In addition, it helps if you know why. I needed to pay the bills, my kids needed new bicycles, and I seriously needed a vacation. I knew what I was working for, do you know what you are working for?
When I started my affiliate business, my short-term goal was to earn $200 a month on a consistent basis, because I knew that if I could achieve that level of success, it would go a long way toward helping me pay off my bills.
Medium-term I was looking for about $3000 per month, because then I would be able to decide if I wanted to keep working at my full-time day job or not.
Long-term, I was, and still am looking for $15,000 per month. I have a plan for its achievement and a time limit for reaching it. And I will get there.
So what about you, what are your goals and what are your income streams? Do you know how much you intend to earn from each of your businesses.
Do you have a written plan for their achievement?
I want you to download my free report which will teach you, step by step, how I earn money online
Cookie Thief
Great post! I know first hand what it means
ReplyDeleteto set and achieve your goals.
Victor G.
ReplyDeleteIt is a nice post on Internet Marketing.
A business plan will suceed only when it has an effective marketing strategy. But a internet marketing strategy is a constant and continuous process, a frame which needs reforms often. One channel of marketing is never enough and it's always best to approach as many dimensions as possible.