Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just a Little Motivation For Business

First of all let me say that every business owner out there feels down in the dumps at times. So do not think for a second that you are the only one because you are not. How do you think business owners feel when they must close down, which happens over 90% of the time. But you want to separate yourself from them and be in the other 10%. Well if you do then it takes work and action on your part. Of course it will not be that easy. But you keep fighting to make your money that is yours. Everybody wants to get there cut so they must succeed and that is what competition is.

One big dream killer is the fact that so many people believe they should be rich after doing internet marketing for only a few months. Most likely caused by sales pages and millionaires claiming that you will be rich after going through their program. Such garbage is not the case in reality. It takes years to become financially free unless you have a very unbelievable idea and put it to action immediately. But odds are that will not happen. So if things are really bad for you now as oppose to before do not worry. As long as you keep working at it great things will happen. Things will always get worse before they get better. I mean that is just nature. So sales are not at their peak, BIG DEAL. Just keep your eyes on the prize meaning a big fat bag of cash.

Also nobody gets rich overnight. Nobody is that lucky! Luck comes from working hard. You make your own luck by working hard. The harder you work, the more luck will come your way. Once again that is nature. It is incredible what people are capable of when they have an attitude that can not die. Just work on your attitude. Get it through your head that anything is possible and people do become very successful. I believe the greatest success happens when somebody makes a lot of money by doing something they absolutely love doing. There is a difference between a job and work. A job is more like something you would rather not do, but should get done if you do not want problems in the future. While work is anything that you use your energy on. It could be having a hobby like playing guitar, that requires energy and can be very fun. Anyway just keep working hard and know what you are doing. Then success will come and the harder you work the, sweeter success will feel.

If you want to find some great information about making money and recommended programs then check out my website below.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Interesting Facts About Sushi Rice

For the Japanese, sushi implies vinegared rice typically topped with meats, fish and vegetables. Outside Japan, sushi is more often mistaken as "raw fish" or "raw seafood."

In Japan, they call sliced raw fish, sashimi. It is different from sushi because sashimi implies purely on the raw fish part. In Archaic grammar, "sushi" literally means "it's sour."

There are several types of sushi. The Nigirizushi sushi consists of toppings laid with "hand-formed" rice clumps. Aside from topping it with vinegared rice, it is also dabbed with wasabi and a bite-size, thin slice of fish, egg or various other seafoods.

Although the egg is cooked, the seafood and fish can be served raw. The types of fish you can use are salmon, tuna, mackerel and eel.

When eating Nigirizushi, make sure that the rice side is not dipped into the soy sauce. The fish side should be the one dipped or it will fall apart. You can do this alternately, not dipping it completely in soy sauce.

Makizushi is a type of sushi rolled inside some "nori," a pressed and dried layered sheets of alga or seaweed. It can contain vegetables, fish, seaweed and rice. These are rolled into a cylindrical form with the aid of a bamboo mat or makisu. Afterwards, it is cut into suitable widths. Futomaki refers to the thicker rolls. Hosomaki refers to the thinner rools. Uramaki refers to the "inside-out" rolls.

Inarizushi has toppings stuffed inside a tiny pouch of fried tofu. This is more uncommon compared to Chirashi-zushi. You still need to go to a sushi restaurant in Japan to order this type of sushi. Chirashi-zushi has toppings scattered and served over a sushi rice bowl. This is not regularly served in Japanese restaurants outside of Japan. The toppings are either raw seafood or sashimi.

Temaki Sushi is also called the hand roll. It is almost the same as maki except for the part where you roll it into a cylinder and slice it. With Temaki Sushi, you roll it with your hands and form cone shapes. Then, it is eaten as is, not sliced.

In any sushi, the common denominator is always sushi rice. They only vary on toppings, condiments, fillings and the procedure these ingredients are placed together. These ingredients can also be collected using contemporary or traditional ways, making distinct results.

Sushi is not only a favorite dish in Japan. It is well-loved in other countries also.

If you want to learn how to make sushi rice, it is easy. First, you need a sushi vinegar called sushi-zu. Mix it with rice vinegar, sugar and salt. Heat the mixture until the sugar dissolves. Stir frequently in the process. Afterwards, let the mixture cool to room temperature. This mixture is called tezu.

Using either a spatula or just a regular spoon, cut and fold the rice as gentle as possible. Avoid smashing the rice grains.

Get a bowl and moisten the sides with tezu. It is ideal to use a wooden bowl because it absorbs moisture. If none is available, any bowl is fine with a flat bottom.

Place the rice in the bowl and add a quarter of sushi vinegar. Mix them together, making sure you follow a folding motion to avoid smashing the rice. Afterwards, fan to dry the mixture for about 5 to 6 minutes. This process will remove the excess moisture and will make the rice look glossy and shiny.

As a tip, a good sushi rice is somewhat chewy in the mouth, and sticky to your touch.

For more information on Sushi Rice and Rice Cookers please visit our website.

Norman Vincent Peale

Monday, July 27, 2009

Create Wealth With Feng Shui

In feng shui, everything is a symbol of something. In a feng shui consultation, we look at the objects in your home and office and decide together if they still support your intentions or if they thwart them.

The feng shui grid or bagua is made up of nine equal squares. It is important to look at each area to help you gain understanding of positive symbols in harmony with that part of the grid. We'll start with the Wealth area.

As you stand at your front door, the Wealth + Abundant Lifestyle area is in the far left corner. The Wealth area of a room is the far left corner as you stand in its doorway.

Before you even begin looking at what is there, now, think for a moment: What is Wealth to you? What makes you feel wealthy? Whatever you value most in your life can give you ideas for Wealth + Abundant Lifestyle symbols.

Perhaps abundant wealth means being able to take fabulous vacations. A photograph taken on the most recent one or your passport in a special box are good symbols.

Wealth could mean affording college educations for your children. Anything with the logo of the schools is a great wealth symbol for you.

For some people it is the freedom to choose to do and have whatever they like. Paintings or sculptures that give the feeling of freedom are perfect symbols for them.

Once you have a clear idea of your primary motivator in amassing wealth, then go to the Wealth area of your home and see if what is there supports that prime force. Do you feel wealthy in that area? Do you feel comfortable?

Next, refine your attention to the Wealth area of that room. What is there? Do the items there speak of wealth or not? Ultimately, you will go to every room of your home and check out the Wealth area in each.

You'll delete, move, or refresh anything that holds you in the past, is broken or tattered, or is better placed in another area of the feng shui grid. Anything that honors your primary motivation for Wealth and Abundant Lifestyle stays with added power.

Kathleen Tumpane ASID is available for custom interior design, home & office feng shui consultations, and speaking engagements. She is the author of Slim House Slim Body. For more info, visit or call 760.568.2933.

Harvey Mackay

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Did Jesus Actually Ever Get Mad

Problem Solving Tips
Angels And Demons Are They Real

Psychics and Psychic Readings - The Higher Level

When people research or debate also talk about psychic clairvoyants or precognitions, and try to expand their knowledge about this phenomenon, and when people try to find facts about this subject using known theories, this in itself becomes a conflicting challenge about their personal theories, and not many people would like the fact that their theories are challenged.

There are many people who experience events and somehow feel that it is more than coincidence, through out our life of human history. Psychic intuition skills have helped us whether we were aware or not. To glimpse in to the future sounds out of this world, but as we know, we live in a very complex world indeed. And the advancements of modern science answer many unknown facts about our existence. Example being; we now know that our beautiful planet is round instead of flat. Yet also, ancient cultures without such scientific advancement have astounded us with their marvelous creations such as the Pyramids of Giza. They have placed high regard, rather evolved around the concept of spirituality for their spiritual masters. We can all agree we are far from really understanding our true nature.

Also we must place high respect for science and their findings as well, especially the science of consciousness. Many research and energy is being put towards subjects of psychics clairvoyants extra sensory perception telepathy just a name a few. As you maybe aware that psychic readings give insights to events and situations. Psychic readings and psychics ability to accurately advice people, on matters that concern them has forever been within our human history. Also we all have seen movies where in past history, when people who practiced or explored different beliefs or concepts have been tied to a tree and prosecuted. Thank goodness that is in our unintelligent past, as freedom of speech and choice of belief, is the most important factor, rather a sacred treasure, we must all uphold.

Psychic intuition is built in us to protect us from danger, guide us to our true nature (spiritual) just like a little new born turtle hatched and knows to swim straight to the ocean. We too are drawn to spirituality, almost all the people around this complex planet believe in spirituality. And almost all the cultures have a psychic to consult when faced with spiritually unfamiliar waters. The ocean of emotions in every heart thirsts for spiritual reason, guidance and spiritual answers. And only the calm waters will reflect the stars. When we expand our beings then calmness can become part of our hearts ocean.

It is possible to glimpse also anticipate near future events, this requires an art, art of seeing; whether one likes to label such visions as predictions or perception. To have a real psychic ability, one must attend life from a view point of purity of heart, and when a spiritual psychic advances in wisdom through proper guidance and learning for many many years, will develop an intuitive psychic ability. Every human is equipped with this psychic ability; it's just only select few choose to explore the boundaries. And just like any chosen subject, the more we attend the more we learn of it. Also when we debate a subject of reality, then this becomes a personal matter. As what is real for some might not be real for others. Yet if we were to draw a straight line _______ and we both at the same time see this line. We will both see and agree that it is a straight line. The truth cannot be bent. And the truth of the matter is, within the garden of every spiritual heart, there is a rose that is blossoming silently, which is called YOU.

Tolga Savas
International psychic clairvoyant answering all your metaphysical questions, and offers real psychic readings, dream analysis, psychic chat online, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny, See the Future that is Now

You Have To Start Somewhere

Four Tips to Help You Finance Your Bathroom Remodel

Financing any large remodeling project can be a pain, but when it comes to your bathroom, it can be an outright nightmare. But that doesn't have to be the case for you. When you learn about these four ways to help finance your bathroom remodeling project, you'll not only get to keep the bathroom vanity cabinets and vessel sinks that you've had your eye on, but you will also be able to add other stylish features that you never dreamed you could afford. While not all of these options will work for everyone, there's a perfect fit for you.

#1 Save your pennies

While many people might consider this to be the hardest way to finance your bathroom vanity cabinets, it's also a good way to prioritize the things that you want to add to your bathroom. By taking the time to put away money each month for six months, you will be able to buy your bathroom remodeling pieces outright instead of paying them off for years to come. Try putting as much as you can away into a savings or money market account that will give you a high interest rate. This will accumulate as you're saving, giving you even more money at the end of your planned savings time. Start by looking at how much money you have at the current time, deciding how much you will need, and then start saving!

#2 Finance your project

For those with good credit, you may be able to say 'yes' to vessel bathroom sinks immediately by opening up a store line of credit at your local bathroom supply store. Look for deals that include no interest for a specific period of time and then be sure to pay off the full amount within that time period. This will help you get everything you need at the same time, but allow you some grace time to pay it back off. The trick with getting credit is that you only want to get as much as you need so that you're not paying off this debt for the rest of your natural life.

#3 Make a trade

If you know someone in the bathroom remodeling business, you might be able to trade skills for a bathroom remodel. For example, if you're a carpenter, you might be able to help a bathroom contractor out with another project, free of charge in exchange for work on your own project. You might also have friends that can help you out and then you can pay them pack later or make other arrangements so that you can install your vessel bathroom sinks or vanity cabinets. You might also find the supplies you need at a swap meet or flea market.

#4 Shop around

You'd be surprised how many vessel sinks and bathroom vanity cabinets you can find for a steal on the internet. By shopping around, you may be able to find the right fixtures and accessories for your bathroom and then hire on a friend to help you install them - saving you labor costs. You might also try to install your own fixtures and other bathroom projects to save yourself even more money and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Financing your bathroom remodeling project isn't about taking out a large loan and hoping that you don't need more. Budgeting and financing should be something that takes creativity and some discipline. You need to make money available or use your money more wisely to finance your project - plain and simple. Where you cut those corners is up to you.

For all the things you need to make your bathroom shine, go to

Dave Robert is a VP at Discount Bathroom Vanities Publishing, and an avid fixer-upper who's been restoring old houses for more than twenty years. Readers can tap into Dave's knowledge about home remodeling, and kitchen and bathroom design, at:

Painting A French Door

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Precast Concrete 101 - Home Remodeling

Unless you are a precast concrete manufacturer, you probably don't fully understand the difference between using concrete over other building mediums. Concrete is perfect for structural building because of its efficiency, strength, durability and resistance to the elements.

Since the days of ancient Roman builders, concrete has been used for basic structures. The Romans used concrete to build their complex infrastructure of tunnels, aqueducts and culverts. Today concrete is used for building foundations, storm and sanitary sewers, septic tanks, electrical and communications vaults and for a variety of other purposes.

Precast concrete refers to a construction process where contracts is cast in a reusable mold or form. The concrete is them cured in a controlled environment so it can be transported to the construction site and lifted to its ultimate destination. The process differs from using standard concrete, which is poured and cured on site.

Many different forms exist for precast construction based in different architectural applications. Concrete is the perfect material for safety, health and even protecting the environment. For this reason, more San Jose precast concrete contractors are using this material for projects of all sizes and functions.

Concrete is structurally sound and actually gets stronger over time, rather than deteriorating like many other building materials. The serviceable life of concrete can last up to 100 years or longer. Concrete is even resilient and durable enough to use for highway barriers.

Another benefit of concrete is its resistance to the elements. It is noncombustible and does not quickly lose its structural integrity under high temperatures. Concrete also withstands corrosive agents and chemicals. The UV rays from sunlight will not degrade the composition of concrete. From the hottest summer days to the coldest winter freeze, concrete stands up to all weather conditions.

Because precast concrete is already cured, construction is not as dependent upon the weather conditions. It takes less time to install so contractors find it easier to stay on schedule. This type of concrete can also be installed on demand.

Precast concrete is easily used for large projects because of its modular nature. All kinds of systems and structures are put together with ease. The products arrive at the job site ready to install. Its availability ensures a ready supply and fair pricing so the construction project is completed more efficiently.

Structures made from concrete are also watertight and airtight. High quality sealants are used along with seamless construction patterns so water and other airborne elements will not compromise a concrete structure.

Whether you're a homeowner or a large corporate mogul, concrete buildings and structures offer superior security and durability at an affordable price. With a variety of aesthetic options, concrete is the most versatile, reliable building medium around.

If you want to learn more about precast concrete visit a leading precast concrete manufacturer website to find out more. is a leader in the San Jose precast concrete industry offering a wide variety of solutions for infrastructure projects of all kinds

Building Safe Stairs

Spirituality - 3 Questions to Develop Your Personal Spiritual Relationship With Your Higher Power

Women often find themselves searching for deeper meaning in life.

We all know a woman who seems to be at complete peace with her divine relationship. She is serene, has confidence and her life works.

  • Maybe she grew up in a spiritually rich environment and has always felt guided and protected by her Higher Power.
  • Maybe she grew up without a spiritual foundation at all and has developed her Divine Relationship on her own.
  • Maybe she had to reinvent her relationship with her Creator for various reasons.

Whatever her path, a woman in an intimate relationship with her Higher Power is a beautiful being indeed.

So, what about you?

You intuitively know that you are intricately connected to something greater than yourself but if you don't have an established spiritual belief in place, where do you start?

Start here.

Ask yourself these 3 Important Questions designed to help you develop your own deeply personal and satisfying relationship with a Divine Power, however you choose to understand that Power.

#1 What is your current understanding of a Higher Power?

  • You may or may not have had any religious or spiritual instruction growing up. Some of what you did receive may no longer fit what you truly believe. Maybe you have gleaned bits and pieces from various sources and haven't taken the opportunity to put it all together. It doesn't matter really, you are who you are, and you are enough.

#2 How would you like to feel about your relationship with your Higher Power?

  • This may seem like an unusual question. By answering it you will understand what you need from your Divine Relationship. Everyone will want something different.

#3 What questions would you like to find your answers to?

  • You undoubtedly have some questions about spirituality. Gather them up and go looking for answers that feel right.

In the end, all paths lead to the same place.

There are no right or wrong answers. There are so many aspects of spirituality in the world. With a bit of insight you will find the path that feels right for you. You will know when it is a good fit. It will feel like you have "come home".

Caution: Some of us have been wounded spiritually at some point in our lives. If this applies to you, please give yourself the gift of finding a support system. This journey is supposed to feel good, you are supposed to feel connected and loved. Anything less than that is unacceptable. Ask someone for help.

Wishing you Peace & Abundance... Joyce Lee "Your Life Empowerment Coach"


Are you ready for more opportunities to explore and reflect? Go to for your special gift of "20 Profound and Provocative Journal Prompts" designed to help you focus on your life with a spirit of peace.

Joyce Lee is a certified Life Empowerment Coach, Personal Growth Facilitator and Law of Attraction Practitioner, specializes in helping women understand the Law of Attraction and deliberately creating the life they really want.

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day

Stair Building Books and Ideas

Where do we go to buy stair building books? Do we go to the major retailers like Amazon or Barnes & Noble? I have found over the years the information in most of these books I have purchased from these stores has a lot of fluff with very little common sense stair building application.

I bought one stair building book that had information on handrails. The front cover looked great and I thought this was going to be a great book reading the reviews from Amazon. When I finally got the book in the mail, I would say about one third of it was math tables for building elaborate wooden hand railing's. These tables were not easy to understand along with the rest of the book.

Back when I bought the book on building stair handrails it dawned on me that most of the construction workers I have met during my 30 years of working in the field were not very good outside of basic math. Now I knew a lot of carpenters that could read a measuring tape and use a framing square pretty good. But when it came to advanced geometrical construction projects like a stair hand railing system this was out of our league.

Reading this book or should I say parts of it gave me an idea to write a book of my own, starting with basic stair building I took all the fluff or the hard to understand advanced stair building applications out of my book, How to Build a Straight Set of Stairs.

I put a lot of time into creating an illustration for every possible part of building a simple set of stairs. I have probably built over 2000 sets of stairs during my lifetime and have explained and taught basic and advanced stair building to other carpenters. Understanding what parts of the stair construction process they understood, I was able to improve my skills as a stair building teacher.

Most people do not need advanced stair building skills to construct a simple straight set of stairs. If you are building a straight set of stairs and would like a stair building book with lots of easy to understand illustrations along with simplified directions you have found it.

We're building more stair building books to help contractors, carpenters, handymen and homeowners understand the stair building process.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

Does God Not Like Corner Backs?

I am a person that has been on a journey. Over that last few years I have really searched for a spiritual centeredness in my life. I grew up in a very religious family. Religion tore our family apart because certain philosophies could not exist. Everyone felt they had the true way to heaven. Now mind you all of them considered themselves Christian, but with their own brand of Christianity.

My family for me is a microcosm of the world. Everyone is not Christian but each religion feels as though THEY have the way to heaven. As a matter of fact if you do not believe as THEY do then you and others that think like you deserve to die! I never could understand the thought process that another creation of the God you worship should not live because you disagree on some miniscule point. For me it is difficult to understand how a creator of all things can choose one group or one person over another.

One day I was watching a football game. My team did win the game on this particular day. One of the receivers was very emotional during the game after he caught a touch down pass. He sat on the sideline actually crying! After the game a reporter asked the receiver what was going through his mind at that time. The receiver stated that he had spoken with his pastor at church the day before or sometime during the week. He said the pastor told him that God would allow him to do something great in the game to glorify him. Because the touch down was a turning point in the game the receiver surmised that this was the great thing that God had allowed him to do. God was on his side that day according to the receiver. A thought came over my mind at that moment. What did the corner back (this is person that plays a position on defense in American football) do to fall out of favor with God? Did God not like the corner back so he allowed him to get embarrassed on national TV?

I make lite of the situation with the cornerback, but it puts religion in a perspective that we should start to think about someday and I hope soon. Many people think of God as someone watching over all facets of our existence. I know some days he must get tired and just rest. He takes his eyes off the window to the world for brief times. I know this is true because I was going to the barber last week and prayed for a good hair cut. The barber messed up!

I figured I got in the same dog house as the cornerback or else he would not have gotten beat for a touch down and my barber would have had a steady hand. Or maybe he was busy with the guys involved in the war that had the guns praying that they be the ones to live and the other guy die? Have you ever thought how a God would choose which one of his creations would live when they were in conflict? People often speak of God as being the father. If that is so then how does a father choose one child over another? If you are a parent, what could your child do that you would never forgive them for and send their souls to burn in hell for eternity?

I don't think any religion has it right. When there is any thought that God will favor one over another for any reason it is wrong. When we start to question why a God does not work favorably for everyone then maybe we can move away from the thought process of God punishing one person over another. That cornerback has to know that he was not out of favor with God and that is the reason he was embarrassed by that receiver. I have come to believe that God is not a being in any sense of the word. However, there is a source that is greater than us, a source that we are all connected with. This source does not favor anyone anymore than the next person. One day I hope that religion will come to grips with its contradictions and let that lowly corner back know that him being out of favor was not the reason he was beaten on national TV. In our connection with universal consciousness, we all are as great as we choose to be.

Hi my name is Reginald Martin and my perspective is one of a holistic approach with the knowledge of how the universe weaves its interconnected tapestry and affects our lives. I am just like many of you. I have been through many of life's major ups and downs, like the birth of my children, raising a family, a divorce, Amway (any former distributors out there?) starting out dating again after years of marriage and being laid off from a job. These ups and downs can either make you or break you! My friend they made me. Although when my Amway business went under that was close to the straw that broke the camels back for me. J Just kidding. I developed a consciousness about life through the school of hard knocks that I would like to share with you. I look back on many of those events now and can laugh a little. I have been where many of you are about to go. There is a saying that I like, "you can learn from your experiences or from the experiences of others. The former will take you a lot longer to get the lesson but you will eventually learn it." I have mucho experience! My expertise is the areas of man, husband, father, brother, uncle, boss, friend and neighbor. I enjoy sports, reading, blogging and manly things like crotch scratching, yawning and stretching in the morning. Unless you have not lived you know that anything going haywire in those areas can cause you to have mental breakdown followed by a spiritual awakening, or not! And oh yeah, I kinda look at life in an irreverent quirky kind of way. I swear this is like writing an online dating profile!

Helpful Habit Planning Tips

Monday, July 20, 2009

How to Replace an Old Window in Your Home

A Guide to Installing a New Window in Your Home

If your old wooden window is drafty, does not open or close well, or is showing signs of water damage and decay, it is probably time to think about replacing it with a new state-of-the-art Low-E glass, vinyl clad window.

Also, if the glass pane associated with your existing old wooden window is foggy or you can feel cold drafts during the winter months emanating out from around it, or you need to hold it open during the summer months with a prop of some sort then it is definitely time to replace it.

Replacing an old window is something a Do It Yourself homeowner can tackle with some basic carpenters knowledge and a few basic carpentry tools that you probably already have in your home.

Purchasing the Proper New Window

Prior to installing a new window you first need to figure out what size window to purchase. The key parameter required when ordering a new window is its rough opening. This is specified by the window manufacturer and tells you how large of an opening you need for installing a specific window. Typically the rough opening is 1 to 2 inches taller and wider than the actual window itself.

You may need to remove the interior trim from around the old window to obtain the rough opening dimensions for your new window.

Make sure you purchase a new window that has rough opening requirements that are equal to or smaller than your measurements.

Removal of the Old Window

Once you have purchased your new window it is time to remove the old one. Using a hammer and a claw remove the old exterior trim and any nails that may be securing the window to the home. There may be a nailing flange around the perimeter of the old window. Simply use your hammer and claw to remove these nails.

With the nails removed the window should be able to be pulled out of the window frame opening.

Installation of the New Window

With the old window out, it is now time to install the new window. Before, installing the new window, make sure the rough window opening is clear of any debris and any old nails.

Place the new window into the window opening and center it within the window frame.

Use a level and a measuring tape to make sure the window is plumb and square, otherwise the window will not work properly. You may need to add some shims to plumb and square up the new window.

Once the window is plumb and square within the window frame, fasten it with a couple of nails. With most new windows they come with a nailing flange that makes nailing the window to the outside home exterior straightforward.

When nailing the window, start on the upper right hand side and work your way down with just a couple of nails. Check again with the level to make sure the window is level and plumb. Also take one more look on the inside of the window to make sure the window is square and centered.

If the window has remained square and plumb, go ahead and install a couple of additional nails on the other side of the window. Again, one at the top, and the other about halfway down the window.

Then go into the home and remove/cut away the retention bands that held the window square during the window installation. Slide the windows up a down and see if they operate smoothly.

If the window operates smoothly go ahead and add additional nails every 4-6 inches around the nailing flange of the window. If it does not, you may need to remove one or more of the initial nails installed and readjust the window to make sure it is plumb and square.

With the window now installed, add new trimboards around the window perimeter on both the inside and outside of the window and enjoy your new view.

For more information on installing a new window, see the Installing a New Window Ebook from The Installing a New Window Ebook provides easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, on how to remove an old window and install a new one. Pictures are included for every key step in the process.

About the Author: Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more home improvement information visit and

Extreme Temperature Building

Ezekiel Prophecy - Bridge Uniting House of Judah and House of Joseph

The following is a bridge from the Native American spiritual path, the Red Road, as taught by Cherokee elder John Red Hat Duke, to Torah, the holy scriptures of our ancestors in Jerusalem, on which Judah (Jews) and Joseph (Hopi and those tribes associated with them) may unite with HaShem's blessing.

Note: The union of the House of Judah and the House of Joseph is the same event as the completion of the Hopi migration back to Jerusalem, as revealed to Dorothy by Creator. Ezekiel 37

Step 1: Observe nature with awe and gratitude. A sense of love and respect for all creation will begin to grow within me.

Creation. Our universe. The cycles of life and death. A vast composite of exquisite harmony; a truly beautiful harmonic symphony of melodious verse with each vibratory element sustaining one another, loving one another. This is truly a miracle of melodies played out in the grand scheme of creation.

HaShem's plan for humanity is wondrous and exciting! As the salmon swim upstream every year to spawn, they are led by HaShem's awesome spirit. In the wondrous scheme of HaShem's creation, all of creation follows an internal instinct, and so Jacob's children yearn to go home. HaShem has provided an inheritance for them in Judea-Samaria so His plan of creation may be fulfilled.

Step 2: Learn to trust Creator and accept my circumstances. Overcoming adversity will produce spiritual growth within me as I walk the Red Road.

Today we face great adversities, probably greater than any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. It is also a wonderful time of great opportunity for spiritual growth. We have the potential of rising to great spiritual heights; even to the place of forgiveness, love and tolerance where we will be prepared for the coming of Messiah.

Moses' life was filled with circumstances that tested his faith in HaShem, G-d. He was instructed by Creator to go to Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses had to trust HaShem or he would have given up on his mission before he ever began it because in his mind the work was impossible. Yet, if he had given up and not trusted HaShem, the Israelites could still be living as slaves under the Egyptians, but HaShem's plan was fulfilled. The Israelites were protected and sustained. Creator led them through the wilderness to the land of milk and honey. Through all the adversity of wandering in the wilderness, Moses had to convince the people of Israel to accept their circumstances and trust HaShem and He would lead them home.

We have a tendency to quickly enter the land of 'fire and ice," where our emotions fluctuate to extreme anger (fire) and to coldness and judgment (ice.) Now we must learn to enter the land of 'milk and honey,' where we will nourish, i.e. provide milk for all the children of Jacob with an attitude of sweet forgiveness, i.e. with the sweetness of honey. May we move beyond the place of being extremely difficult to appease to a place where we will bring joy to Jacob and all of our ancestors who wait with hopeful hearts that we will enter the land of milk and honey.

Step 3: Seek for truth within myself, that I may remove hypocrisy and evil intent from within my heart.

Creator is the third partner in procreation. It is He who gives life. It is interesting to note that procreation is the first mitzvah mentioned in the Torah, which gives it primary importance.

Children are the greatest blessing we can have in this life, and Jacob's children were no exception. They were his greatest joy, and it is said that Joseph was his favorite.

This apparently caused jealousy in the hearts of his brothers, except for Benjamin. So they contrived evil action against Joseph to get rid of him. They contemplated killing him, but ended up throwing him down a well from which he was sold into slavery in Egypt.

Joseph's brothers, including Judah, then went home and practiced possibly the greatest hypocrisy and deception of their lives. They pretended to be grief stricken, and convinced their father, Jacob, that Joseph had been mauled to death by wild animals.

However, HaShem was with Joseph, and turned the evil action of his brothers into a positive guidance and blessing for Joseph and for all of Israel.

There is a way to remove jealousy and evil intent from our hearts and return to live in the abundant blessings and unconditional love of HaShem. HaShem commanded the Israelites that He is Yahweh their God who brought them out of Egypt where they lived as slaves. They shall have no other gods to rival Him.

As we serve others with loving-kindness, we serve HaShem. As we allow His Living Waters to flow through our hearts and bring joy to others, the flowing water also purifies our own hearts through love, and this prepares our hearts to be ready for the coming of Messiah. The reason the union has not occurred between Judah and Joseph prior to now is because the people have not been ready! There has been no water in the well!

Is there any other way for all the children of Israel to regain wonderful blessed companionship with Creator except to accept each other with unconditional love and return to being the unified family of Jacob? Let's bring Joseph back home to his father and receive HaShem's blessing.

Step 4: Repent and humbly surrender my will to Creator, that I may become one with Great Spirit.

The joy of walking in harmony with Creator cannot be surpassed by any worldly activity. It produces a profound sense of peace and completeness; it answers the question, "Who am I?"

The House of Israel sinned against HaShem. We chose to live wickedly and rebel against Him. Before we can walk in harmony with Him again, we must see our own wickedness as repulsive and turn away from it in humility and repentance. We must ask HaShem's forgiveness.

We must surrender our arrogant self-will to Creator's will. For instance, He told us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, and He declared the seventh day as the Sabbath.

Some of us feel it does not matter which day we choose to call the Sabbath, but that is not humble surrender to the will of HaShem; it is arrogant self-will! The Sabbath given to man was a blessing from HaShem, and a blessing once given cannot be changed! If we desire to walk in companionship with Him and receive of His blessing, we must repent and humbly surrender to His will.

When we have turned away from our wicked ways, and received Creator's forgiveness, then we will be ready to accept our inheritance in Judea-Samaria. Currently, Judah is in control of this area. Although HaShem has promised to join together Judah and Joseph as one stick, it will only be accomplished when the people are ready. Judah must be ready as well as the Ten Northern Tribes; the House of Joseph.

It is not enough to walk in the ways of the Noachide Laws, or to adhere to the 613 laws of the Torah. This is like singing in low bass; a very low vibration. We must sing in high tenor or soprano at a much higher vibration. We must walk the higher spiritual path of purity and unconditional love; the spiritual path of the Keetoowah, the Red Road, in the truth of the Torah. This can only be accomplished by learning to walk in the way Creator commanded when He told us to not bear any grudge against the children of His people, but to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Leviticus 19:18)

All children of Jacob, Israel, must accept one another in the way HaShem commanded before we will be ready to fulfill the prophecy in Ezekiel 37:19. May we be quick to forgive perceived wrongs, and not relish being cruel and difficult to appease. May Israel again see all his children united as one family.

Step 5: Communicate with Great Spirit from my heart; listen, and live the insight I receive.

Israel is to listen! Yahweh our G-d is one G-d, and we must love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)

Have we lost the unity between our body, mind and spirit? Is our worship of HaShem lip service only? We can try to convince others that we walk with HaShem by speaking about holy things. However, our actions speak much louder than our words, and our actions betray what is in our hearts, and what is in our hearts is who we really are.

Some Israelites were thorns in the side of Moses. They tried to convince the people that they should return to Egypt to the good life. These are the dark forces that are with us still.

Today, Joseph wants to return home and claim his inheritance, but there are those who would deny him that which HaShem has provided, saying Joseph's children are an abomination in the sight of Creator and would only destroy eretz Israel if they were allowed to return.

Judah is refusing to invite Joseph back home, and in some ways he has good reason. The Ten Northern Tribes of Israel have not been living as a light reflecting the wonderful love of HaShem. They have assimilated into the many Nations of the world and many of them are living in idolatry today.

But what has Judah done to draw them back into the love of HaShem? Where is the light that would light the pathway for the rest of Jacob's children to find their way back into the joyous place of living in harmony with Creator? Judah, herself, does not appear to carry this light!

We must rise above the material world of law, only, into the spiritual world of HaShem. It is here that love resides; that HaShem resides. It is here that Light exists. It is here that our thoughts exist and we make our choices.

Creator has given us instruction; we are to have a heart full of unconditional love. If we refuse to accept our brothers and sisters of the House of Israel with unconditional love and forgiveness, and with a helpful spirit to help each other prepare to stand before HaShem in purity and truth, then we are a hypocritical people; we worship HaShem with our lips only! We must live His commands if we are to truly be His people! We must love our people as ourselves; all the children of Jacob!

Step 6: Learn true abstinence. It is in serving others, with an attitude of loving-kindness that I create a flow of Living Waters which will purify my heart.

Joseph served his Egyptian master well. Even when he was falsely accused and imprisoned, he retained his attitude of servitude and loving-kindness by interpreting the dreams of the chief cup-bearer and the chief baker. When the pharaoh had two dreams and could find no one to interpret them, the chief cup-bearer remembered Joseph and told the Pharaoh how he had interpreted his and the chief baker's dreams accurately.

So the Pharaoh called Joseph to him and asked him to interpret his dreams. He did so, and then suggested how the Pharaoh should govern in the approaching times of plenty and famine.

Pharaoh approved of his suggestions and the interpretation of his dreams, and therefore promoted Joseph to chancellor. Only his own throne was above Joseph.

Joseph was blessed by HaShem, and because Pharaoh accepted Joseph into his household, he prospered.

Joseph knew and acknowledged that it was HaShem who interpreted the dreams. He also knew that when he served others, he served Creator.

When Joseph's brothers came to him during the famine and asked for food, Joseph lovingly fed them and provided additional food for them and their families. It was this service with loving-kindness that created tremendous joy in Joseph's heart; the joy of serving HaShem.

Jacob's family was reunited, and the flow of love, the flow of Living Waters, moved them all to tears. This is why water is used as the symbol for the cleansing of the soul. Flowing water purifies, and love flowing from HaShem through compassionate servants like Joseph purify their hearts with the flow of living waters.

This same joy will be experienced again when Joseph's brothers serve HaShem by welcoming Joseph's children and the other members of the House of Israel home. It is then that HaShem will establish a new covenant with the House of Judah and the House of Israel. It will be a covenant written in the heart, a covenant of unconditional love without judgment. It will be a time of great joy and abundant blessing as we experience the wonderful love and compassion of HaShem.

Step 7: Attain complete, joyous harmony with Great Spirit; walk the Red Road. This requires that I totally surrender my will to the will of Creator, and love others unconditionally without judgment because that is who I am.

IAM is calling. Have we forgotten how to listen to His voice? Have Judah and the House of Israel become deaf to the voice of HaShem and turned to self-worship in the ways of the world?

We must return to the ways of the traditional ancestors if we would be ready to welcome Messiah (Masaau). We must return to the ways of Abraham, and the ways HaShem taught Moses when he called His children out of Egypt; out of bondage into a land of milk and honey.

We are invited to enter the land of milk and honey and we can do this by inviting our children home with a sweet, forgiving spirit.

It is time to do more than talk about HaShem and about holy things. It is time to BE that which we were created to be. It is time to become one with the wonderful, awesome IAM; to walk in companionship with Him as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden.

Joseph was a wonderful example, and we can do this as he did. With a forgiving spirit, he fed his brothers when they came to ask for food from him in Egypt during the famine.

Joseph depicted a man totally surrendered to the will of HaShem, else he would have judged his brothers guilty and unconditional love and forgiveness would not have been possible.

Joseph walked the Red Road by fulfilling HaShem's Law of Love, and now Joseph's children are asking his brothers to complete HaShem's plan of Creation by walking in companionship with them along the Red Road and inviting them to come home. Will HaShem hold Judah guiltless if they do any less?

For more information about gaining eternal life in the presence of Creator, and about the return of the long awaited Hopi Pahana, read the books Red Hat Speaks, and Red Hat's Wisdom, by Dorothy K. Daigle. These books can be ordered from any bookstore or online from or

Dorothy was taught by Cherokee elder and wisdom keeper, John Red Hat Duke, for over ten years in the Keetoowah Cherokee spiritual ways, in Eastern philosophy, and in Judaism. She was raised Christian so she has a good working knowledge of Christianity. She now follows no religion but strives to walk the Red Road spiritual path according to Jesus' teachings.

She received her call from Creator in the fall of '92, and was then taught by the great prophet Elijah for four years. She was given four assurances by Creator when He called her. She was told that she was anointed by the Holy One of Israel, that she would be protected until this work was done, that Creator would go before her whenever He sent her somewhere, and that she did not have to prove herself to anyone. She is one of Creator's prophesied Two Witnesses. She carries wisdom of many years of living under Creator's guidance and direction.

Starting With Simple Things

Chlorine Free Pool System

As more pool and spa operators look for non chemical alternatives, mineral ions are gaining popularity. Mineral ions are natural bactericidal and algaestatic agents from copper, silver or titanium used to kill microorganisms in the pool. Copper is the most commonly used mineral for ionization. The use of a mineral ion solution can reduce the need for caustic chemicals such as chlorine, thereby reducing the side effects caused by the presence of such chemicals. The use of metal ions results in less skin and eye irritation and less damage to pool and spa equipment. Ions are a natural process, harmless to bathers and the environment, which makes it a particularly attractive alternative to ecologically conscious pool operators.

Ion generators, such as the ECOSmarte Pool System or the Floatron can be installed with your pool equipment to generate ions using an electrical current. Inside the chamber are electrodes, usually made of copper, but silver and titanium are also used. When the electric current is applied to the mineral electrodes, ions are released. These ions are carried away by the water passing through the chamber, and subsequently enter the pool. These ions bind to microorganisms in the water, killing them. The process is natural, safe and effective.

If a pool operator is hesitant to install a new piece of equipment in his or her pool, and does not want to commit finances to the cost of such a piece of equipment, there is an ionic alternative to the ion generator. He or she can use the power of mineral ions in their pool or spa through the use of a liquid mineral solution. These solutions typically consist of copper-based ingredients, such as copper sulfate pentahydrate solution, bound with an environmentally safe carrier, which depends on the brand used. There are several brands of this mineral ion solution, marketed under such names as Pristine Blue, Rainforest Blue, and Simply Blue.

These products, like the ion generators, are bactericidal and algaecidal. Microorganisms in the water metabolize the copper and it interrupts their reproductive cycle, thereby preventing bacteria and algae from growing. Unlike chlorine and bromine sanitizers, these products are odorless and tasteless and will not irritate the skin or eyes of bathers.

Please visit us to learn how to have a chlorine free pool and to learn more about the problems with salt water generators.

What To Do If Your Home Floods

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How Natural Rust Removers Can Work For Any Home Pool

Many homes have pools but after a long winter it can be tough to get these pools to be moved back to their best qualities. Many of them will have developed rust over the long season. A natural rust remover can be used to clear these problems with safety. Natural rust removers work to help with removing rust stains so that the pool can be at its best condition possible for the new season.

The way pool cleaning materials like this work is simple. A proper rust remover that is organic in nature is applied onto a brush that can be used for scrubbing hard surfaces. After this the remover is then brushed onto the rust stain so that everything will be properly removed. After this is done the remaining parts of the stain that have fallen off will need to be cleared out before the pool can be filled up with water again. De-chlorination is needed after this process too as a means of getting the entire area properly cleaned off.

In some cases products that are available for removing rust are ones that do not require wiping. They can easily cause the rust to dissolve over time. Some additional time is going to be required for this type of option though.

A variety of different options can be used for these natural rust removers. These pool cleaning materials can come in spray forms, mixing tubs and in liquids for pouring or wiping.

The reason why natural rust removers are needed as pool cleaning materials is that many artificially made rust removers can be harmful to the people who use the pool. Chemicals that can stick onto the surfaces in the cleaning process can easily harm the quality of the surfaces. As a result they can easily get into the water for when the pool is actually filled up for the new season. This can be a major health concern. With a natural remover it will be easier to get everyone to stay safe because all ingredients used are non-toxic and safe for everyone.

What's more is that rust can be dangerous to a pool in that if rust continues to build up it can easily get into the water over time and can become even harder to clear off. As a result it is always best to use these products before each season.

When looking to get a pool at the home ready for the new season it is best to consider one of the various types of natural rust removers available. These materials are ones that can be used to help with clearing off difficult rust stains that can build up during the winter and can help to make the pool safer for everyone. These can come in many forms and can be easy to apply too.

Tanya is a mother concerned about her childrens well being. She has searched high and low for natural products that will not harm her young ones. Now you can tap into her research and find out which products she uses to protect her family from nasty chemicals. Visit natural rust remover

What To Do If Your Home Floods

Spiritual Ethical Will - Giving the Gift of Tradition

Spiritual ethical wills are different from a last will and testament. Instead of bequeathing physical assets, ethical wills bequeath personal insights, morals and philosophies. If you are looking for a gift that will keep on giving then invest in the development of a spiritual ethical will.

Parts of an Ethical Will

An ethical will can be formatted in a number of different ways, however, most formats will have the same basic sections. The first section will be the introduction. It will identify who the ethical will is intended for and what its purpose is. The second section will contain personal insights into life, philosophies and values that the writer has. The final section will point out what the reader is supposed to learn from the will, such as cherishing time with their family or learning to be charitable.

Writing Your Ethical Will

Writing your ethical will can be an intimidating process. People who do not write a lot may feel as if the process of composing and editing an ethical will is more than they can handle, or they may feel that they just don't have the time to write one. Fortunately, you don't have to sit down and write the entire thing in one night, nor do you have to write an ethical will that is 100 pages long.

The writing process for an ethical will needs to start with an outline and a brainstorming session. The outline will help you to format your ethical will and the brainstorming session will help you to flesh out the ethical will. There are a lot of brainstorming activities that you can try including word association and freewriting.

The next step is to develop the topics you entered in your outline. To do this you will need to try and write at least one paragraph per topic. You can talk about memories, you can provide examples or you can just discuss your thoughts about the topic.

After you have a first draft completed you will want to put away your will for at least a week. When you take it back out you will be able to look at it with fresh eyes. This will make it easier to edit your will. Start by reading through the ethical will out loud. This will help you to find grammatical mistakes, typos and sentence flow problems.

Get more tips for writing an ethical will at Spiritual Ethical Will.

Developing Wealth Building Habit

Fitting a Shower Into Your Tiny Bathroom

People who live in urban apartments or old houses can face problems with installing a shower into their bathrooms. Most of these bathrooms are extremely small, and it may seem that since all the space is already taken up by existing fixtures, there's no hope of ever having a shower. However, there are options available to give you that shower you want.

The first thing you could try is taking the bathtub completely out. In most of these types of accommodations, the bathtubs are old, large, and take up way more room than they need to. By removing this old tub, you'll have the room you need to fit a fancy shower enclosure in the space instead. Unfortunately, this means no more long hot baths, but if you want to create more space, this may be your only option.

Before replacing your bathtub you need to realize that removing the tub will decrease the value of your property. Most potential buyers will expect there to be a bathtub. If you have a very large bedroom, you might consider adding a sunken bathtub to the bedroom in addition to adding the shower. You'll find that a lot of people will really like this idea.

Maybe you have one of those nifty old claw foot bathtubs that are so in demand today. If you have sufficient ceiling height, you can add a showerhead to your bathtub. If you don't have the height to work with, you can find shower heads on flexible hoses that you can attach to the faucet of your bathtub.

You might decide to forget the shower enclosure and the bathtub and just turn your entire bathroom into a shower. You will need to install walls and floors made of concrete or stone which could be rather costly, but the results will be truly amazing. Just be sure to add a floor drain. The problem with this kind of design may be where you're going to put a toilet, sink, and mirror. If there's room, you could put up a glass or Plexiglas partition and place your other fixtures behind the wall.

The more things you're able to remove from your small bathroom will mean you have that much more additional room for a fancy shower. When you get to doing remodeling of this scope, you will probably need to find a professional contractor to do the work for you.

For more bathroom decor ideas, including lladro bathroom style, check out our bathroom style guide at

Simple Light Switch Replacement

Spiritual Affirmation - Healing Your Inner Self With Spiritual Affirmations

From childhood to adulthood, the knowledge we gain or the experiences we have in our lives only helps us to discover our outer personality and brings us closer to material things of this world. At the same time we sometimes get depressed or fall into a low self-esteem Problem. Spiritual Affirmations help us get out of these problems. Spiritual Affirmations leads us towards a happy and satisfying life with a peaceful mind.

Affirmations are a judgment that we pass or any thought we have. An affirmation is directly linked to our sub consciousness. Affirmations can either be negative or positive which can either guide our subconscious actions to a successful life or towards failure.

Spiritual Affirmations are a form of meditation which when mediated often, have a desirable results. For example if a person has a lack of confidence or self-esteem problem sit in a peaceful, quiet place with some spiritual affirmations in your mind, let the emotions flow to you and start saying the spiritual affirmations aloud, 'I believe in myself' or 'My inner self will always guide me towards right path with decisions that are beneficial to me and others'.

The key behind spiritual affirmations is to let go of all your negative thoughts and trust completely in yourself. Instead of thinking 'This project is too difficult for me' try thinking 'I am capable of anything and obstacles do not effect me or my work'. Once you adopting this kind of spiritual affirmation you will notice a positive and healthy change in your life.

The best way to carry out spiritual affirmation technique is to release your mind of any negative thought, sit in a peaceful and quiet place, relax and visualize any positive spiritual affirmation such as 'My mind is at peace now'. At the same time try to use simple words and sentences which can easily be interpreted by our mind and mind can easily accept it to be true.

Spiritual affirmations not only help to achieve a peaceful mind and happy life but also helps us draw closer to God. Remember God and His blessings as much as possible while utilizing the spiritual affirmation technique. For example "I let my renewed soul thank God for His blessings" or 'I release my old self and reborn with a new pure soul'. The most acceptable and commonly used word in spiritual affirmation is 'Amen' meaning 'so be it'. While some of us use it to conclude our prayer, it can be used for spiritual affirmation.

For a positive result spiritual affirmation needs to be repeated many times for effectiveness. Write down any positive thought you get maybe in a diary, on a piece of card or whichever way is convenient to you. Review them daily to get your mind to completely accept these thoughts. Preferably review them twice a day. Initially during spiritual affirmation technique we will also get negative thoughts. Note down these thoughts as well and at the end of the day review them and try replacing them with something more positive. Once you perform this spiritual affirmation technique on a regular basis you will find a positive change in yourself with a renewed spirit.

Robert Watson is a certified hypnotherapist with the ABH and the NGH, and has worked with affirmations and subliminal messages for over ten years. Visit his Subliminal Messages website for more information about using affirmations and subliminal messages to help you lose weight, quit smoking, have a more positive outlook and more.

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How to Install Door Locks - San Deigo Home Tips

Recent reports show that the majority of home burglaries occur due to an unlocked or faulty door. If your door is not safe and secure, you might as well just leave it open and invite the thieves in. No one wants to do that, so the next option is to fix the locks or replace them. You can do it yourself or call a NYC locksmith. If you are good at handy man tasks, it may be no problem to replace security locks.

The first issue you will find in replacing locks is choosing the best ones. There are a wide variety of security locks and styles on the market today. Most of your decision will be persuaded by the type of door you have. If you have an exterior door, you may want to consider a set of security locks. These locks would include a dead bolt. There are different types of dead locks available on the market. You can choose from one that locks internally with a lever, or you may want to go with the type that locks from the inside with a key.

After you have chosen the right type of lock, you will need to choose between a right- or left- handed style. The style is based on which side your door opens from. You will also need to consider if your door swings in or out when opening. For your locks to work efficiently, you will need to know these details. The next step after purchasing is to ensure you have proper tools. You will need basic hand tools like a hammer, screwdriver, and a chisel. You will want to start your installation by first removing the old lock or door knob. Make sure you clean up the surface of the doors and remove any caulk or grime that may be there.

Then it's time to start installing the new locks or door handles. You should first check to see if the new locks will fit inside the holes for the old. If they do not you may need to enlarge the holes with the chisel. You can mark the area with a pencil to ensure the right size. Once you have the new lock in the proper size opening, you will need to read the individual instructions for your new locks. Each type of lock will have its own exact way to be installed. Most are very simple, but some will require exact steps for proper fit. Don't worry, if it gets too complicated, you can always call your local locksmith for a little help.

Rob Hargreaves - An American Locksmith of leading locksmith company named Mr-locks. Call or contact me for all locksmith services.

Electrical Outlet Problems

What Needs to Change to Become Your Authentic Self?

Becoming your Authentic Self is a process of deprogramming who you were trained to be and rebuilding your perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors to be in alignment with who you were born to be.

And this means change.

"Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die!"

There is good reason why humans resist change. The inborn survival instinct does not want to risk losing what it has in exchange for the uncertainty of change.

The dilemma for the person on the spiritual path is that you must change in order to grow. My Awakening Your Light Body teacher, Duane Packer, often shared this quote: "If you want to have what you've never had, you will need to do what you've never done."

The good news is that the more spiritually evolved you become, the more tools and skills you have for consciously creating your reality.

Although it is quite tempting to believe that if only the other person (or situation) would change all would be well in our world, at some point in our spiritual growth we come to accept that our outside reality is a reflection of our inner reality. It is said that we don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we are. It is a big leap forward in spiritual awakening to understand that what we experience in our outer life is a reflection of our inner life.

The great thing is we can change our mind any time we want and start focusing on how we want our life to be (instead of focusing on what we don't want and creating more of that!)

As Nelson Mandela has said: "We must become the change we want to see in the world."

A good question to ask when you are not liking a life situation:

"What belief, attitude, behavior, or perspective do I need to change so I can be joyful in this situation?"

Once we get past wanting to blame someone else for our unhappiness, it is not too hard to take the next step and ask what we need to change about ourselves.

Is it possible that something as simple as asking what we need to change in ourselves can turn around a seemingly impossible situation? Yes!

How do I know? Because I have done it. The hardest part is acknowledging that the unpleasant outside circumstance is a result of something inside of me. But as the saying goes, "do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?" At this point on my spiritual path I have found myself to be "wrong" so often that I am used to noticing my "faults" and owning what is true no matter how embarrassing, silly, stupid (all judgments, by the way) it is. I encourage you if you have a situation that is causing you unhappiness, use it as an opportunity to ask "What do I need to change in myself so this situation gets better?"

I know you will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Jennifer T. Grainger, B.Msc.,Spiritual Growth Coach & Mentor, Founder of, an online resource center for people exploring their spirituality. Sign up now for a fr^ee membership and receive Jennifer's guided meditation:"Sitting in the Stillness". In this meditation you will connect with your Divine Self for guidance, inspiration and expanded consciousness. Sign Up Now!

Structuring Your 24 Hour Day

Building Stairs With Recycled Concrete

What a great idea using your old side walk or driveway to build a nice stairway for your front or back yard. Using the old concrete instead of sending it to the landfill. Wow talk about earth friendly. Who would have thought that using recycled concrete would create a beautiful center piece in your landscaping plans.

That's enough about that lets get to the nuts and bolts of building the stairs. I came across the idea by visiting one of our favorite breakfast stops in Fallbrook. I had been walking down these stairs for quite a while when it dawned on me that the stairs where kind of jagged. When I took a closer look I couldn't figure it out, What kind of building materials did they use.

Then I realized it was recycled concrete in other words someone's old side walk. They even used the old concrete to make some nice planter boxes and retaining walls. The whole area really looks nice. The landscaping created natural look with a old world look to it.

How do I build the stairs using recycled concrete? Simply put first thing you need to do is get some recycled concrete. If you are going to be tearing up a old sidewalk, driveway or patio then you won't have to look far.

If not you can contact some local general or demolition contractors. They would love to have someone haul away their concrete. The reason for this is they have to pay around five hundred dollars for every ten tons hauled away from the jobs they are working on.

The more recycled concrete you need the easier it will be to get it. If you need a lot you will be able to contact a concrete recycling plant and get the phone number to a local contractor that hauls broken up concrete to their plants. These people can drop off a large load if you have a large area to drop it.

Remember that most contractors don't want to be bothered because they are busy working or planning on working. The easier you can make it on the contractor the more likely you will get what you want from them. They usually aren't interested in doing extra work just to make you happy. You can get a lot by being courteous from most people.

Now that you have the concrete you can start building. The concrete will be stacked on top of the other concrete to form the steps. Depending on how long of a stairway you are building you will have to level the dirt and stack the recycled concrete to make the stairs.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us now for more great Home Remodeling Tips

Stud Spacing And Wall Framing

Friday, July 17, 2009

Dream Walking - Where Do You Go To

Dream walking and astral travelling are very similar. Astral travelling tends to be something you do alone, where dream walking is a more conscious experience where you can choose who goes with you.

It is good to set your intentions when going to sleep. You can ask your Higher Self for help with a problem or you can consciously choose to go on an adventure, using your powers of visualization and imagination.

If you have friends who are open to spiritual experiences, you could chat with them in advance and invite them along on the adventure. Distance is no object, so you can even arrange this on Chat or by SMS messaging in advance.

When bedtime comes, go to bed in a relaxed and happy way and if you feel any tension in your body, just spend a few minutes releasing that consciously, becoming aware of the different parts of your body.

Breathe into these areas and relax and expand your consciousness. Feel the more subtle aspects of the physical body  the organs, the cells and molecules; and become aware of your Energy Body or Aura, which permeates throughout the physical body.

Allow the Electromagnetic Power in your Aura to expand and connect to more aspects of yourself by grounding yourself to the Earth, reaching up with your consciousness and feelings to the planets around the Sun in our solar system and feeling their influence, like archangels guiding one's destiny.

As you connect more and more with your Energy Body and the Energy Matrix of the Zero Point Field, which is talked about in Quantum Physics, feel your chakra centres activating and coming alive. Feel the multidimensional aspects of yourself opening up and connecting you with your spirit family, healing helpers and guides within and beyond the veil. You may feel your power increasing like a magnetic presence or charisma comes around you.

When the energies feel right, remember your intentions at the beginning of the process and who is coming with you. Reach out with your feelings and start a telepathic communication with the friends you would like to take with you. You do this deep in your heart with a faint starring in your feelings; it is more the intention to send the message than anything verbal.

If they are ready too, choose to slip out of your physical body into your Energy Body and choose to focus with your feelings on the images in your imagination. See yourself soaring through time and space. This is a process of transcending your physical body consciously becoming aware if the finer and finer aspects of Self, until you transcend the physical into your light body.

Remember that you do not really travel out of yourself: you just choose to make yourself bigger and move your awareness around inside of your Self, which truly is the whole universe. It is like moving your awareness from your head to your big toe, travel from your head to your toe; you just became aware of a different aspect of yourself. So choose to feel yourself as the Universe in this expanded transcendental awareness and then choose which aspect to be aware of.

It is all about focus of intention and what you choose to create; either alone or with the friends you have chosen to have this experience with you. Connect fully to the senses in your Energy or Light Body. This is like being aware of your senses in Sixth Sense Mode.

Feel your surroundings, the warmth of the sun, the wind in your hair; smell the flowers and the freshly cut grass in the hay meadows. Start a conversation with your friend and hear their voice in your ears. Feel their hand in yours as you walk along together. You are using your powers of visualization, imagination and mixing these with your passion and desire in a very subtle dream state.

Then fully open up your imagination and your Self to the multi-dimensions of experiences you can choose to create in this state of consciousness. Enjoy your Dream Walk. Remember you are only limited by your imagination, in this state of awareness all things are possible. Please focus on the good and life supporting aspects, which will help you and your friends, live a happier more fulfilled life.

When you are finished bring your Light Body/awareness back to the here and now, reconnect with your physical body again and enjoy the rest of your night's sleep. Thank all your friends who helped with this process and send them loving thoughts.

By George E. Lockett SSHA, IIHHT -- HealerGeorge(C) Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved. Tel: +44 (0)1286 882701 Visit HealerGeorge's web site to experience the power of Distant Healing or listen to HealerGeorge Radio giving Questions and Answer advice mixed with Spiritual Music. You can also enjoy many free benefits on HealerGeorge, like listening to Free Guided Meditations. Why not order HealerGeorge's Latest book entitled "A Journey into The Self - The Multi-dimensional Nature of Being Human" By George E Lockett. It is all available off the web site. HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing, and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Creating A Habit

Easy For Estimators to Produce Cost Projections

A building construction software program has become one of the most important tools in the construction profession. These programs have made it easier for estimators to produce cost projections; for architects to develop a building design; for contractors to plan for building codes and other legal concerns; and for the homeowner or building owner to get an idea of what the project would entail in terms of costs, time and compliance.

Types of software

A construction project is made up of various steps, so it is to be expected that software packages for this profession will be numerous and varied. One of the more widely-used types is the computer-aided design or CAD software that is used mostly by architects and engineers. These types of programs are used for creating building plans and drawings and allow the designer or architect to have a three-dimensional perception of the project at hand.

Software programs for estimating construction costs are another of the more commonly used packages in the building trade. Programs for estimating building costs allow the user to produce expense approximates, employee and equipment scheduling plans, contractor bids, project reports and other elements of the project that have something to do with costs. These software packages can be purchased, but there are also those that are available for free in the Internet. However, free programs are mainly basic in terms of functions and can only provide rough estimates.

There are also programs for accounting, which help in keeping tabs of the costs of the project and provide bookkeeping information; software for environment and energy compliance concerns; programs for project contracts; and software packages that guide the owner and the builder through building codes and legal issues associated with a construction project.

What to look for in a software program

For those who are not very familiar with using CAD or other building trade software packages, it is important to choose the ones that are easy to use and can provide information that is not too muddled with unnecessary jargon. In buying software for a building project, look for brands that provide specific information about costs, plans and designs. The various screens should also be easy to understand, which means that they provide detailed information in the simplest language possible. The steps that it would take for a software user to perform basic actions should also be considered - the fewer, the better.

Building construction software products have revolutionized the architecture and construction industry. Whether you're a home owner or a builder or an architect, getting yourself familiar with these modern tools will go a long way towards helping you have a successful building project or a well-designed, within-the-budget home.

Read more information about Construction Estimating Programs and assessing construction costs of projects at

Stud Spacing And Wall Framing

Room Acoustics & Home Cinema Rooms

Room acoustics play a huge role in creating a successful home cinema. The best home cinema hardware in the world will fail to perform at its best in a badly designed room.

The main issue in a home cinema tends to be excessive reverberation time - this is the time taken for a sound from a speaker to decay by 60dB below its original level - i.e. the amount of time it takes for a sound to dissipate in the room.

If you can imagine standing in a completely empty room with hard floors and ceilings and clapping your hands, the sound will echo for quite some time and therefore take a long time to decay (it reflects off the walls and floor). Now imagine standing in a carpeted bedroom and clapping your hands, the sound would not echo as much and disappear quite quickly (the bed and the carpet would absorb some of the sound). The bedroom has a lower reverberation time than the original room.

In a home cinema it is generally good to have a shorter reverberation time as if the reverberation time of one syllable overlaps the other it can be difficult to make out speech. The same thing happens with sound from the surround sound speakers - one effect overlaps another resulting in a muddle of sound.

Home Cinema Treatments

There are several ways to treat excessive reverberation time - changing the shape of the room is one. Imagine a square box, a wave comes out of the speaker hits the back wall and comes back 180 degrees on itself - muddled sound. Now imagine a complex shape like Octagon, some waves will still bounce back at 180 degrees but the majority will bounce off in different directions - the sound still exists but all the bouncing will reduce its energy quite quickly (and therefore volume) and keep the sounds distinct.

The other way to treat excessive reverberation is to absorb the wave - acoustic panels consist of acoustic substrate finished in fabric. This tends to be the most practical way to improve the sound in your room and the finishing fabric can be almost any design - improving aesthetics at the same time as the sound. Manufacturers such as Cineak and Cinematech have products available in a variety of sizes and shapes to cater for most situations.

Written by: Dave Chester

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Psychic Readings - What is Psychic See-er?

When people talk about psychic abilities, then very imaginative ideas pop up in the minds of general population. Some reckon psychic is some one who can talk to people who have departed this transition, and some others think psychics are God gifted and are able to actually talk to God. Throughout the ages there were see-ers who could see the heart of the matter also communicate with spiritual dimension, getting guidance also predicting and anticipating up coming events.

In our recorded history we come to see the importance of spirituality to all lost civilizations. Example: Aztecs of South America, or ancient Egyptian cultures which really evolved their entire existence around a belief that life is of spiritual nature. Ancient Egyptian society had a very rich spiritual belief system. They have built marvelous temple tombs for their journeys for after life. And not just Egyptian but almost all civilizations throughout ages believed in spiritual realms and try to communicate with those dimensions. When we study history we come to see cave painting which date back to 10000 years before time, where we get to see the rock art in detail, showing shamanic rituals being performed. Shamanic cultures still exists in remotes part of our globe. Still living and practicing spiritual traditions their ancestors left for successive generations. Also spirituality touches nearly every heart in one form or another.

Spiritual beliefs and practices vary for different cultures and societies. And almost all cultures have a spiritual psychic who they consult on regular basis. Psychics are not a new invention in our modern busy lives. They can be seen almost in every culture, making their spiritual journeys to higher consciousness to receive psychic answers, and spiritual guidance. In eastern part of our world these spiritually attuned psychics are named as see-ers. They have the unique ability to intuitively see the heart of the matter in question. Psychic clairvoyants in our modern world are becoming in demand and proving to be very popular amongst spiritually minded people. They provide psychic readings, also some are able to read divination as well, divination is not simply a fortune telling event, as alleged in Hollywood movies, it is more than that, it is being able to see insights of a person or events.

We need to understand the difference between psychic readings and divination readings. They are both completely different subjects altogether, yet they will both prove to be insightful also accurate, if received from a genuine source. Our history has seen psychics, soothsayers, magicians, astrology prediction given by astrologers who study the position of stars, clairvoyant, rune stones readers, psychic - mediums who make the spiritual journeys between spirit world and our normal world, divination kumalak readers and many other spiritual forms of divination and seeing.

As science evolved so did knowledge of our universe, science answers many questions, and without the efforts of science we could not make so many new discoveries we find to be useful for us. And scientific communities will disagree with psychic ability being real, as most scientific scholars do not believe in the existence of soul - spirit nature. Everybody is entitled to their theories in life, which is the basis for advancement, to have theories. Yet the spiritual communities know the accuracy and usefulness of consulting a psychic, and getting psychic readings from them. Genuine psychic advice has and will continue to provide a useful option to those who live their lives believing in the existence of spiritual forms thus receiving guidance from these dimensions. Question should not be as to, are psychics real? Rather the question should be how can I utilize the dedication of these spiritually attuned souls? "Psychics"

We are human beings whether we live in Asia or America, and there were psychics thousands of years ago, and some are genuine psychic clairvoyants today also. Have you ever had genuine psychic readings before? If you have, then your theories about them will be positive in nature. And if you never had genuine psychic readings before, then perhaps you may like to test your theories about them, by getting genuine real psychic readings online, today.

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30 Days To Creating Super Habits

Modern Bathroom Lighting - Get A Contemporary Look In Your Bathroom

Lighting is more important in rooms like the bathroom and kitchen because of the practical nature of each room. For instance, the bathroom is the principal room for grooming, be it applying makeup, shaving, dealing with scratches and cuts or generally examining the body. However the bathroom also has to be a retreat to some extent, where you can shut the door on the outside world and have a bit of down time. You want to have a relaxing bath and maybe read a book or meditate on the day just gone. In this case you need lighting that is not too harsh and can be seen as soothing light. Modern bathroom lighting is a balance between these two approaches. In fact the styles of lighting are defined by their applications. There is task lighting, ambient and accent lighting. This article will explain what these terms mean and how they are used in the bathroom.

Task Lighting

Task lighting used to be about a florescent tube above the vanity mirror. This was harsh but effective in showing up the area of your face that you missed when shaving. Modern bathroom lighting has come a long way from there. Task lighting focuses on the vanity area or mirror, the bath and shower areas and even the toilet area.

In terms of the vanity area, having a light above the mirror and face will cause shadows under the eyes, nose and chin. This makes it hard to apply makeup or get that close shave because these parts of the face may be obscured. It is much better to have even lighting so adding vertical lighting on the vanity mirror or cabinet will help to an even lighting. Even better is adding a light source under the mirror.

Shower areas are normally compact and enclosed so good lighting is necessary to ensure that you can see what you are doing. This is from a safety point of view as a wet surface can cause you to slip. It is also helpful to be able to see what you are washing and even read labels on things like shampoo bottles. You may also shave in the shower so you have to be able to see what you are doing. Popular lighting for this is a recessed down lighter. This can be one light or a number of smaller lights. The light should be recessed so that it doesn't get in the way and helps to protect it from water and dampness.

Ambient Lighting

Ambient lighting is the background lighting. This is needed to fill the entire room with light so that you can move around in the room, clean it, see into storage areas and things like that. The most common form of ambient lighting is the ceiling based lighting. This has come on from the single bulb light in the center of the ceiling. Popular alternatives are the series of small down lighters that can act as ambient lighting and even task lighting, as in the shower. In terms of bathroom design, ambient lighting can also be natural sunlight that comes through a window or skylight. It is important if you are redesigning the bathroom or making a new bathroom that you take account of the where the natural light comes from so that you can place the windows in the correct position.

Accent Lighting

Accent lighting is more for creating a theme. It is used to highlight features of the room that you feel sum up it's character or style. So if you have ornaments, statues or architectural features that are original you can train a light onto it. Thus you could turn the ambient lighting off and switch the accented lighting on to create a more relaxing atmosphere. Accent lighting is useful when it has a dimmer control. The dimmer can dial the light up or down depending on your mood.

Getting the balance right between the three forms of lighting is a personal choice based on how you view your bathroom. Is it merely a place where you prepare for the day ahead, a place that you use to wind down after a hard day at work, or both.

If you want to breathe new life into your home or are simply looking for a bit of inspiration then visit The site gives tips and advice for home renovation and interior design, including choosing bathroom furniture and rustic stone flooring for your home. Adrian Whittle gives ideas on how to make your home special.

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