Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our Abundant Universe

We live in a perfect, infinite and extremely abundant Universe. Everything that we could possible need or want is available to us, once we learn to accept it. Part of the spiritual message that I want to impart to everyone is that it's perfectly ok to accept the abundance that comes your way. Not only that, it's also ok to manifest more.

In a limited, finite Universe for one person to have more means that another has to have less. Too many people today trap themselves into poverty and utterly hideous lifestyles because they simply can't envision the infinity of the resources available to them. Much of the training that I want to impart to people is not just that we can live and survive, but that we can live well and thrive.

When a person has a limited perspective then everything that person does must come through the filter of those limitations. Mystic Wolf Press is about breaking free of those limitations and sharing the bounty and abundance of the universe with as many people as possible. I believe that Lao Tzu gets the credit for saying "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for the rest of his life."

Give yourself permission

In our modern culture we usually look to external sources for permission to do anything. We've become accustomed to being told what we can and cannot do by the government, the church, our family, friends and the television.

The simple fact is that every one of us has the ability to connect to our own inner authority and inner power. Some of the philosophies and exercises in this book will cover this in more detail, but for now I want you to give yourself permission to open your mind and heart and study the information in here from the attitude of "I CAN".

Giving yourself permission is the first step in touching and using your inner authority. It's the moment when you quit reacting to what is happening to you and begin to take charge of your life and chart your own course.

Keeping a Positive Attitude

As you begin to follow this path you're going to experience emotions, feelings and in some cases pain. Sometimes it'll only make sense years later when you look back on it and realize what was happening. In many cases starting your business is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without having any kind of picture to go by.

No matter what happens, or where you feel drawn to go, a positive attitude will make the whole thing easier. I try to look at everything as a test, and that works for my personality. Each individual moment I have choices that I can make. I can be enlightened or ignorant, loving or afraid, loud or quiet and it all depends on my willingness to listen to the inner voices that we all have. The inner voices (spirit guides?)(Yeah, I know it sounds crazy) are an amazing asset to keeping you on the right path and helping you become the person you came here to be.

That kind of insanity requires a positive attitude.

Developing your self-awareness

Becoming the spiritually aware entrepreneur begins with the process of learning to accept exactly who you are, with all your warts, wonders and blemishes.

Your self is just like a blanket that you cover up with or a jacket that you put on. Spend some time becoming completely comfortable with it and you'll begin to see that you can put it on and take it off at will. It's just an external way to identify which self is yours. Once you can get beyond that and see that you don't really exist, then you can really start having fun with this stuff.

Developing your self-awareness is a multi-faceted exercise that encompasses all parts of your being. No matter how good you become at it there will always be new layers to uncover and new things to learn.

At the elementary levels of this business you'll have to look at your physical self, your mental self and your spiritual self and see how you can integrate them into your total being. This is a process that can take the rest of your life, so settle in for the long haul. As you can see this is about much more than just creating a business, It's about creating a businessperson (you) that you can be proud of.

The Law of Reciprocity

Simply stated, the Law of Reciprocity is; "What goes around comes around."

I realize that this sounds simple, almost to the point of being silly, but this incredibly simple concept is echoed repeatedly in every single spiritual path and religion in the world for a good reason. It works!

When it comes to your business it's especially important to remember that what you send out is what you'll get back. If you send out fear and hate then that's exactly what you'll get back.

When you use this principle in your life it's important to remember that what you want to receive is what you have to give. If you want to have more time then give time. If you want more money then give money. If you want more love then give love, etc., etc.

Those interested in really using this principle in your lives are encouraged to read Stuart Wilde's book The Trick to Money is Having Some and Robert Kiyosaki's excellent Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. I can't praise either of those books enough as they've been extremely helpful for me personally.

Dr. Wayne Dyer also talks about this principle repeatedly in his books, as do Louise Hay, Caroline Myss and a host of others. This concept can be used to enhance every part of your life, so look for new ways to use it.

** (Authors note; First, a word about energy. You'll see me use that term a lot in this book, partly because some of these sections are cut from the other books that I've written on meditation. How can I cut those sections out of a meditation book and plop them right down into a business book? I do it because we are not only dealing with money and business but with our relationships to one another and the universe in general!

Money is a form of energy. It's the tool that we apply to various situations as a lever to get things done. When you begin to see that money is only a form of energy then it opens you up to all of the different forms of energy that you can use, rather than just money. For instance, in many cases what we need is not really money, but some other resource such as another person's time or a tool that someone else has. Learn to open up to having the proper energy that you need rather than to just having money. With that in mind I'm only going to refer to energy for the rest of this section. It's up to you to identify and find the proper form of energy that you need for a particular situation) **

When you are using your energy and sending it to someone else, it's vitally important to remember that what you send is what you'll get back. Therefore you'll always want to keep this in mind, even when training in the dojo. As you begin doing these exercises you are going to be using more energy in your everyday life. Even though it's very subtle, people will still be able to feel that energy and respond to it.

If you let that energy run loose and uncontrolled, especially if you haven't learned to balance out your anger issues and emotional attachments, then you are going to offend people and hurt feelings, even when you don't mean to.

As you begin building up your personal catalog of experiences and experimenting with your energy, you're going to be tempted to play with it with other people. Remember to keep your intentions clear and remember that what you send out is what you're going to have returned.

If you want to practice sending energy into other people make sure that you are sending loving and benevolent energy. Even though you'll occasionally be tempted to send a good dose of revenge and retribution out to those you think deserve it, remember the Law of Reciprocity. For my part I try to make a point of sending good energy to those who disagree with me. If they are wrong then I hope that the energy helps them see the right answers. If it turns out that I'm wrong (which apparently happens a lot J) then it's good to send a little 'thanks and happiness' to someone who helped you learn a lesson.

Robert Kiyosaki writes profoundly about the Law of Reciprocity in his books. He makes a great point that you have to give if you are going to receive and that you must give away that which you need most to receive.

If you need money then you must give money. Give it to a charity, or to a 'bum' or to a stranger on the street, but give it just to give it and don't try to have any expectations about what you'll get back. This is important.

When you give simply to give and without any expectation of a return then you are sending out a message to the universe that "I have plenty! I have so much that I can just give it away to help someone else."

Like attracts like. When you have an abundant and giving attitude then you'll find that there is plenty of abundance to share. When you have a negative attitude and won't give because you feel that you don't have enough to share then you are just confirming that reality for yourself.

Spend some time thinking about this and working up to it. You don't have to give away your house and cars. Start small and send $5 a month to PBS or NPR, to an animal rescue shelter or some other charity that you can believe in. You may think that $5 a month isn't enough to make a difference for anyone, but every charity that I've ever seen would be happy with that.

Don't have any expectations about what you may get back for your donation. Do it just to share and in the hopes that it'll help those hardworking folks make the work a better place.

This next section is when we get into the power of Networks so think about this, if everyone in the network that you are going to build also sends in $5 a month to a charity then you are going to get to the point, as your network expands, where you will be single-handedly affecting some real social change. If you want to multiply this then talk to the people in your downline (your network) about everyone sending $5 a month to the same charity.

2006 Robert Morgen. This article may be used by anyone, anywhere as long as the author's bio and links are included.

"Our Abundant Universe" is an excerpt from Robert Morgen's new book The Spiritual Entrepreneur.

Robert Morgen had a near-death kundalini awakening in 1992.

He's the author of 'Kundalini Awakening for Personal Mastery 2nd Edition' and 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'

Find out more about his books, radio shows and teleseminars at

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