Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ideas For Small Kitchen Design

Whenever you have a small kitchen, there is only so much that you can do with it. It seems like every little thing that you put in your kitchen actually makes it look just ten times smaller! Today we are going to cover some of the top small kitchen design ideas that could actually help make your small kitchen look bigger. Also, these are great ideas that could make your small kitchen look less junked up with stuff as well. These ideas have been used in countless homes all over the world, and now it is time to bring them into your living space!

The first thing that you have to do is down size everything! If you have a small kitchen, then it is safe to say that you can not have a huge refrigerator or a massive microwave. These are things that people tend to forget, but everything that you put in your kitchen is going to take up space. Some of these things you can not live without. For example, most people need a refrigerator nowadays, thus you can not control the fact that it has to be in your kitchen. However, you can control how big it is. This means that you are going to have to opt out of getting bigger appliances to put in your kitchen, even if it's a better deal. When dealing with a small kitchen, you have to play with the hand that you have been dealt, and that may mean making smaller things work for you!

Next, you are going to want to bring some light into your small kitchen. Most small kitchen design problems stem from the fact that there are no windows in the kitchen. Thus, it makes the small kitchen look very closed in and very dark. A good way to fix this problem, as well as a good idea to make it look bigger is to add light whereever you can. The best way to do that is to mount small lights under your cabinets. These are lights that you are not going to be able to see, but the affect that they have on your kitchen is going to be huge! Not only that, but a bright kitchen is a cozy kitchen. Since you have a small kitchen anyway, that is a good look to go for. Most small kitchen design ideas are centered around this very theme.

Last, but not least, you have to open up that small area. This could mean many things. First of all, if you have a door that is blocking off your kitchen, it could be a good idea to take that door out. This is going to give the kitchen free movement with the rest of the house. Also, avoid putting things on the floor in plain sight. For example, some people like to place their trash cans on the floor in the kitchen. Although this is a look that can be pulled off in a big kitchen, it is just going to junk up a smaller one. So if you can, try and keep your trash can in one of your lower cabinets.

Kelly Hunter owns and operates and writes about Small Kitchen Design

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