Friday, August 28, 2009

Positive Outlook Towards Results

I just had a bump with my exam results. I failed. Wow, I said to myself. I have failed for the first time in my life. Well, to shed my heart off, I was a bit depressed. My dad just told me a story which took my heart over the rod, I think everyone should understand this simple story. My dad surely impresses a deep wisdom on success and positive thinking. My dad is my role model, my mom is my role model-model. okay. lets start the story.

There is a game. All the competitors are running the race. Everyone is trying their best. Exerting full force. All of a sudden, one of the runner falls off, and gets his knees hurt. So, what does he do? what is the common sense running in his mind? Does he begin to cry? Does he get off the race? Nope. The common sense is that he gets up and starts running again. He tries to reach at his position again and finishes the race.

So, thats where the common sense comes into existence. If you fail somewhere, at some spot, that doesnt mean that you have to quit or stand still. Get aware of yourself (applies to me too); check yourself. The race is never over. Get over and start running.

If I failed in an exam, that doesnt mean I am going to loose every time. I should start working again. I should not loose heart and think that every one is given a day, to ask what every they want. And to me, its everyday.

Story is simple. But its essence will make me win in every think I will do after this day. The blog you are reading is the answer to lots of falls and rises. I deleted this blog more than 3 times before I took it seriously. Thats important.

Think and Grow Rich comes here too. Persistence is the principle this time. The principle of persistence is working when you stay exerting efforts. If you love a girl, love her so much, she will not find it anywhere, she will return to you and say I love you. I dedicate this post to my love. Love is a life time of examination, isnt it?

If you find this article useful, please visit my blog at and read how I am using the principles of Think and Grow Rich and Law of Attraction to earn health, wealth and happiness.

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