Friday, March 13, 2009

As You Thinketh

As a being of Power, Intelligence, and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills.
~James Allen

A few years ago, an engineering firm that I had some training business with went through a major shake-up. The outgoing president had, for years, been the only real "salesperson" within the organization, and as a result, the company was only growing at a rate that was determined by the number of people that he could see in the run of a day, week or year. Because he was the "front guy" for the company, the employees (project engineers, support staff, technicians etc.) were content to just do the job and move to the next project without looking for new business opportunities. The company, while growing minutely every year, was not nearly as productive as it should have been, simply because the employees thought that it wasn't their jobs to be selling, they thought instead that it was their jobs to do the technical work.

Enter a brand new CEO who had a history of creating effective productive work teams that worked together to build the organization. His first priority was to create a company understanding that "everyone sells!" Within the space of a year, company profits were almost double what they were the year before, and were growing steadily.

Creating this philosophy certainly wasn't easy. There were comments like, "I didn't go to engineering school for 5 years to be a salesman", or "I'm very good technically, but I can't sell". One person felt that the change was too much for him, and he left the company for greener pastures.

The new CEO knew that there would be a certain amount of flak thrown into the path of company growth, but he put it down as a necessary risk that he was more than willing to take. He believed that his people could bridge the gap and make the difference, and he made them believe in themselves.

Today, the people in this company are very much aligned to the business philosophy of everyone selling. As a matter of fact, they realize that their secured future within this company depends on them bringing in new business from both existing and new clients. A culture of competitiveness has been created.

No matter what the business practices and philosophies are in the leaders of organizations or groups today, the organizations for which they are responsible will take on the qualities of its leader. The leadership, or lack of it, creates the business culture, and the culture determines how people act and behave. That is the awesome responsibility of the leader.

If the leader is open and enthusiastic and is consistent in promoting the vision and core values of the organization, then you can rest assured that the people who make up the company will be the same way. Business will grow and employees will be productive and happy. On the contrary, if the leader is an inconsistent and thoughtless dictator, then the people will morph into that same picture before long and business will decline and employees will be seen applying for and searching for alternate employment.

Whatever the case, it is the core values and principles of the leader that are followed. In everyday life, as in business, it is the same: we are who we think we are, and we act according to our core values and beliefs. In his book "As A Man Thinketh", James Allen said in the opening chapter: Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master.

So, if it is true that we are what we think we are, and what we think, we are, which thoughts are leading you? Are you an optimist who always sees a better way, or do you have pessimistic tendencies that when you see an obstacle you give up? Do circumstances guide you, or do you create your own? Do you take on a willing attitude towards leadership, or do you hide out in your office?

As you are carrying on with your life and business, remember that people who are influenced by your actions and decisions are watching you, and will emulate your actions. What they see you do, they will do, and what see you not doing, they will not do... so, what kind of leader will you be? Will you set the bar high and coach people to a higher level by training positive thinking and actions, or will you be a dictator and demand that people change and not give them a good reason to do so except that you demand it. Remember that Bad thinking leads to bad decisions, bad decisions lead to bad actions, bad actions lead to bad habits, bad habits lead to bad character and bad character leads to a bad destiny... But right thinking leads to good decisions, right decisions leads to right actions, right actions lead to right habits, right habits lead to right character and right character leads to right destination!

Make this your best week ever!

2008 Paul Kearley CS, For 22 years, Paul Kearley has thrived in the personal development and coaching business. As a Master Business Coach, Paul's passion is in developing and creating increased potential, and coaching people to create success.

A newspaper columnist, and editor for "E-Motion", his own weekly ezine, and author of 3 e-books, Paul writes articles that address the everyday challenges we all have and face in life and in business, and offers suggestions for success.

If you'd like to connect with Paul to discuss your personal or business strategies or to subscribe to "E-Motion" , simply visit or send an e-mail to

Visit to review and purchase my NEW E-Book MUST Thinking: An easy four step guide for creating the results you want"

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