Monday, August 31, 2009

Are You a Spiritually Balanced Person?

Spiritualism is the ability of a person to know beyond the senses. The world can be understood as the combination of the matter and spirit. While the matter is visible and known to the senses, the spirit that is the cause of the matter is not known to the senses. The knowledge of the spirit is obtained by the observation of the matter.

Spirit is all pervasive in the world as all objects are derived from this spirit. The spirit is, therefore, also known as God, Paramatma (Universal Soul), Supreme etc. All branches of knowledge are an attempt of the man to understand this spirit. Einstein expressed this desire of the spiritual person in the following words,

"I just want to know the thoughts of God. The rest are details."

Spiritualism, contrary to the common perception, is not other-worldly as it is very much related to this world. It is an attempt to discover the ultimate reality which is hidden behind the material beings. When Newton saw an apple falling from tree, he did not focus his thoughts on the apple but on the force that is driving the apple to the ground. Then he found that the same force works between every material object of the universe. He called it gravity. Yet no one has ever seen the gravitational waves or understood the reason why such forces emerge from the matter. Yet this knowledge has been extremely valuable for the mankind.

Spirituality too is nothing but an attempt of the man to discover the unseen and unknown force that drives every reality of this world. The only requirement to become spiritual is to change the focus from the "form" to the "formless" as Osho said,

We should drop our obsession with form so that the formless can enter. The moment the manifest leaves our mind, the unmanifest enters."

Many thousands years back, Upanishads, explained spiritualism as the highest knowledge of the world in the following words (Mundaka, I, i, 6)

By this knowledge, the wise realize everywhere that which can not be perceived and grasped, which is without source, features, eyes and ears, which has neither hands nor feet, which is eternal, multiformed, all pervasive, extremely subtle and undimishing, and which is the source of all.

If the knowledge of the spirit can not be acquired by the mind and senses then, how one can get it. The answer is that the spiritual knowledge can be obtained only by the spark of the spirit that is present in every living creature, which we know as soul. Thus the source of spiritual knowledge is the soul which alone is capable of understanding the knowledge of the spirit. It is for this reason that the spiritual knowledge is also called self-realization as it emerges from within and not from outside.

Four Means of Spiritualism

The goal of spiritualism is to know the spirit, the all pervasive reality of the universe. It was found that such knowledge is possible only when the person transforms himself to a spiritual person and moves in the path of divinity or salvation. This is also known as yoga or union of Self with the God or Divine.

Bhagwat Gita provides for four paths of salvation viz. Gyanayoga (knowledge of Supreme), Karmayoga (Selfless Action), Bhaktiyoga (Faith) and Dhyanayoga (self-realization).

Since all branches of knowledge are nothing but the branches of the same tree, hence all the four paths are common in other branches of knowledge like science which describes these four steps as hypothesis, experimentation, analysis and theory.

However, people often follow the simplest path and stick to only one path instead of balancing the four methods of union. However, these people feel disappointed and disillusioned soon as they fail to evolve spiritually.

Only a person who strikes proper balance in all four types of spiritualism attaints the spiritual evolution.

1. Knowledge: Understanding Scriptures

The truth of spiritualism is hidden in the scriptures. Yet it is not the words of the scriptures that carry the essence of the knowledge but the spirit of the scriptures that can be realized only by the soul. Scriptures requires highest level of imagination and thoughts. The meanings of the texts of Bible are not comprehensible like science. For example, read this texts from Bible

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:35 (KJV)

Scriptures are like poems which mix reality with imagination and symbolism. The proper understanding of scriptures requires deep knowledge of life and man. Try understanding this para of Bible

Jesus said to her, `I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?'" (John 11:24-26)

Yet man with repeated effort and deep desire can grasp the truth of the scriptures just like a person after repeatedly seeing movies of different kinds or after reading fictions develop the ability to understand the truth after filtering the fiction or symbolism.

2. Selfless Action: Verification of Knowledge

Once a person has developed some understanding of the scriptures, the next step is to ensure that what he understood is correct. It has to be tested and verified just like a theory in science has to be verified by experiments. Roger Bacon (1214?-1294?) English philosopher, scientist said,

The strongest arguments prove nothing so long as the conclusions are not verified by experience. Experimental science is the queen of sciences and the goal of all speculation.

It is for this reason that Gita has given highest place to Karma amongst all paths of salvation as without action, the knowledge can never be verified. Further, like scientists, the person has to keep himself away in participating the experiments and work merely as an observer. Thus the requirement is selfless karma. Only when the experiment is done without selfish motive, the results are accurately known.

If the laws of the scriptures are properly understood, then the result of an action would result into the goal as predicted in the scriptures. If the results does not match than either the theory is wrong or the experiment is wrong.

3. Faith: Believe in Scriptures

If the theory is correct and the experiment has been performed rightly, the results of the action are same irrespective of the observer and the person. In this regard, there is no difference between a scientist and a spiritual person. Thus the results prove the theory that causes the development of faith in the theories of the scriptures.

Faith is the first achievement of the spiritually awakened person. He experiments not on others but on him, hence there are no chances of errors or manipulation. Can anyone doubt the truth of an incident which he has witnessed by his own eyes? Hence the faith is automatically generated. Repeated success of the experiment deepens the faith of the theory and his capability to understand the scriptures and the nature of the spirit.

Faith is highly valued in all religions. Bible elaborate the importance of faith in the following words

He (Jesus) told them, "Because of your lack of faith. I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.

Yet faith can never be forced as it is impossible to influence the soul. No one can lie to himself or fool himself. Faith or belief comes only when a person is really convinced about the truth or accuracy of the principles. Yet once the faith is achieved, nothing remains unachievable.

4. Self-Realization: The Power of Concentration

It takes considerable time before a person has developed the correct understanding of the scriptures and able to distinguish the truth from the symbolism. In the beginning, large deviations are found in the theory and the results of the action. However with concentration, one can realize the fault and get the right knowledge and right experimentation.

The process of deep thinking or concentration is often called the self-realization in religion as this knowledge is realized from within. In Gita, it is called Dhyanayoga or self realization which is the pinnacle of spiritualism. Self-realization has been given the highest place in all religions. In the Gita Lord Krishna says

I shall fully explain to you the Self-knowledge together with Self-realization after knowing that nothing more remains to be known in this world.

Francis Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778) French writer, philosopher explained the power of thinking in the following words,

No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.

A Balanced Approach to Spiritualism

Every person who intends to know the spirit or God has to balance all four paths as no single path can lead to spiritualism. Mere bookish knowledge of the scriptures can make a person philosopher but not spiritual. Knowledge without knowing is like cloths which are worn externally and can be changed anytime. This knowledge does not transform the person as he does not really know the spirit. He could only know the body of the spirit and not the True knowledge of Spirit just like none can understand a person merely from his photograph.

Similarly all selfless actions do not provide any benefit to man. First of all, without knowledge it is impossible to do any action as every action originates from a motive or desire. Action without proper knowledge may cause more harm to the person instead of giving any benefit to him.

The blind devotion or faith in the words of the scriptures is the most fetal error a man can commit in the name of religion. Such people are called fanatics or fundamentalists as they instead of knowing their scriptures know only the words. Thus they take body as the whole truth can commit unpardonable crimes in the name of God.

Finally, mere concentration does not yield to anything. It is virtually impossible to see the unseen and understand the formless without having some basic knowledge of the scriptures. Even the most awakened persons started from the scriptures before, they could develop their new understanding of the spirit. Self-realization does not come in vacuum but its feet lies firmly on the existing base of spirituality and religion. Yet the understanding and knowledge arising out of self-realization is fresh like a new born child, as it is designed from a purpose to help solve a real-life problem.

When a person combines all the four means of spiritualism, he is able to move to the higher and higher orbit of spiritualism and attain divinity, the goal of spiritualism and religion.

Dr. Awdhesh K Singh is an Engineer by education and philosopher by passion. He holds his PhD degree in the area of E-Governance.

He has published several papers in International Journals and Conferences on the subject of E-governance and the application of Artificial Intelligence tools like Fuzzy Logic (FL) and Expert Systems (ES) for E-governance.

He has keen interest in the study and application of Religion, Spirtuality and Philosophies for solving the real-life problems of the modern world.

Many of his articles are published on the website of Aatmic Science Forum and Science of Soul.

His can be contacted on the email aksinghirs [a]

Checking the Building For Square

The most important thing when building a home is the ability to keep everything as square, plumb and level as possible. Starting with the foundation, if the foundation is not square or level, the rest of the house is going to be out of alignment.

You've probably heard the saying, start with a good foundation. This applies to the building industry as well. There are quite a few ways to build a square foundation, it all depends on what kind of tools you have, to build it with.

Some of these tools can be quite expensive but it used every day can save you a lot of time and of course time is money.

You don't need expensive tools to build a square foundation. You could actually build a square foundation with less than $100 worth of tools. It might take you a little longer but could be done.

Let's start with the 3 - 4 - 5 rule.

Okay lets see if I can explain this in layman's terms. If no West side of the foundation is 3 foot and the north side of the foundation is for foot, then the diagonal measurement from the southwest corner to the northeast corner would be 5 foot. Out of square building can create foundation problems

This can also be done using 30' x 40' should equal 50 foot. You can use this if the building is large and you need to check it for square.

By measuring the foundation diagonally from each corner, the measurement should be exactly the same. If it isn't, the building is out of square and should be adjusted before the concrete is poured. This measurement should always be checked before you get too far along in the form building process.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your having problems in your attic, find out more at concrete contractor basics and home building ideas.

Are Christians Really Interested

Memories and Questions Can Uncover Purpose and Passion

By exploring the things you love to do, your strengths and skills, and what you'd do even if you weren't paid, you can discover your purpose in life.

You can begin a process of discovering your purpose in life, or rediscovering a purpose you previously held that has become neglected and forgotten, with two simple techniques. One is recalling times in the past when you had a strong sense of the direction you should go and followed it. The other technique is answering several questions you may not have thought to ask yourself.

Incidentally, you will probably get more from this process if you don't try to force the memories and answers but allow your responses to bubble up from your subconscious in whatever way feels most comfortable. You will gradually get a sense of the direction in which you want your life to flow, much as a caterpillar needs to go into a chrysalis before it can emerge as a butterfly.

Your memories can help define the purpose of your life. So recall a time when ...

People wanted you to do something and you chose very deliberately not to do it. This may have happened in childhood or later as an adult. As your memories of this event come back to you, experience as fully as you can how it felt to stand up for what you believed in, to choose your own way.

You were very excited about a goal, either large or small, because it was something you wanted to do very much. Remembering that event, experience what it is like to move with determination toward something you want, even if you don't accomplish it as well as you had hoped.

Fate, luck, God, or whatever you would call it, placed an opportunity in your path and, because you took that opportunity, the direction of your life was changed. Experience what it feels like to take advantage of circumstances and challenges you had not expected, but which offer you a chance to grow in some way you would not have been able to grow otherwise.

You were quiet and your mind was not chattering, as it often does, and out of seemingly nowhere came a flash of inspiration showing you just what you needed to do to resolve some problem you were having. Experience as clearly as you can what it feels like to listen to your intuition, to follow your own inner guide.

You achieved something important and others praised you for it. Experience what it felt like to have others acknowledge your achievements.

You accomplished something you wanted to do, but no one else knew you had done it. Experience what it is like to do something well, whether or not others know about it.

Questions can guide you in your quest to discover a deeper purpose in life.

  • What do you love?
  • What do you like doing so much that it recharges your batteries even when you're too tired to do anything else?
  • What are your strengths and skills?
  • Was there ever something in your life that was so important to you that you felt at the time you absolutely had to accomplish it in order for your life to have meaning? Did you do it? And if you didn't, what got in the way?
  • Is there something you would like to do if money, time or energy were not a factor? And when you realize what that is, ask yourself how you might get the money, time or energy to do it.

One final question deals with the principles and values upon which you have built your life up to this point.

Like everyone else, you have chosen, out of the many possible religions and philosophies, one approach, or a combination of several, that resonates most clearly within you. Even if you follow the faith of your parents and accept their values, the question to ask yourself, in order to deepen your understanding of how you make decisions, and thus how you might discover your purpose, is:

What is it within you that caused you to choose your values, your beliefs and your philosophy of life?

All of these questions can guide you toward an overarching purpose for your life. When, in addition, you need to overcome some difficulty, there are seven questions you can ask every day that will remind you to live with purpose even when the going gets tough.

Arlene F. Harder, MA, MFT is Founder and Editor-in Chief of the websites and She has been a licensed psychotherapist for more than 20 years. Her specialties include healing imagery and reflective meditation techniques, and she is certified by the Academy for Guided Imagery. She is a co-founder of The Wellness Community-Foothills in Pasadena, California, and the author of the book Letting Go of Our Adult Children: When What We Do is Never Enough, and Questions to Ask Yourself When You Want Your Life to Change. She is currently developing her Better Tomorrows Program. Arlene can be contacted at and can be found at her blog,

Creating Your Electricity

Creating your own electricity and generating your own power has always been one of my dreams. Having a self sufficient home, not only a house that takes care of itself by generating its own electricity through windmills or solar panels but the satisfaction knowing that no matter what happens to the electrical companies you will always have electricity at your home.

What a wonderful feeling it would be to get a check back from the utility company instead of paying them every single month. I don't know about you but my utility bills are ridiculous and seemed to be going up in price constantly. I can't believe all the fees they have been charging for years to all of their customers. If you add all the fees for every person in the city or county this comes to a large, a very large number and it's getting worse not better.

Generating your own electricity with solar or wind power is definitely green thinking. This is going to be the wave of the future as fuel used to create electricity continues to rise in price. I really can't imagine what the price of electricity is going to be like in 10 years as the mass consumption continues to rise in developing countries.

We have got to start taking care of our own needs through solar or wind power. We have got to start creating our own electricity to become self reliant. The more self reliant we become as a nation the less dependent we will be on major corporations, especially large power conglomerates.

Creating our own electricity can also be used for electrical cars that can be purchased in the future. Think of the money you will say in fuel costs as the price of gasoline continues to increase as well as less pollution into our environment.

This is definitely the wave of the future and common sense tells us this. I suggest you read this article again if you haven't figured out some of the problems coming our way in the future.

Think green and together we can start saving the planet.

While searching for new alternatives and trying to get some advice on creating your own electricity I came across a book you can purchase in digital format. This book seems to have quite a bit of information on creating your own electricity for a totally self sufficient home.

This book has been created in digital format to reduce the consumption of trees and the waste involved in creating a regular book. What a wonderful idea for helping our environment in quite a few ways.

While searching for new alternatives and trying to get some advice on creating your own electricity I came across a book you can purchase in digital format. This book seems to have quite a bit of information on creating your own electricity for a totally self sufficient home.

This book has been created in digital format to reduce the consumption of trees and the waste involved in creating a regular book. What a wonderful idea for helping our environment in quite a few ways.

For more information visit and look for Get Earth4Energy Here Create your own electricity! Save 1000's with Earth4Energy

Religion Articles

Stress Management and the Ego

Here's how to do it. We can observe ourselves. There are ancient meditation practices based on simple self observation.

We take a moment and just notice ourselves. This can be done by noticing the feelings in our bodies. Notice our breathing. Notice the inhale and exhale. You can do this as a regular practice as a powerful stress management technique. You can get fast relief when you find yourself in stressful situations.

If you wish, you can listen to a free audio meditation on self observation. This will help you get started. After you've used the audio for a while, you can practice self observation on your own.

What does this have to do with the ego? When we observe "our self" we are usually observing the ego. This observation tends to help us realize that we are not really the ego. This is a very powerful step in stress management. It skyrockets the way we experience life.

You can practice this throughout the day. You might decide to walk very slowly and observing yourself when you're walking. This greatly increases your awareness and brings you into the Now.

Over time this can be amazingly relaxing practice of stress management. It brings amazing relief. You'll get more insights about life. You can step out of life's challenges. You can return to the challenges with a refreshed and relaxed state of mind.

Copyright 2006 by Jim Kitzmiller

Jim Kitzmiller is the author of Rocket Fuel for the Soul -- Blissercise Self-Help Manual. The book's bliss exercises (blissercises) surpass usual positive thinking approaches by bypassing the logical mind. The blissercises cover 46 different areas of life.

Jim leads self-help workshops and does spiritual coaching.

Cost Effective Stair Building

What is the most cost effective way of building stairs? Why do the tract homes use on site methods of construction? When you think of a factory assembling a product on a assembly line you think why not a home. Why do they still build homes on lots or residential home sites?

If homes could be built in a factory cheaper than on site that is exactly what every home builder would be doing. They just haven't quite figured it out yet. When dealing with the large amounts of materials required to build a house and of course the expense of shipping. It is not cost effective to build a conventional home in a factory and ship it over long distances.

This is the biggest problem with cost effective stair construction. Most prefabricated stairs you will notice are spiral stairs. These stairs are smaller than most stairs that are used for multi level construction.

Spiral stairs are hard for your average carpenter to build. These stairs can be purchased from a factory easily and quite inexpensive.

The stairs in your average two story house are going to weigh about 3 times the amount of a spiral set of stairs that could be shipped in a cost effective way. Spiral stairs are not going to be the main stairway in a home and normally go up to a loft or an attic. Most spiral stairs don't meet the minimum building requirements for the main stairway in your home.

When building tract homes the lumber is shipped in bulk directly to the house site where it will be assembled. The lumber and other building materials will be shipped once. If it went to a factory and then assembled it would also have to be sent to the site on which the house was to be built. This added expense in shipping the materials twice is the problem for such a large and heavy item such as a set of stairs.

There are other prefabricated types of stairs that are built locally and the shipping usually is not a major expense. If you are building a stairway that is not to difficult to build for the average carpenter it will normally be cost effective to build the stairs on site. This would require having the carpenter build the stairs as part of the rough framing and then after drywall have the finish carpenter build the stair handrail system.

Visit us now for easy Home Constuction Help

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Personal Development

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mentware - How to Develop a Money Making Mentality

Yes, you can work your own miracles. You can give your life a turn-around. Mentware is where all the money lies. Yes, all the money you need till you depart this world does not depend on the possession of hardware or the accumulation of all kinds of software. It lies on having the right mentware.

Hardware and software can't show you the money but mentware not only shows you the money but it also puts the money in your pocket. It says to you, "Man, you deserve more than this but just keep doing the right thing because you will soon get exactly what you deserve if you don't give up."

Hardware and software can take all your money away from you but mentware brings more and more money to you. Hardware and software can make your credit card, purse or wallet to be lean but mentware makes your credit card, purse or wallet to be fat.

Hardware and software can give you the spirit of selfishness and laziness but mentware gives you the spirit of service and decisive search for solutions to problems.

Great men and women of our times and history might have used hardware and software to showcase their missions and visions but it was mentware that actually brought success to them. Most of them did not even use hardware and software at all because such tools were not in existence when they were on this planet but they never achieved anything without mentware.

It was mentware that showed and brought Christopher Columbus to America. It was mentware in him that discovered America, a land flowing with milk and honey.

It was mentware that helped Martin Luther King Jnr. to see that time will come when all men and women of America will not be judged by the color of their skin. It is mentware that has made that tall dream to become a reality today and we can all say now, "Yes, we can!"

Raymond Edeh is an expert writer in a variety of topics. He writes high quality reviews for high demand products. Visit Raymond's site at for your ghostwriting services.

Slow Market Home Pricing Advice

Homes are going to be sold in good markets and bad. When times are good, people often forget that bad times will be coming eventually. During good times, people often get caught up in the hype of the real estate boom. During tough times, houses will be sold eventually, or taken off the market and sold later. If you need to sell the home as soon as possible, for financial or other reasons, you will have to adjust your price with the current market and don't get greedy.

This is the hardest thing for most people to do, lower the price of their home in order to sell it in a slow real estate market. Don't get caught up in the value of your home, six months or even a year ago. Last year's prices are not going to be this year's prices and you need to get that through your thick skull. If the average homes in your neighborhood are selling for $250,000 and you have a swimming pool or done some upgrades, maybe a room addition. Your home is going to be worth more than the average selling price.

Most real estate professionals will price your home according to the length of time you have to sell it. If you're in a hurry to sell, they don't have time to test the market. The price of your home would need to be competitive or lower than homes selling in the area. Whether homes are selling fast in a good market for selling slow in a bad market, if you have time, you can ask a little bit more for your home. If the market hasn't reached the bottom, waiting could actually hurt you, because the prices of the homes in the area would still be dropping.

Listen to your real estate professionals advice when pricing your home. That's what you're hiring them for, they are in the real estate business. Your neighbors, relatives, friends and people you work with, will probably be guessing if you asked for their opinion on pricing your house.

Your house is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Finding that person is the key to selling your home, finding that person as soon as possible could give you the illusion that you sold your home to cheap. Don't worry about it, your final objective is to sell the house.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If you really think your home is safe, check out these pictures about home water damage.

Are Your Prayers Being Answered

Keeping a Positive Attitude During the Financial Crisis

The President tells us we have staved off a Great Depression with the giant mortgage crisis bail out. The Democratic Candidates tell us that the middle class is dying, people are losing their homes and jobs and the economy is in shambles. We all know that fuel prices are too high and the costs of nearly everything we buy are on the rise.

Treasury Secretary Paulson warns us we are not out of the woods yet and former FED Chairmen Greenspan tells us that this is a one in a century emergency and the 700 billion dollar bail out is the only plausible option. The Commercial Real Estate Industry says they might be next and the retail sector along with car sales are in trouble. GM may need a bail out and the Airlines are all on the verge of stalling out. Corporate America has announced massive lay-offs and huge consolidations, all bad news, very bad news.

So, with all this doom and gloom how on Earth is anyone going to keep a positive attitude? Well, they need too, as "consumer confidence" can often be the difference between economic collapse and a short recession. It's up to all of us now, our leaders have spoken and are taking action, this can work, but not without our help.

It's up to all Americans to think past the mass media hysteria, to believe in our financial system, and to allow it to work through this crisis. After all if you allow yourself to dip into negativity, all you are going to do is cause yourself stress and health issues. And in doing so, you will not be helping yourself, your family or our nation through these turbulent times.

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Removing Interior Walls

Here's a word of advice for any contractor, Carpenter, handyman or homeowner that is planning to remove an interior wall from your home or someone else's. Beware of removing interior walls, to eliminate your fears of the house collapsing. Some of the interior walls inside of the house are important structural components of the building.

Some of these walls hold up floors, roofs and other loadbearing sections that could create safety problems within the structure of the house itself. This is an area where an expert with framing skills should be consulted. What is the definition of someone with excellent framing skills? Some one with at least 10 years as a master framing carpenter.

My home building experience consists of three decades for over 30 years of assembling some of the most difficult sections of a home. During these years I have seen damage done to houses from removing structural interior walls. Most of this damage could be repaired with a little structural engineering. Some of the damage could not be repaired and caused other damage to different sections of the house. The damage caused in some cases to the floor and the roof framing had to be completely rebuilt.

I'm not telling you about every single thing I have ran into but you would be surprised if I started to make a list of all the homeowners and professionals in the building industry or home selling and buying business that contacted me to remove a structural component of a building. There have even been a few of these people that told me everything was going to be okay just go ahead and remove the structural building component.

Needless to say I would leave these people very irritated but I'm sure they found someone to do the job. The bad news is I was normally the person they would hire to go back and repair the damaged building after these people were gone and out of business. There have been cases where people have removed an interior walls against my better judgment and over the years of driving by in these homes I personally got to witness the structural damage that was occurring on the outside of the house.

I have no idea what the inside of the house looked like but could only imagine. My advice again when removing interior walls is to hire an experienced contractor or at least get some advice from an experienced framing carpenter. This does not include your basic know it all that has basic construction experience like your father in law, parents, friends, golfing associates or people you work with that tell you not to worry about it, just do it, everything will work out just fine.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and What Does A Shear Wall Do

Ask And You Might Receive Or Ask

Our Abundant Universe

We live in a perfect, infinite and extremely abundant Universe. Everything that we could possible need or want is available to us, once we learn to accept it. Part of the spiritual message that I want to impart to everyone is that it's perfectly ok to accept the abundance that comes your way. Not only that, it's also ok to manifest more.

In a limited, finite Universe for one person to have more means that another has to have less. Too many people today trap themselves into poverty and utterly hideous lifestyles because they simply can't envision the infinity of the resources available to them. Much of the training that I want to impart to people is not just that we can live and survive, but that we can live well and thrive.

When a person has a limited perspective then everything that person does must come through the filter of those limitations. Mystic Wolf Press is about breaking free of those limitations and sharing the bounty and abundance of the universe with as many people as possible. I believe that Lao Tzu gets the credit for saying "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for the rest of his life."

Give yourself permission

In our modern culture we usually look to external sources for permission to do anything. We've become accustomed to being told what we can and cannot do by the government, the church, our family, friends and the television.

The simple fact is that every one of us has the ability to connect to our own inner authority and inner power. Some of the philosophies and exercises in this book will cover this in more detail, but for now I want you to give yourself permission to open your mind and heart and study the information in here from the attitude of "I CAN".

Giving yourself permission is the first step in touching and using your inner authority. It's the moment when you quit reacting to what is happening to you and begin to take charge of your life and chart your own course.

Keeping a Positive Attitude

As you begin to follow this path you're going to experience emotions, feelings and in some cases pain. Sometimes it'll only make sense years later when you look back on it and realize what was happening. In many cases starting your business is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without having any kind of picture to go by.

No matter what happens, or where you feel drawn to go, a positive attitude will make the whole thing easier. I try to look at everything as a test, and that works for my personality. Each individual moment I have choices that I can make. I can be enlightened or ignorant, loving or afraid, loud or quiet and it all depends on my willingness to listen to the inner voices that we all have. The inner voices (spirit guides?)(Yeah, I know it sounds crazy) are an amazing asset to keeping you on the right path and helping you become the person you came here to be.

That kind of insanity requires a positive attitude.

Developing your self-awareness

Becoming the spiritually aware entrepreneur begins with the process of learning to accept exactly who you are, with all your warts, wonders and blemishes.

Your self is just like a blanket that you cover up with or a jacket that you put on. Spend some time becoming completely comfortable with it and you'll begin to see that you can put it on and take it off at will. It's just an external way to identify which self is yours. Once you can get beyond that and see that you don't really exist, then you can really start having fun with this stuff.

Developing your self-awareness is a multi-faceted exercise that encompasses all parts of your being. No matter how good you become at it there will always be new layers to uncover and new things to learn.

At the elementary levels of this business you'll have to look at your physical self, your mental self and your spiritual self and see how you can integrate them into your total being. This is a process that can take the rest of your life, so settle in for the long haul. As you can see this is about much more than just creating a business, It's about creating a businessperson (you) that you can be proud of.

The Law of Reciprocity

Simply stated, the Law of Reciprocity is; "What goes around comes around."

I realize that this sounds simple, almost to the point of being silly, but this incredibly simple concept is echoed repeatedly in every single spiritual path and religion in the world for a good reason. It works!

When it comes to your business it's especially important to remember that what you send out is what you'll get back. If you send out fear and hate then that's exactly what you'll get back.

When you use this principle in your life it's important to remember that what you want to receive is what you have to give. If you want to have more time then give time. If you want more money then give money. If you want more love then give love, etc., etc.

Those interested in really using this principle in your lives are encouraged to read Stuart Wilde's book The Trick to Money is Having Some and Robert Kiyosaki's excellent Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. I can't praise either of those books enough as they've been extremely helpful for me personally.

Dr. Wayne Dyer also talks about this principle repeatedly in his books, as do Louise Hay, Caroline Myss and a host of others. This concept can be used to enhance every part of your life, so look for new ways to use it.

** (Authors note; First, a word about energy. You'll see me use that term a lot in this book, partly because some of these sections are cut from the other books that I've written on meditation. How can I cut those sections out of a meditation book and plop them right down into a business book? I do it because we are not only dealing with money and business but with our relationships to one another and the universe in general!

Money is a form of energy. It's the tool that we apply to various situations as a lever to get things done. When you begin to see that money is only a form of energy then it opens you up to all of the different forms of energy that you can use, rather than just money. For instance, in many cases what we need is not really money, but some other resource such as another person's time or a tool that someone else has. Learn to open up to having the proper energy that you need rather than to just having money. With that in mind I'm only going to refer to energy for the rest of this section. It's up to you to identify and find the proper form of energy that you need for a particular situation) **

When you are using your energy and sending it to someone else, it's vitally important to remember that what you send is what you'll get back. Therefore you'll always want to keep this in mind, even when training in the dojo. As you begin doing these exercises you are going to be using more energy in your everyday life. Even though it's very subtle, people will still be able to feel that energy and respond to it.

If you let that energy run loose and uncontrolled, especially if you haven't learned to balance out your anger issues and emotional attachments, then you are going to offend people and hurt feelings, even when you don't mean to.

As you begin building up your personal catalog of experiences and experimenting with your energy, you're going to be tempted to play with it with other people. Remember to keep your intentions clear and remember that what you send out is what you're going to have returned.

If you want to practice sending energy into other people make sure that you are sending loving and benevolent energy. Even though you'll occasionally be tempted to send a good dose of revenge and retribution out to those you think deserve it, remember the Law of Reciprocity. For my part I try to make a point of sending good energy to those who disagree with me. If they are wrong then I hope that the energy helps them see the right answers. If it turns out that I'm wrong (which apparently happens a lot J) then it's good to send a little 'thanks and happiness' to someone who helped you learn a lesson.

Robert Kiyosaki writes profoundly about the Law of Reciprocity in his books. He makes a great point that you have to give if you are going to receive and that you must give away that which you need most to receive.

If you need money then you must give money. Give it to a charity, or to a 'bum' or to a stranger on the street, but give it just to give it and don't try to have any expectations about what you'll get back. This is important.

When you give simply to give and without any expectation of a return then you are sending out a message to the universe that "I have plenty! I have so much that I can just give it away to help someone else."

Like attracts like. When you have an abundant and giving attitude then you'll find that there is plenty of abundance to share. When you have a negative attitude and won't give because you feel that you don't have enough to share then you are just confirming that reality for yourself.

Spend some time thinking about this and working up to it. You don't have to give away your house and cars. Start small and send $5 a month to PBS or NPR, to an animal rescue shelter or some other charity that you can believe in. You may think that $5 a month isn't enough to make a difference for anyone, but every charity that I've ever seen would be happy with that.

Don't have any expectations about what you may get back for your donation. Do it just to share and in the hopes that it'll help those hardworking folks make the work a better place.

This next section is when we get into the power of Networks so think about this, if everyone in the network that you are going to build also sends in $5 a month to a charity then you are going to get to the point, as your network expands, where you will be single-handedly affecting some real social change. If you want to multiply this then talk to the people in your downline (your network) about everyone sending $5 a month to the same charity.

2006 Robert Morgen. This article may be used by anyone, anywhere as long as the author's bio and links are included.

"Our Abundant Universe" is an excerpt from Robert Morgen's new book The Spiritual Entrepreneur.

Robert Morgen had a near-death kundalini awakening in 1992.

He's the author of 'Kundalini Awakening for Personal Mastery 2nd Edition' and 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'

Find out more about his books, radio shows and teleseminars at

Stair Lighting Problems

Walking up and down the stairs in the dark could become a safety issue. If the stairs in the house are not that old, there should be a light switch at the top and a light switch at the bottom of the stairway. This is a three way switch and is designed to allow you to turn the stair lighting on as you walk up the stairs and then turn the stair lighting off, once you've safely reached the top of the stairway. And vice versa as she walked down the stairs.

If you don't have a light switch, there are motion sensor lights that are battery operated and can be installed easily in the stairway. These lights can provide you with peace of mind, while protecting your family from accidents.

Stairway accidents are nothing to joke about, I lived in a two-story house with four other people and was the last one to fall down the stairway. None of us got seriously injured and the stairway was built to meet local building codes and was inspected by a building and safety inspector. The stairs were built correctly and the stair lighting was no problem, but people still fell down the stairway and it always happens in the evening.

During the day time there were two windows that let plenty of light into the stairway and in the evening the stairway became quite dark, rarely was the stair lightning ever turned on. This could have been outright laziness but nevertheless, it was rarely used and eventually became a safety issue.

Lighting your stairway might not end all of your problems but it can and some of your problems. There are plenty of stair lighting systems available on the market today and some of the battery operated stair lighting systems can be installed by most homeowners.

Think safety always and do your best to solve your stair lighting problems as soon as possible to prevent injuries or accidents.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more building stairs or home building ideas.

Religion Articles

Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to Carry Out Your Self-Help Affiliate Training Without the Stress

It's not entirely easy to get effective affiliate training on your own. Like any other business, it's true that a huge chunk of affiliate marketing depends on luck. However, jumping into the shark lagoon of online entrepreneurs without ample knowledge about the industry will also cause you to fall apart. Here are ways to help you familiarize yourself with the industry without spending a penny.

Join public forums about affiliate marketing

Believe it or not, getting basic affiliate training can be as easy as signing up on forums. This is, of course, provided that you're good at conversations. There are online communities that offer to pass on valuable nuggets of information to starting affiliates. You need to use your head, though, because some of these tips need to be taken with a grain of salt. This means that you can't simply take free advice and tips from strangers without testing them out first. After gathering enough basic data, you can either choose to experiment by using your own choice of affiliate marketing tools. Most people prefer to surf the internet, though, and gather reviews instead. In other words, you can choose to get your affiliate marketing training on your own, for free, but you need to make a lot of effort doing so.

Be involved in one affiliate marketing strategy at a time

Unless you have money to spare, it's highly risky to test out a dozen affiliate marketing tools at the same time. This will also make "learning about the industry" a bit harder simply because you're distracted. Stick to one strategy at a time, and try to work your way through it. It's bound to be tough, because all businesses are tough when you start out. Give your strategy at least six months to progress before totally giving up on it.

Zack Lim is an internet affiliate marketer who owns He has helped hundreds of people to start their own affiliate marketing business.

He has recently developed a free e-course showing you a step by step process for starting your own affiliate marketing business easier. To learn how to start your own affiliate marketing business without wasting your time and money, visit

Stair Lighting Problems

Walking up and down the stairs in the dark could become a safety issue. If the stairs in the house are not that old, there should be a light switch at the top and a light switch at the bottom of the stairway. This is a three way switch and is designed to allow you to turn the stair lighting on as you walk up the stairs and then turn the stair lighting off, once you've safely reached the top of the stairway. And vice versa as she walked down the stairs.

If you don't have a light switch, there are motion sensor lights that are battery operated and can be installed easily in the stairway. These lights can provide you with peace of mind, while protecting your family from accidents.

Stairway accidents are nothing to joke about, I lived in a two-story house with four other people and was the last one to fall down the stairway. None of us got seriously injured and the stairway was built to meet local building codes and was inspected by a building and safety inspector. The stairs were built correctly and the stair lighting was no problem, but people still fell down the stairway and it always happens in the evening.

During the day time there were two windows that let plenty of light into the stairway and in the evening the stairway became quite dark, rarely was the stair lightning ever turned on. This could have been outright laziness but nevertheless, it was rarely used and eventually became a safety issue.

Lighting your stairway might not end all of your problems but it can and some of your problems. There are plenty of stair lighting systems available on the market today and some of the battery operated stair lighting systems can be installed by most homeowners.

Think safety always and do your best to solve your stair lighting problems as soon as possible to prevent injuries or accidents.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more building stairs or home building ideas.

Questions To Ask Your Pastor

Passion + Purpose = Action or How to Light a Fire

Wanna really turn up the heat in your life? Then use the crucial ingredient essential to turning dreams into reality thats action. Without placing a cake in the oven, all the mixing, folding and combination of ingredients wont get you a finished cake. Its ACTION that produces the final results. Lets focus in on taking the action steps necessary to live our lives full of passion and purpose.

Talk is Cheap

A little less conversation, a little more actionwell they didnt call Elvis the King for nothing. He knew about action (in more ways than one, but thats not the point). He understood talk and action were different. It can be easy to get caught up in the what if syndrome. I used to have a bad case of the what ifs myself. What if I wrote a book? What if I took this class? What if I pursue my passion? What if it doesnt work? We all do it. Its human nature. We talk to our friends, annoy our co-workers, and wear-out our families! Talking about something isnt getting us any closer to the finish line than we already are. In fact, talking about it keeps us stuck.

What keeps us talking? FEAR. In The Aladdin Factor, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen remind us, If you keep on doing what youve always done, youll keep on getting what youve always got. This is otherwise referred to as the definition of insanity. They also refer to the wise words of Stan Dale, Comfort zones are plush lined coffins. When you stay in your plush lined coffins, you die. Lets stop the chitchat, step out of our cushy coffins and get busy living.

Dream vs. Do

So you say Im a dreamer. Well Im not the only one. John Lennon was a dreamer, but he also understood that living our dreams requires action. Honestly, if you can dream it, you can do it. But dreaming alone can find us in Fantasy Land. We sit and spin the story in our minds. We envision living a life of grand proportions. Waking up each day and stepping into the perfect life. There is no perfect (Im a recovering perfectionista too, so I speak from experience), only an original screenplay written and directed and starring our im-perfect selves. The beauty of dreams is that we CAN manifest the things we see in our minds eye. We just need to get over the Yeah, but how?

In Good to Great, Jim Collins shares, Weve allowed the way transitions look from the outside to drive our perception of what they must feel like to those going through them on the inside. From the outside, they look like dramatic, almost revolutionary breakthroughs. But from the inside, they feel completely different, more like an organic development process. Lets stop freaking ourselves out with negative self-talk and how could I? scenarios. Change does require action but its not our job to know exactly how well get from A-Z. Set your intention on the goal and trust that the Universe wants you to have everything your heart desires and then some. Dont worry about the details - just set the wheels in motion.

Do vs. BE

Multi-tasking has become the norm. We get so caught up in the doing of everyday life. We get up, rush to eat, fly out the door, get to office, more multi-tasking ensues, race home, whip up or pick up some food - if we eat at all, spend some quality time with a friend, spouse, partner, kids, the TV, or the Internet and then hit the haybeat down!

Doesnt sounds like the secret to success, huh? Lets flip that switch. Were human BEINGs not human DOINGs. How might we re-frame our lives to start BEING the unique, and creative individuals we were designed to be? First, we must SLOW down. I knowcrazy talk, right? Youre sayinghow can I slow down? Ive got too much on my plate as it is. Well you really CANT do it all. So clean up your stuff, commit to what you really want and take the required baby steps to get there.

Grab a notebook and start asking questions. What three things would I like to incorporate into my day that I am not doing right now? What three things could I eliminate in order to do those other things? What do I really want my days to look like?

What would you do with 30 more minutes a day just for you? What if you got up just 30 minutes earlier? If youve got kids and a spouse, let them know that you are off limits. Would you read? Journal? Work out? Meditate? Have a conversation with God? Take a walk? Have coffee outside and listen to the sounds of a new day dawning?

I understand were not all morning people. But are those extra 30 minutes youre hitting the snooze button, quality sleep anyway? Lets stop complaining that there arent enough hours in the day and re-arrange the 24 weve already got. If living your life your way requires getting up 30 minutes earlier, wouldnt it be worth it? How could it NOT be? Beers become who they are intended to be. Doers die with overflowing in-boxes. Each and every day we have a choice. Which path do you choose? (Yes, sometimes I choose to snooze, but more often than not, I choose to nurture myself).

Imperfect Perfection

According to Deepak Chopra in, The Book of Secrets, There is no limit to how far your influence can reach, but to find that out you must engage life with passion. When you do anything with passion, you express every aspect of who you are. Passion releases all the energy you posses. At that moment you put yourself on the line, for if you throw everything you have into a pursuit, weaknesses are also exposed. Passion brings up everything.

This inescapable fact discourages many people, who dislike the negative parts of themselves so much, or are so intimidated by them, that they hold their passion in check in the belief that life will be made safer. Perhaps it will, but at the same time they are greatly limiting their understanding of what life can bring. The willingness to reach inside every part of yourself opens the door to total understanding. When you hold some part of yourself in reserve you deny it exposure to life; you repress its energy and keep it from understanding what it needs to know.

Wow! Have you ever experienced feeling like that? I have. I was a mess as I was about to launch my website. I was worried about being judged and over-exposed. That people would see all of me. The dark and the light. The good, the bad and the indifferent. The highs and the lows. Me at my finest, as well as, imperfect. I have reached a new level of understanding regarding perfection. I now know that we are ALL whole, complete and perfect AS IS. Right now. It doesnt get any better than this, only different. I appreciate the ebb and flow of my moods more and dont freak out when Im feeling funky (OK, I still freak a little, but Im working on reveling in my funkiness).

My clients have found greater success when they allow themselves to be whole and not just good. One of my clients recently got over her good girl complex, and her world just opened up! Try watching babies. Theyve got this down to a science. One minute they are peaches and cream and the next oil and vinegar. Are they any less beautiful when they are crying than when they are laughing? No. Simply different. Go ahead, revel in your imperfect perfection, its your birthright.


Taking action requires being flexible. You might set out to move forward in one way and then events fall into place and opportunities knock on doors you didnt even know existed. Be flexible and open to the synchronicities that play out in your life. If you open up your heart and ask the Universe to help guide you to your higher purpose, or your desired goal, you have to be open to the way these opportunities will arrive. Dont be so fixated on It has to look like this, or It needs to play out like that.

Synchronicity is the Universal communication system. Example, yesterday I was in a colleagues office and noticed the book, Good to Great on his desk. I commented that Id heard about this book in an article Id read recently. Picked the book up, gleaned it over and went back about my business. 10 minutes later, I received an e-mail from a friend with this book listed as a great resource. Hmmm, lets countthats three times that book came into my awareness in about a 3-day window. I decided the universe was trying to tell me something. That book had a message for me and it was time to investigate.

Im still reading it, but I gained a valuable and relevant quote to share with you all. Maybe thats all I was supposed to get out of it. Im not sure. Either way, I got the tap on my shoulder and interpreted it as, Hey Kam. Time to pick up this book. Had I been completely fixated on the copy Id written prior to finding that book, this article might not have had as big of an impact. Moral to the story, stay flexible and chameleon-like. You never know when intuition will ask you to make a right instead of a left. That voice could save you from a traffic accident and it could also get you to where you need to be easier and more efficiently than you could on your own.


Theres only so much you can learn in one place. The more that you wait. The more time that you waste. Ahhh, that controversial genius Madonna. She is the perfect example of being chameleon-like. If shed gotten stuck in the same sound, same look, same accent, she never would have had the successful career thats spanned decades.

Ask yourself what youre willing to do to move forward. Are you willing to jump? What would it take for you to courageously leap forward? What action is necessary for you to live life by design instead of by default? To live out loud and passionately and on purpose? To BE present and trust that from moment to moment youll get there. As Peter N. Zarlenga said, Action conquers fear. What are you waiting for? Get busy!

Kammie Kobyleski has been having coaching conversations her whole life. After working in corporate communications, marketing, training & development, and higher education, Kammie made the shift into life & career coaching and consulting. Her lifes mission is helping people fall in love with life. The integration of mind, body, spirit and personal empowerment are Kammies passionate focus. For free resources, articles and information visit or for a complimentary 30 minute call, e-mail

Moisture Against Gravity - Destroying Walls

Well I'm going to start this article with a little information on a job I did once.

I had been repairing a rental house for one particular homeowner for about three years when all of a sudden I got a phone call from him telling me the rental house was destroyed and he had never seen nothing like this. He sounded so upset over the phone I told him I would meet with him immediately.

On my way to the house I was trying to get an idea in my head what the house was going to actually look like. Since I have been repairing rental properties for over 20 years at this point of my career, nothing really shocked me. I had pretty much seen everything that could possibly be done to rental property by the tenants that lived there. There is a lot to be said about taking care of it as if it were your own.

He was waiting for me at the front door and he looked thoroughly disgusted. As I approached him he was shaking his head and yelling at the same time can you believe these people, can you believe what they did to my house. I was expecting to see the front door ripped off and all the windows broken out of the house but this wasn't the case.

As he led me through the home and I could see the usual clothing on the floor, broken cabinets, a few holes in the walls and of course that awful smell of mold and mildew. All of this stuff was nothing new to me because I'm the guy they call to fix it when a renter moves out of the property.

As I entered one of the bedrooms I got my first glimpse of something I had never seen before but heard stories about and could not believe my eyes. Looking at the walls in the bedroom about 3 feet from the floor all the way around the room, the plaster was soft. It actually looks like someone shoved popcorn into the wall somehow.

The homeowner wasn't even looking at this because of the rest of the damage in the home. I started to explain to him I'd never seen nothing like this but I could guess it was water damage somehow since the plaster was soft. I could actually stick my finger into the wall, that's how soft the plaster was.

My first thought was to examine the carpeting a little closer to see if it was wet. Well it was damp but it wasn't as wet as I would've expected it to be with the amount of water in the walls. With a little more home inspecting I had found the culprit, it was a broken water bed. The water bed was now in the backyard looking innocent.

I couldn't believe a broken water bed could do this much damage so I looked around for broken or leaking water pipes and could not find any. The other bad news I had to inform the homeowner was that the water had damage the bathroom and closet walls also. These walls of course were on the other side of the bathroom walls that were damaged.

Well the point of this story is that water will actually wick its way up or worked its way up into a wall. I had to remove 4 feet of drywall all the way around the room. The plaster or drywall actually acts like a sponge pulling the water into the walls. Hard to imagine that gravity in this case seems to reverse. I would've never thought that water would've traveled so far up the walls creating that much damage.

To repair the rental property I had to remove the damaged drywall, remove the carpeting, dry the wood framing out and put the whole thing back together.

I'm still amazed and will remember that project for as long as I live.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on House Water Damage

Another Crappy Rule In The Bible

Certified Rolfing & Budokon Yoga Science

At a point in history that is saturated with self help books, get rich gimmicks, and exercise infomercials, it is no wonder that Budokon yoga purposed to emerge in our culture. Budokon yoga is philosophy, science, and art for the spirit, body, and soul. Its literal Japanese translation is " way of the spirit warrior' and it represents a conscious decision to no longer chose "more of the same". It is said, "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few". The merging of yogic and martial movements combined with limbic re-integration techniques enables the human species to engage in health and wellness not known since the human movement potential era. It far exceeds the sum total of components needed for fitness and enables the whole person to awaken to a new potential organically. It has been heralded as "the most intelligent practice on the planet"; it is indeed a functional revolution.

So much time and energy is exhausted plotting how to look, feel, and get better. The emphasis is on the quantity and not the quality, on doing something instead of being something, as if there is a boundary separating the thought, the word, and the action. "How much can I shove into my day because I am busy getting somewhere", is how most of us live our lives, and it is said that, "the way we do anything is the way we do everything." The structural and functional differential states that quanta filters into sensation, then e-motion, into belief, and finally into expression, in other words our perception of "other" or our circumstances predicate our movement. When the pressure starts to mount in life or on the mat how do we keep the drama or the functional differential at bay? What if there was a way to approach all of our personal ideals as if they were already available in the form of latent potential waiting to be unearthed? Budokon is a system of somatic awareness that presents itself in the yogic, martial, and living arts with a premise of self-accountability, patience, and mastery by practicing just to practice. Weight loss, tone body, clear mind, better coordination, increased strength are not goals of Budokon, they are benefits. The nervous system that governs the functional differential does not normally change quickly but progressively by diligent, attentive practice it changes slowly and subtlety. Practice just to practice. It encompasses the components of nutrition, fitness, health and wellness desired by our culture and ultimately navigates each person to a more authentic expression, a functional evolution.

The movement science of this practice is purposed to cultivate bio-mechanic potentials that are consistent with structural and functional ideals. What distinguishes Budokon yoga movement from all other yogic or martial systems is its recognition and subsequent utilization of the spinal engine. The spinal engine theory suggests that all biomechanical movement, walking, running, yoga, etc... originates in the small muscles of the spine that initiate movement. The origin and insertion of these tissues initiate and accommodate movement in the sagital, frontal, and transverse planes, thus when the activation for movement begins it expresses from the spine, through the core, into the appendicular. Since we are designed to live in a dynamic, fluid filled body it makes perfect sense that a practice cultivate uninhibited movement in all three planes with flexion-extension, side bend, and rotation. Movement in life is the sum total of all three primary planes and associated movements in these planes operating synergistically, so our practice is more fruitful if it acknowledges these potentials. Budokon also provides a dynamic approach to medial/internal and lateral/external rotation of the pelvic and shoulder girdles, with core activation enabling the spinal engine to transmission into full expression extending in to an open or closed kinetic chain. The kinetic chain is an energetic potential that transmissions from the spine, core, or Mu into the appendicular or limbs of the body. If a limb is grounded the chain is closed, sending system wide signals of stabilization and containment and if a limb is not grounded but extended with direction into infinity it is open. The nervous system is designed to operate in terms of survival and predictability and activation can be voluntary or involuntary. The limbic brain is where the body houses these maps of movement predictability for survival and as we discussed earlier its change is slow and subtle or sub-cortical. These changes happen when they are discovered not discussed so it seems that when one allows the opportunity to play with movement as an exploration into something new and unfamiliar as apposed to analyzing and repeating something taught, that spontaneous change can happen. Limbic re-integration is a vital component to Budokon yoga that enables each individual to play and explore bio-mechanic potentials buried under the yoke of cultural and social stigmas. Gorilla, kimodo dragon, bull frog, panther, lion, crocodile, spinning monkey, and many others can provide a gateway to a new movement potential by offering the opportunity to play with homologous, homo-lateral, and contra-lateral movements.

Philosophy plus science equals art. The artistic value of Budokon yoga emerges through movements like rolling wave, floating frog, dancing dog, flying warrior and dancing lion. Budokon is a yogic and martial system teaching basic movements that can augment into a more advanced expression by making movement fun, exploratory, and efficient. The merging of the yogic and martial movements into a practice is a way for complete new comers to engage in learning and exploring basic stand up and ground budo with out the threat of failure. Art is adaptation and although there is form that is essential to efficiency of movement, it is the exploration of innovating the form that creates the fertile ground for artistic value. Budokon yoga instructors are specific to teaching form while allowing the opportunity to play, explore, and innovate. When movement is sloppy and unrefined it is not innovation it is laziness, it is the predictable pattern of movement that is no longer desired and Budokon yoga will not enable more of the same. It will provide the framework for a new potential and allow each individual to create a different and more satisfying option.

There is so much more that can be written in an attempt to discuss Budokon yoga and its life altering benefits, but again true change can not be discussed it has to be experienced. To list and identify all of the components of Budokon and the practice would create a lengthy article and it is not the focus of this article to overwhelm the reader with everything but just enough of the philosophy, science and art so that an individual can make an informed decision to no longer chose more of the same.

Budokon yoga and the Certified Rolfing Ten Series have the ability to reduce pain and release tension in the connective and myofascial tissue of the body associated with TMJ, CTS, RLS, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Fascitis, Bunions, Scoliosis, and Cerebral Palsy. Fascial asymmetries can cause foot, leg, knee, hip, back, shoulder, neck, arm, hand, and head pain; integration therapy is necessary. Orthopedic, Chiropractic, Physical, and Massage Therapist recognize Rolfing and Rolf Movement as premium pain management utilizing Structural, Functional, and Postural Integration. Before and after photo's of some of my clients proven results available only on my website.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer & Rolfing Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas

Bathroom Moisture Problems - Home Repair

Right above my bathtub in my master bathroom the paint is peeling off the wall. The area is peeling above the tile in my bathtub and shower combination. I tried to glue the peeling paint back and only made the situation worst.

First things first. The paint is peeling because there is to much moisture in the bathroom while you are using it. Do you have any windows you can open or a ventilating bathroom fan. If you have a window crack it open part way while you are showering.

The water droplets will accumulate on the walls and drip into any cracks. Right above the tile grout is a great place for moisture to accumulate. Oh yeah moisture loves grout and drywall. If you have any unpainted areas or an area that has cracked. Guess what you have now.

Your paint is peeling because the bathroom gets hot and cold. Moist and dry. If you have the door and windows shut. You just created a moisture trap. Most people prefer their privacy and will closes the door when using the shower. Well then open the window and let some cold air in while you are taking a nice warn shower. I don't think so. Most showering fools don't like that idea either.

Ok one more idea keep the windows shut so you don't let the cold air in. Then lock the door so no on barges in on you. If you have a ventilation fan turn it on. This will at least pull fresh air in from under the door and send the moist air out of the house.

But the fan is so noisy and I can't enjoy my nice warm vapor producing shower that will eventually cause me to get sick from mold particles floating around in the air while I am using my bathroom.
Does this about sum it up for you and don't we all do this from time to time. We want to enjoy our shower time, so we close up everything and when we are in our bath sauna environment relaxing our house is getting some damaging moisture that could cause mold and mildew.

Open a window or door a little when you shower. Get some air circulating through the bathroom and prevent damage to your nice house.

Put up with a little inconvenience for you homes sake and your pocket book.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business in California for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building in North San Diego Home Remodeling Carlsbad Home Remodeling

Visit us now for Bathroom Ideas

What Happens To Nonbelieving

Attitude Is Everything - Self Help Tips!

Employees are the backbone of an organization. Their behavior, attitude, and manner can make or break a company. Like a cold an attitude can be contagious and spread like wild-fire. Some attitudes are a result of outside forces, but some attitudes are because of misery from within.

One problem that I have seen that causes an employees mood or attitude to change is money issues. Money issues can be two-fold: a) they feel theyre not making enough, and b) theyre spending more than they make. I remember going to a job, and on my first day an employee said, We all live pay-check to pay-check here, so were all broke. I soon learned she was the most miserable of people. People dont want to live pay-check to pay-check and be broke. However, its a habit or lifestyle theyve gotten comfortable with, and they arent sure how or what to change. If an employer isnt paying you what you want; you accepted the terms and conditions, so it is up to you to change your attitude, situation, and circumstance.

We create our own happiness and our own drama. If youre not currently happy do something about it. Not getting paid enough? Find a new job. Broke? Change your habits and spending to get a different outcome? Hate your job? Thank God you have a job that is paying you while you look for a new one -- so stop complaining. As an employee there are a few things you can do to change your situation: a) get a new attitude, b) change your thinking and behavior, and c) stop being a toxic waste at the company.

Employers, here are a few changes to create a better working environment: a) talk to your employees say hello b) get employees insight and opinions on different matters you might learn something new c) have self-improvement lunch-n-learn seminars show them you care about them as a person, and d) say thank you kindness goes a long way

How we think, act, and feel affects our attitude. Change your attitude and win the game of life!

Sharman Lawson is living proof that you can live debt-free. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon in a household of 10, including her parents, she learned early in life the concepts of faith in God, taking hold of a vision, practicing discipline, and using wisdom and common sense to realize her dreams. Her mother and her father, an ordained minister, preached and practiced the importance of never being a "slave to the lender."

In 1999, Sharman and her husband paid off all their debt, including their home, in five years. That is when she started conducting seminars and educating others on how to manage their money and live debt free. Her testimony is inspiring. She lets you know that it's not your education, your title, your position or the amount of money you make that is important. It's stepping out on faith, trusting God, believing the impossible is possible, and knowing that going after your purpose, passion and dream is better than all the things you sacrificed.

Sharman Lawson is a financial coach and author of 12 Steps to Eliminate Debt Forever.

Cost Effective Stair Building

What is the most cost effective way of building stairs? Why do the tract homes use on site methods of construction? When you think of a factory assembling a product on a assembly line you think why not a home. Why do they still build homes on lots or residential home sites?

If homes could be built in a factory cheaper than on site that is exactly what every home builder would be doing. They just haven't quite figured it out yet. When dealing with the large amounts of materials required to build a house and of course the expense of shipping. It is not cost effective to build a conventional home in a factory and ship it over long distances.

This is the biggest problem with cost effective stair construction. Most prefabricated stairs you will notice are spiral stairs. These stairs are smaller than most stairs that are used for multi level construction.

Spiral stairs are hard for your average carpenter to build. These stairs can be purchased from a factory easily and quite inexpensive.

The stairs in your average two story house are going to weigh about 3 times the amount of a spiral set of stairs that could be shipped in a cost effective way. Spiral stairs are not going to be the main stairway in a home and normally go up to a loft or an attic. Most spiral stairs don't meet the minimum building requirements for the main stairway in your home.

When building tract homes the lumber is shipped in bulk directly to the house site where it will be assembled. The lumber and other building materials will be shipped once. If it went to a factory and then assembled it would also have to be sent to the site on which the house was to be built. This added expense in shipping the materials twice is the problem for such a large and heavy item such as a set of stairs.

There are other prefabricated types of stairs that are built locally and the shipping usually is not a major expense. If you are building a stairway that is not to difficult to build for the average carpenter it will normally be cost effective to build the stairs on site. This would require having the carpenter build the stairs as part of the rough framing and then after drywall have the finish carpenter build the stair handrail system.

Visit us now for easy Home Constuction Help

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Effects Of False Prophets

Friday, August 28, 2009

Quit Smoking Today - An Ebook Review

The desire to quit smoking is probably more widespread these days, as the world is more exposed to the potential dangers of this unhealthy habit. Still, the process of quitting can be so complex and excruciating that it affects the resolve of even the most resolute of people. Some individuals relapse after the first few attempts, while others don't even have the heart to try at all.

There are currently a variety of products available that can help you stop smoking, but some don't work while others have a long list of potential side effects. Because of this, a lot of smokers hardly seek help and eventually give up any efforts to become smoke-free.

One solution is Quit Smoking Today, a technique created by Rob Mellor, an expert on Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, which is a branch of psychotherapy that deals specifically with nicotine addiction. In this article, we will share some vital information about Mellor's approach so that you can make an informed decision on your quest to stop smoking.

The Quit Smoking Today program consists of an mp3 audio file that lasts for 38minutes and 13seconds. The program promises to teach you to quit smoking without suffering any withdrawal symptoms. The author further claims that more than 90% of 5,000 test subjects completely kicked the habit after using his method. Additionally, he claims that the majority of test subjects were able to stop smoking within a month after listening to his recordings only once, and most did not relapse after more than six months.

The central idea of the Quit Smoking Today mp3 is quite similar to the principles of hypnosis. It aims to access the subconscious and change the smoker's perception of cigarettes & nicotine cravings.

Most reviews of Mellor's technique have been mostly positive, with numerous people vouching for its effectiveness and reporting no untoward experiences. The only unenthusiastic response so far is that of people claiming that the method still lacks sufficient testing data. However, more than any official research, we value the voice of the product's actual users, and to date, the results have been extremely encouraging.

The Quit Smoking Today audio book is not a miracle product that will serve as a shortcut to an otherwise painstaking process. However, we encourage you to try out this product and see if it works for you. Since it has produced impressive results for others, there's no reason why you won't benefit from it as well. Improving your health is well worth the try.

To download your copy of the Free Quit Smoking Guide, and to read more articles related to Quit Smoking Today, please visit this quit smoking website.

Window Header Framing Problems

As a building contractor it is my job to assemble the house to meet the specifications from the architect and the structural engineer. I do this by looking at the building plans and installing the specified lumber sizes. I can take it upon myself to install a larger size wood beam or window header adding an additional cost to the job of course. I don't think so.

It's not uncommon for a framing contractor that has an additional 5 foot scrap piece of 4 x 8 left over that he now has no use for. He can then choose to use the 4 x 8 instead of a 4 x 6 for the window header. This type of building is common and acceptable.

If the structural engineer calls out for 4 x 6 window and door headers do not take it upon yourself to replace the 4 x 6 with a 4 x 4. I have seen too many framing contractors or carpenters make an on-the-job judgment like this.

A good example would be a single story house with 2 foot wide windows that require a 4 x 6 window header. As the carpenter builds homes over the years he can come to his own conclusion that a 4x4 will work fine for this application. Again keep this in mind as a framing contractor and a carpenter you are assembling the home not designing it.

Do not change the sizes of any headers or beams.

A long time ago carpenters used a standard rule of thumb, you could go up two sizes larger than the window opening for your header. Let me give you an example of what I'm trying to explain.

A 4 foot wide window opening would require a 4 x 6 window header. A 6 foot window opening would require a 4 x 8 window header. This should give you an idea of what I mean by going up two sizes larger than the window opening to figure out the lumber necessary to use for your window header.

This rule of thumb does not necessarily apply in today's building industry. The reason for this is structural changes from earthquake damage. The structural requirements that are required for building a home require a lot more metal bracing and strapping. Therefore some of the lumber requirements for beam sizes and window headers will be different.

This message is for general contractors, framing contractors and carpenters. When installing a window header and you take it upon yourself to change the size you also assume the responsibility if the building fails. This type of mistake is common and you guys know what I'm talking about.

It's not worth it. Keep in mind you are the assembler and not the designer of the building you are working on.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and House Framing Structural Repairs

Christian Articles

The Ultimate Guide to Mental Toughness by Daniel Teitelbaum

The book "The Ultimate Guide To Mental Toughness" by Daniel Teitelbaum was not what I expected. Being a former military sniper, I think of mental toughness as the grit and determination to succeed at your mission, no matter what. I think of mental toughness more as discipline and focus to get things done. However, if you read the subtitle, you get a better indication of what this book is about. It states, "How to raise your motivation, focus, and confidence like pushing a button." This is a book on increasing your motivation to achieve goals by using triggers.

If you have read books by Tony Robbins such as "Awaken the Giant Within," or have listened to any of the multiple audio programs Tony Robbins has put out, you may know about triggers already. Tony uses them, and they are a common part of NLP which Tony studied and uses in his teachings. (I personally really like Tony Robbins and have learned much from him, including some on triggering.)

"The Ultimate Guide To Mental Toughness" goes much further into the area of triggers. Teitelbaum's book may be the most complete and user friendly book on triggering techniques out there. He explains why they work in a simple manner, and does not get too bogged down with the why. I felt he gave enough information on why they work, and then spent the rest of the book teaching the triggers and encouraging the reader to actually go through the exercises and develop personal triggers that the reader can use to motivate themselves and keep their energy level high while pursuing and achieving goals. The author uses different ways to emphasize points and motivate the reader to actually perform the exercises and develop personal triggers. It is through actually doing the visualizations and other exercises that you will find out how powerful these techniques can be. The more emotion you put into them, the more realistic and precise your visualizations, and the more intense focus you use, the more these triggers will change your state to positive emotions and "trick" your body into being more energetic and productive.

Many people will not actually use these triggers. In fact, some will say it is a bunch of nonsense. That's okay. Others will find that these triggers help them stay in a positive state, which enables them to do more and thus achieve more. Some of the triggers will work for some people better than others. One good thing about this book is there are many different triggers to chose from. After experimenting with them, a person can choose to use the ones that work the best for their situation and personality.

I still don't know if I'd call this book "mental toughness." That term still means something different to me. However, if you want to learn triggering and visualization techniques to keep your motivation and focus high in order to pursue dreams and goals more effectively, this book is a great resource to learn those skills.

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a mediator/attorney with Bennett Law Office P.C. and an author/speaker through his own company Burrese Enterprises Inc. He teaches people to live with the warrior's edge through his writing and speaking on a variety of topics focusing on the business areas of negotiation and success principles as well as self-defense and safety topics. He is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks, several instructional dvds, and numerous articles. You can find out more about Alain Burrese at his websites and

Change Your Thinking About Life

What do I do when I get down and out. Well that use to happen to me often and I seemed to suffer with some minor depression. It would seem like time would stand still. I would look at the clock and notice the time. Let's say 2:23 in the afternoon. I would look back to see what time it was about fifteen minutes latter and it would be 2:26. Wow what in the heck is going on with this clock.

I just couldn't believe it seemed like the day would never end. I would just sit there and think about all the stuff going on in my life, good and bad of course. This seemed to last until I was in my early twenties. I just didn't want to feel like this any more. I made a Conscious design not to get depressed period. I never wanted to feel like that again.

I read a book on ESP and in the book it described visualizing a rose as you went to sleep. I started doing this every night and while I was doing the exercise it seemed to make me feel relaxed in a way I never had felt before. The reason for the exercise was to teach you to visualize something peaceful. This in turn would put you in a peaceful state of mind.

Then a thought came into my noggin. What if when ever I start to feel bad or seem to be going into a sort of depressive state of mind I change my thoughts. It worked... I would start to visualize something else that made me feel comfortable and give me a peaceful feeling. Man was I surprised with my results.

Keep in mind I didn't think of this all on my own but I did put the pieces of the puzzle I needed to together that I needed to change my life. It seemed like I could use this form of self control in different parts of my life. If I was at work and someone made me mad.... Well this didn't work all the time... I still got mad. Let's pick something else OK.

I would worry about something on the job that wasn't going right. Then I would get irritated over something else that wasn't even related to what I was worrying about. Why did I take it out on the other person when what I was really mad about was something else. We do this all the time in our lives. We seem to get mad, get even or give up. Why do we do this and what can we do to stop it.

My main point to all of this is we can change our thinking and change our lives. We can learn new things to change our thinking. We don't need to give up hope that we will always be like this. Change the things you don't like about yourself. Do it today. If you need some help there is a great book that will help you change your life for the better.

You can find it at This book has a lot of tools to create the change in your life you want to have a more full filling life.

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown. Ross Perot.

Start Living Your Dreams Today and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Christian Articles