Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wishing For Riches - Self Help Tips

Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.

This statement is at the beginning of Chapter 13 from the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.

There are so many different methods, from so many different people, but most people don't know where to start, or plan their way to success.

I have heard some people mention the hardest part is actually starting, while others say you have to start somewhere, anywhere but start. Starting is usually the hardest part for most people, they get defeated by their own beliefs and of course never even start.

Fear of failure and fear of success, seem to be at the top of the list when thinking about starting a business. It's always been hard to imagine people being afraid to succeed, when this is what they seem to desire the most.

Wishing for riches can motivate you to start, thinking about the many different ways to succeed can motivate you to plan. A burning dire to succeed well often motivate you to start and create a plan eventually.

The key to creating wealth is developing habits and good daily habits performed over a lifetime, most of the time, will lead you to wealth beyond your wildest dream's. Sometimes this wealth is going to have nothing to do with money.

Get some books, talk to some people, watch some biographies about successful people throughout history, find out what they did and start paving your own trail. But you're going to have to start somewhere.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing, marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Ronald Modras
Felix Dennis

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Bio-Neurobiology Of The Self

Like always My eyes see, my ears listen, my nose smells, my fingers touch and I cannot help cognizing and ask questions of my everyday experiences and experiences of others that reach me through one of my senses, some of them or all. So like then now it is my eye that caught some written material and threw my selfish self in to examining them in an effort to may be understand more than anything my selfish self. As I read through the material I thought if I could only understand my selfish self and be able to see it from outside of it and from a neutral vantage point what else would there be that I won't master at all. Nonetheless wherever I went and whatever I did and am able to do got me always wrapped up in my selfish self and it more and more proved to me that it is all there is in whatever ways and how it was said and done.

""The most obvious thing about you is yourself." "You look down at your body and know it is yours"." Todd Heatherton. I thought of the statement and wanted to be certain of my knowledge of myself and wished if the self within me was only the physical self and wanted so bad to fully comprehend it and master it if I may and be certain of my knowledge, but hard reality hit me so hard that it was not meant to be. It turned out that the self was much more than the macroscopic physical. It also has what is called the spiritual psychological and more aspects to it. The certainty of the self by the self simply dissipates in to the thin air as I try to examine it even further and the self assurance about the knowledge of the self appealed to me as somewhat far fetched. The day to day discoveries and the new lights that are being shed about the inner and outer workings of our self tells a story of even more unknowns and what we know of our self is barely a scratch on the surface of a very large stack yet to be known and ever.

"When you wake up in the morning, you don't have to interrogate yourself for a long time about who you are." Todd Heatherton. The statement makes it as though we have never had a question or a doubt about who we are and why we are , but the fact remains that the overwhelming part of out every day activities are related and are about finding our self, making our self, changing our self sustaining our self and maintaining our self, all in all whether we say it in a single sentence or thousand paragraphs, whether we ask it directly or not the selfish self often and always takes precedence and primacy. In our daily all encompassing and comprehensive activities, actions, reactions, Cognitions and recognitions we do define and redefine ourselves and I am afraid if we are so sure of why we do so with certainty. If there is anything certain that we have asked enough times who we are and why we are, where we came from and where we want to go and are going, these are questions that are in every ones head without being framed may be in an elitist word framing. And what everyone does revolves around the same issues with varying probability of knowing the answers, but with certain truth of never certainty. Even the questions we ask of others come around often as question about our self and we can't escape the fact that it is all about the selfish self. It often is about acquisition of knowledge, material, position, notoriety or something of value here or in the hereafter. The complete knowledge of the self is the ultimate and as such remains always less than certain.

As we go through life every day we wake up, I feel like, what we do is interrogate our selves of who we are, how our poison has changed and how to best react to it contrary to the statement quoted, in all and many things we do, think and imagine. Indeed we have the greatest interest in ourselves and interest is dependent on the degree of exposure to the subject of interest, and the self more than anything else is exposed to the self itself. May be the root of selfishness lies in the exposure of the self to the self more than the not self and there is no way of exposing the not self to the self more the self itself to the self, thus instilling the selfishness permanently in the self and may be a falls sense of complete self awareness as well. "" Heatherton himself shied away from direct study of it for years, even though-"My interests were around the self but not around the philosophical issues of what is the self."

Things have changed today, Today Heatherton, along with a growing number of scientists, is tackling the question head on, seeking to figure out how the self emerges from the brain. In the past few years, they have begun to identify certain brain activities that may be essential for producing different aspects of self awareness. They are now trying to determine how these activities give rise to the unified feeling we each have of being a single entity. This research is yielding clues to how the self evolved in our hominid ancestors. It may even help scientists treat Alzheimer's disease and other disorders that erode the knowledge of the self and in some cases destroy it altogether." It is rather the philosophical self that interested me the most than the mechanical descript self, not that I understood it but I am intrigued by it. It raises questions more than I could speculate and ask of the readers of this article and knowledgeable people if I may and pose them directly. Is the self a collection of memories? Cognitive and reactive process?, Will the self cease to exist when the mind (brain )ceases?, When the subjective self (mind or brain, or consciousness and memory) ceases will the objective self turn in to an automaton and mechanical being?, Are other animals, plants and inanimate that go through motion purposeful, intentional, disciplined, ordered and unique motion self aware?, If not why not?, When the self that is self aware ceases will the self that is not self aware remain? Is the objective self a reality of the subjective self or is it the subjective self the reality of the objective self? Or does the objective self exist independently of the subjective self and the vice versa? Is the subjective self the extension of the objective self or is it the objective self the extension of the subjective self?

As a matter of everyday practice it seems the subjective self to act as its sole purpose and intent to protect, preserve, sustain and propagate the objective self. If subjective reasoning alone were enough to answer it all, I would have had mine, but reason fails short and reality often times defy reason and it is often reality that has to be reasoned than reason define reality, therefore a dose of objective reality may be is in order and in time for a comprehensive understanding of the issues raised and points reiterated. " Further clues have emerged from injuries that affect some of the brain rejoins involved in the self .Gage, a 19th century railroad construction foreman who was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time when a dynamite blast sent a tamping iron through the air. It passed through Gage's head, and yet, astonishingly, Gage survived. Gages friends though noticed something had changed. Before the accident he had been considered an efficient worker and shrewd businessman. Afterward he became profane, showed little respect for others and had a hard time settling plans for the future. His friends he was "no longer Gage." Cases like Gage's showed that the self is not the same as consciousness. People can have an impaired sense of themselves without being unconscious." As is indicated by the awareness of the amnesiac of all things about him it rather seems as though the self is a physiological and psychological construct of information that precedes it. As such as long as the physical construct of this precedent information is intact the self will retain its self awareness which is ingrained in its genes. This self awareness which is to serve in the fulfillment of the selfish needs of the self necessitates the awareness of the environment in which the self finds itself in. it is therefore this secondary awareness that is to be called consciousness. It is an awareness the helps the self act and react in ways and times that its interest are best served by. As every existence is a relativistic phenomenon, it would rather make the complication easier to understand if we have to conclusively argue whether the self is absolute relative to the not sell or the self is yet a relative reality to the not self. If we claim the self is an absolute reality then the self exists independently of consciousness and if we claim the other way around then the self ceases upon cessation of consciousness. As indicated in the article , the retention of the information about the self while all memory is wiped out by amnesia seems to attest to the fact that the self does not exist because X or Y existed, but because of the information upon which it was constructed that determined its intent, shape, color, purpose and destiny and consciousness helped best accomplish these predeterminations in an environmental constraints.

"At the university college of London, researchers have been using brain scans to decipher how we become aware of our own bodies." This is the very basic law-level first point of the self "UCLA's Sara Jayne Blakemore says. When our brains issue a command to move a part of our bodies, two signals are sent. One goes to the brain region that control the particular parts of the body that need to move, and the other goes to the region that monitor the movement. Our brains then use this copy to predict what kind of sensation the action will produce. If the actual sensation we receive does not closely match our prediction, our brains become aware of the difference. But if the sensation does not match our prediction at all, our brains interpret them as being caused by something other than ourselves. Blakemore and her colleagues documented this shift by scanning the brains of subjects they had hypnotized. When the researchers told the subjects their arms were being lifted by a rope and pulley, the subjects lifted their arms. But their brains responded as if someone else were lifting their arms, not themselves." As untenable as it seems it rather is a fact that the objective self is existent independently of the subjective self (the mind) but too mechanically. The subjective self does not only interpret coordinate and give meaning to the environment the objective self is in but also gives the essence of the self itself in relation to everything and anything within its environmental constraints and how it reacts to and interacts with the elements of its environment. The brain that generates the subjective self seems rather an information in, information processing and information out center that where when and how it gets its imputes determine how it will react and what it puts out when it puts out what it does as its purpose and duty.

"Heatherton and his colleagues at Dartmouth have been using the technology to probe the mystery of why people remember information about themselves better than details about other people. They imaged the brains of volunteers who viewed a series of adjectives. In some cases, the researchers asked the subjects whether a word applied to the subjects themselves. In others, they asked if a word applied to George W.Bush. In still other cases, they asked simply whether the word was shown in uppercase letters. They found that questions about the self activated some regions of the brain that questions about someone else did not their results bolstered the "self is special" hypothesis over "the self is familiar" view." The special self and the familiar self are separate and in essence and are intertwined in purpose.

While the special self is the information upon which the physical self and the psychological self is constructed on, the familiar self to me is the conscious self that determines the position of the special self in relation to its environment and helps act in the best interest of the special self. There is no time or space separation between the self and the information about the self. The information about anything else is separated from the self by distance and time. The self is constantly accumulating and accessing information about itself. The self and about the self are intertwined and inseparable unlike the self and about the not self. Information may be filled separately and in categories, yet the fire about the self may be the most important and may be the most significant of them all. "When we are in new circumstances, our sense of our self depends on thinking explicitly about our experiences. Soccer players know whether they are athletic, strong or swift without having to consult their memories." It is rather indicative of the fact that the special self is very much dependent on its consciousness of the environment it find itself in to react in ways and manners its interests are best met. When the self knows and knows well and is familiar with the environment it finds itself in, thinking becomes un necessary, logical construction becomes redundant and the facts become self evident. "The primate ancestors of humans probably had the basic bodily self awareness that is studied by Blakemore and her associates." I wondered if at all there is any living thing that is not self aware. How is this awareness expressed other than being active in the self preservation and primacy of the self? All living things are self reproductive, self preservative and self protective and knows its relative position in its environment and acts and reacts in ways and manners it is able to survive and thrive; what possibly be the so called self awareness if not all these and more? "The self requires time to develop fully. Psychologists have long recognized that it takes a while for children to acquire a stable sense of who they are. "They have conflicts in their self-concepts that don't bother them at all."Lieberman comments. "little kids don't try to tell themselves, 'I' am still the same person.' They just don't seem to connect up the little pieces of the self-concept."" If I am spared of the possible label of someone playing in semantics and engaged in hair splitting I would like to not that there is nothing at all that had happened happens and will happen in no time and in no stages. Even instantaneity is a relative short period. I cannot agree any less that self awareness takes time while the self is a physical construct of the information that preceded it, it does not only predate self awareness, but is there from the initial date of its complete construction when ever that may be. It seems the self goes through stages of cognition of its environment, compilation of the facts of its environment, understanding of its environment, determining the self's position in the environment and acting in the best interest of the self within the environmental constraints.

While the last two of the process described are attributable to self awareness the former four stages are only precursors to self awareness. May be children's conflict of self concept that don't bother them are indicative of the developmental stage to self awareness than it is physiological (biological) (self) developmental stage. The self awareness of the self goes way passed the developmental stages of the brain to the very origin of life itself as a product of self awareness .As it is attested to and proved over and again programs of self propulsion, development, reproduction and ability to choose are ingrained in the fundamental elements of life precedent cellular construction. It poses a dynamism where change in quantity and quality in time and space are among the prevalent character threats. As stated by Robert Shapiro's " A simpler Origin for Life" Scientific American June , 2007 " Muller's Remarks would be in accord with what has been called the NASA definition : Life is a self sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution" I as a lay person wouldn't have agreed less except for the two things I need to elaborate or needed be elaborated by some who are more able than I. It is the convergence of among the chemical, mechanical, electrical and even gravitational self sustenance as we prove in to the very fundamentals existence and succumb to simply in to being a product of change in space in time following or governed by a precedent information. As it is guided and goes through self sustaining change in time in space gathers information that helps it undergo Darwinian evolution in effect Darwinian evolution is cumulative information gathered to help self sustenance in time and space.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Eastern Wisdom

Step One

We admitted that we were bound by the illusion of ego-created pleasures and that our life was full of suffering.

Step one allows an individual to admit and recognize what is controlling his/her life. It is a chance for the person to become aware of the immense control that the ego has in their life and what this demanding control is causing in regards to the self-created suffering. This awareness is necessary in order to initiate the process of internal growth and recovery from the demands of the ego.

Step Two

Came to believe that the universal consciousness, that pervades the cosmos and resides within our being, could restore us to our true nature and eliminate suffering.

This step allows one to tap into that which has all power the universal consciousness. This source will allow for connection with the pure-self and the true nature of the universe. This restores the individual to pure-thought and right-action in order to get rid of self-created suffering and karma.

Step Three

Made a decision to detach from our insatiable ego and the illusory world and connect to the pure consciousness of the universe.

This step is about taking the initiative to begin searching for the true-self and detaching from the illusion of the ego. Once this decision has been made practice of meditation begins. This is a crucial step upon our journey because it gives us hope that there is something else besides the world of boundaries and limitations.

Step Four

Contemplated and expressed in written form our desires, fears, regrets, and attachments of the ego without judgment.

This is a vital step, which requires meditative and analytical thought about the nature of our worldly life without passing judgment on the past. We begin to realize that these actions were part of our illusion of what reality was and realize that now through meditation and growing awareness that we DO NOT have to act this way again.

Step Five

Allowed ourselves to become fully aware of our egoic attachments and delusions in an accepting manner.

This is when we look at all the past actions and currents attachments of step four and recognize the true reality of the illusion. We now are able to let go of the past and live in the present moment with full awareness.

Step Six

We were entirely ready to let go of the delusions of the mind and surrender to the omnipresent universal source.

This step is the letting go of the illusions of the past and creating a commitment to surrender and practice the principles of eastern wisdom. It is important to state our readiness for change and acknowledge it within our self, as well as the universe around us.

Step Seven

Contemplated and gained awareness of our shortcomings without judging or condemning ourselves, but allow total acceptance and forgiveness of these ego created quandaries.

This step is crucial for one to accept that they are not their ego or minds. We can overcome our shortcomings and come to know our true self, which, is the perfection of pure consciousness.

Step Eight

Began to nurture and practice compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others who we harmed by our past actions.

This step focuses on relieving guilt and regret for the past and beginning now to realize that those actions do not define the self. Also discussed concerning this step would be the ability to eliminate suffering based on karma by right actions and right thoughts in the present moment where reality exists.

Step Nine

Directly apologized with compassion and sincerity to ourselves and to those we directly and indirectly harmed.

This is an action step that allows us to explicitly offer our amends to ourselves and those we may have harmed in our past. This step is a continuation of step eight and allows the guilt and regret to further diminish and eventually be released fully in order for us to immerse ourselves in the present moment.

Step Ten

Continued to seek awareness of our true self and practice right thought and right action in each moment of our lives.

This step focuses on becoming aware of ourselves on a daily basis and beginning to live our lives fully and sincerely in each moment based on the true nature of reality.

Step Eleven

Sought through the practice of mindfulness and meditation to improve our connection with the universal consciousness.

This step is meant to be practiced on a daily basis to improve awareness and detachment from the egos desires. This step will help one maintain recovery and stay focused on the illuminating truth of the universe.

Step Twelve

Having become one with the universal source we continued to practice these principles in each moment of our life, acting as models for those seeking the peace and tranquility of these steps.

Finally, this step discusses the continuation of these steps in our moment to moment existence and to share this way of life with others that inhabit this world. To share this wisdom with others is the primary goal of these 12 steps, which in turn benefits the individual as well as the universe as a whole.

My hope is that through the application of these steps at least one human being can discover the principle truth of the universe and escape the suffering of the egos demands and desires.

Copyright 2006-- Richard A Singer Jr.

About the author: Richard A. Singer Jr. is a practicing psychotherapist living in the Cayman Islands. He is formerly of Pennsylvania and has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. His daily inspirations have been included as part of Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul, from the bestselling Chicken Soup series. His own recovery from addiction impassioned him to help others find courage, determination and peace, and has made what some would call "work" the love and purpose of his life. To learn more about Mr. Singer, visit his Web site, http://www.yourdailywalk.org or E-Mail him at RAS9999@aol.com

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reading Feng Shui Books

Quite simply, a different style of living. If you're the kind of person who eats the same food week after week, shops and the same stores and only socializes with a few people, feng shui is probably not something you're going to be interested in. However, if you're someone, who wants to try something different, the Chinese philosophy of feng shui could be something that you, just might be interested in.

Where can you find feng shui books? Of course we all know you can find them at your local bookstores like Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other online sources. Here's something that might be a little new age or something that most people often forget about, how about going down to your local public library. Public libraries are a great source for books and if you don't like them, you never had to pay for them.

Feng shui books have become popular in the last 20 to 40 years and seems to create an environment out of your home. The Chinese have been practicing this for over a thousand years and it almost has a mystical power to it. If you're tired of the same old house and would like a little change in your life, I would suggest using some of the simple methods, suggested in these books.

One $20 book on home building or feng shui, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

You can learn a lot by reading feng shui books and I would suggest, that if you're interested in interior design or even spirituality, these books will provide you with the information, you need to create a little change in your life

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry

Dr Seuss

Learn Something About Time Management From the American Indians

I don't consider myself an expert on the American Indians but I would like to share a thought about their lifestyle. I was listening to an audio book on the American Indians eating habits, when it got me thinking about something the author said. This might not be a topic of interest for most people but I found it fascinating.

While listening to the audio book, the author made a statement about the American Indians I will never forget. He said "American Indians spend about four hours each day working, gathering and preparing food." If you think about it, that's not too bad of a lifestyle.

I would imagine that we have a better selection and larger variety of food to choose from than they had. This of course would be a benefit to living in our society instead of theirs.

American Indians often spent a lot of time outdoors and for some reason, spending time in nature seems to be a good thing. I know a lot of people that would rather be outdoors than indoors, walking, jogging, hiking, camping and even gardening. It almost seems more natural for us to be outdoors than indoors.

Now with the Indians working about four hours each day, this is a little bit different then our standard workday. Most people spend at least 9 to 12 hours each day driving to and from work and actually working. I would imagine our standard workday would actually be easier than that of the American Indian. I can't imagine some of my friends or family members chasing after a Buffalo with a spear.

Does this mean the American Indians had it right, just because they worked four hours each day and spent more time in nature were doing what they truly wanted to. Know I can't truly say that they had it right, but I can say that they seem to do just fine living with nature.

Some of these civilizations lasted for centuries.

Something to think about, on your daily travels to and from work as you desire to be at the beach or hiking in the mountains. The philosophies we often associate with a good life, could actually be better instead of progressively adding unneeded stress and frustration to it.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Governments Through History

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Self Knowledge

Self knowledge means more personal power. You can more effectively use a computer when you know more about it, and in the same way, you can more effectively use your own brainpower, mind and body when you understand them better. There is, however, one big stumbling block to learning more about ourselves. It is our tendency to rationalize, as demonstrated in the extreme in the following true story.

Jack, while hypnotized by his therapist, was given the post-hypnotic instruction to get up and put on his coat whenever the doctor touched his nose. Once out of the trance, he and the doctor talked. During the conversation, the doctor scratched his nose, and Jack immediately stood up and put on his coat.

The doctor asked why. Jack said "Oh, I thought we were finished," and he took off the coat. A few minutes later, the doctor touched his nose again, and Jack again immediately stood up and put on his coat. "It's getting cold in here," he explained. By the third time, it was getting more difficult for Jack to explain his behavior, yet he still tried to.

Now, is this scenario really unique to hypnosis? I don't think so. We are often just assuming that we know all that goes into our decisions and actions. Like poor Jack, we feel compelled to explain ourselves, and to believe our own explanations. Of course, this isn't self knowledge, but self explanation, or rationalization, and it is one of our strongest human habits.

Self Knowledge Versus Self Explanation

When a child throws a book at his brother, and his mother demands "Why would you do that!?" What usually happens? The child answers, "I don't know," which is true, but entirely unacceptable. With five seconds to come up with an answer, the best psychologists couldn't understand the child's action with certainty, yet a five-year-old is expected to do just that.

Though he may not understand, he learns quickly how to explain himself. With this pressure to explain, it is no wonder that by adulthood, we rarely say "I don't know" when asked about our behavior. Instead, we simply create an explanation. Isn't this a problem if we want true self knowledge? How do we learn the true causes of our behavior if we already have our explanations?

Self Knowledge - I Don't Know

A better approach is to say "I don't know." If it helps, follow it with "Maybe it's because of..." and let the explanations spill out, but don't be too quick to accept any of them. It isn't always necessary to explain.

For example, suppose you are avoiding a certain person. If you never know why you are avoiding them, isn't it better to leave the question open than to accept a false explanation based on a habit of self-justification and rationalization? When you leave questions unanswered, you may someday have a better understanding. A quick answer just means a quick stop in your thinking, and less self knowledge.

Why not just say, "I don't know." Isn't it better to learn to accept your ignorance, and to keep observing yourself? Don't let self-explanation get in the way of of self knowledge.

Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower and related topics for years. For more on How To Increase Brain Power, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com

Change Your Life Forever

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

Here's a list of things people don't like about themselves. If you're one of those people that has a hard time finding something wrong with yourself, you could always ask one of your friends for some suggestions. I'm sure they would like that.

1. The need to lose weight. This of course is one of the worst problems with Americans. Most people need to lose weight and let's not forget there are some people that need to gain weight.

2. The need to stop gambling. As more Indian reservations are allowed to build gambling casinos and of course as the Internet gambling gets larger, I've noticed some people with gambling problems.

3. The need to stop drinking alcohol. The abuse of alcohol has been going on for many years. These people have an excuse for why they drink and most of the time it doesn't make sense.

4. The need to stop smoking. This could be one of the most difficult things I've ever seen my friends and family deal with.

5. The need to stop excessive behaviors. For example, gossiping, cruelty, bullying, lying, cheating, stealing, partying etc. You get the idea.

6. Don't forget the dreaded shopaholic. Most shopaholic's seem to have large credit card debt and can't seem to stop this vicious circle of buying and owing money to their creditors.

7. Working long hours or the workaholic. Sometimes this is a necessity but I would suggest that you change your lifestyle if possible. Reevaluate your reasons for working so hard.

8. Religious fundamentalists. People that spend too much time at their place of worship and soon find themselves feeling guilty if they're not doing something spiritual.

9. The need to be on time. This would include people that have problems giving themselves enough time to get ready for work or school.

10. The need to stop doing drugs. I thought by now, approaching my 50s, that drugs would no longer be a problem in the United States, but it is. It's one of the most damaging things people can do to their lives.

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Good People Get to Go to Heaven

I found a website that was recommended to me and it had the comment, is Jesus the only way to heaven at, Gotquestions, seems like your typical Christian website that replies with biblical quotes and simple to follow information. If I was lost, they will help me find a way. There's even a button at the bottom that states, I have accepted Christ today. I guess if I was to push that button, I get to go to heaven and be with Jesus. Hard to imagine, avoiding a life of burning in hell could be as simple as pushing a button and uttering a few simple words.

I found this question and began reading their comment. The first comment is from somebody answering as a nonbeliever in Christianity. It states something like, if I'm basically a good person and live a moral life, I get to go to heaven, right, only the bad people like murderers go to hell.

Now the answer that the website gives, seems to create fear if you do not belong to Christianity and provide you with hope if you join the group.

It mentioned Satan as the ruler of the world, and he can plant these thoughts into your head if you're not a Christian. He also controls your mind and let's you believe, that it would only make sense to any rational person, they get to go to heaven if they're good.

Now this is what makes sense to me but according to this information, I am doomed to rot in hell for eternity, even if I am a pretty good person. All I have to do is accept Christ as God and I get to go to heaven. That seems pretty easy and I wonder why more people don't do it. Just push the button.

I wonder if Satan is controlling, non-Christians minds and that's why there's brutality and war throughout the world. If everyone was a Christian, would our world be better.

Here's a quote from Wikipedia The Crusades were a series of religion-driven military campaigns waged by much of Christian Europe against external and internal opponents. Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims, though campaigns were also directed against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes.

These Christian Crusades killed thousands of people. To give you an idea how many people were killed, all I had to do was type the word crusades into a search engine and it took me to the Christian Crusades.

I guess that rules that out, it seems like the Christians a long time ago were pretty aggressive towards their enemies, I wonder if most Christians would refer to these people as enemies today or are they just being controlled by Satan. Do these Christians from the Crusades get to go to heaven? If people like this get to go to heaven, may be hell is a better place anyway.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Mere Christianity

Here's something to think about, go to heaven

Thought Provoking Religious Ideas on Christianity

Do you ever wonder what ever happened to the Wise men's gifts that were given to Jesus's parents? Nobody ever talks about it and it was never mentioned again in the Bible. If it was mentioned again I would love to have somebody e-mail me some more information on what Joseph and Mary did with the gifts, that were given to the newborn King or in other words Jesus.

I didn't come up with this idea on my own, I was reading a book by George Seaver called Albert Schweitzer "The Man and His Mind." I found the book in a thrift store near Seattle, Washington while on vacation visiting one of my relatives. I heard a lot about Albert Schweitzer from various personal development and spiritual books and thought this book would be give me some insight on the man.

I really had no clue, that I would find something like this within the first few pages.

Here's a quote from the book.

When I was eight my father, at my own request, gave me a New Testament, which I read eagerly. Among the stories which interested me most was that of the Wise Man from the East. What did the parents of Jesus due, I asked myself, with the gold and other valuables that they got from the Wise men? How could they have been poor after that? And that the Wise men should never have troubled themselves again about the child Jesus, was to me uncomprehensible.

Now this is coming from an eight year old child, not someone who has researched biblical scripture their whole lives. What else are we missing in the Bible that doesn't make sense but we were trained to believe in our religions without ever questioning your religion . It's definitely something to think about and the next time you're reading something or listening to the news on TV, try to figure out if it's fact or fiction.

You definitely cannot believe everything you read or hear from outside sources. I heard once that the only things that are truly real are the things that never change. If you think about it, most things change and therefore would not be considered real.

Ponder That for a While.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Here's a good website if you're interested in, religious classics and looking for evidence

Greg is currently working on a religious and motivational articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Wayne Dyer

Monday, March 23, 2009

Find Out Why You Believe in Your Religion

Whenever I ask someone involved in a religious organization, the question, do you really believe in your religion? Most of these people will often answer would be yes and start their religious conversion. Some of these people can become very intrusive if I don't stop them soon, very few of these people listen with an open mind.

I have talked to quite a few men and women about their beliefs over the years and still find it hard to believe that most of them live a life of faith with very little understanding or education about their religion. Now some strong believers might take offense to that statement, while others will listen to what I said and start doing a little more research on their religion.

Most of these religions throughout the world make perfectly good sense to their followers and I understand the reasoning behind some of them, it's all they know, everyone around them believes in the same religion and they get some sort of happiness and joy from it.

It's not hard to imagine a young child, walking around with strong religious beliefs if their parents are strong believers in it also. These children grow up and eventually train their children to follow the same path of their parents. Our children should be able to choose, what they will believe in, by the time they are adults.

This is a natural process of life, your parents learned from their parents and whenever someone asked them a question that they really couldn't answer or were uncomfortable answering, they can always reply with, I'm living a life based on faith or you just have to believe. You have to believe that someone is looking out for you and taking care of you. Most of these people think that something else is responsible for the events that take place in their life.

Is it possible for people that live a life of faith to educate themselves about their religion, to find the origin and maybe the destination of their religions. Could these people actually assume responsibility for their choices, whether they're good or bad. It's often hard to listen to somebody tell me that some evil entity made them do something bad. These people are easily convinced by others who agree with them and support them with their statements and beliefs. This seems to be where the biggest problem lies.

Once the people around us support our beliefs, they soon become realities in our lives. These realities will be transferred to others around us and give them support eventually about their beliefs. It's like a vicious circle that never ends. One believe supports another belief, until it's a fact.

Education is the path to freedom and will soon deliver the students from religious bondage. Someone a long time ago said," Seek and You Shall Find, Knock on My Door and I Will Open It.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Science Getting Rich

Greg is currently working on a religious education also visit our article library, filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fighting Depression - Your Best Defense is a Body, Mind, Spirit Approach

With the number of people who claim to be depressed at near epidemic proportions, it's time to take a step back and ask ourselves: Why are so many people are depressed and why are women significantly more depressed than men? Better yet, if you're depressed, or know someone who is, what is the best course of treatment to beat the blues so you can begin to lead a happier, more productive life?

There are different factors that contribute to depression. Too many challenges in life (and not enough coping skills) are certainly factors. Un-related health problems, such as hypothyroidism or a vitamin D deficiency, can also make you feel depressed. And a chemical imbalance within the body can lead to depression.

Although many cases of depression are treated with medication, drugs alone rarely get to the root of the problem. Anti-depressants attack the symptoms of depression from a chemical perspective. But if you don't address the other factors that contribute to depression, you may end up being medicated for a very long time. That's why the best defense against depression is a wellness plan that takes a body, mind, spirit approach.


If you're taking medication for depression, you've begun working on the Body part of the whole person approach toward wellness. But there are other aspects of your body that you should address. Diet is a huge defense mechanism when fighting depression. Proper nutrition - including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and adequate amounts of lean protein - are critical to the optimal functioning of your body. Filling your stomach with fast food and refined sugar will only increase the chemical chaos in your body, making it more difficult to reset the balance. Consider taking a high quality vitamin supplement each day to support adequate vitamin and mineral intake.

Exercise is another important aspect of the Body equation. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of light aerobic activity like walking can help your body product natural antidepressants, called endorphins. Getting some sort of exercise every day is very important if you're depressed.


Next up in the fight against depression is the Mind. Negative, self-defeating thoughts are learned over time. And with hard work, they can not only be un-learned, but they can be replaced with positive, nurturing attitudes.

Although immersing yourself in self-help books can help, re-training your mind often requires outside assistance. A therapist or personal coach will have many skills, tips, and tricks to help you overcome the internal mind games that we all play. It's important to find someone you can trust so that you can be honest about your thoughts and feelings without feeling judged. Because of this, you probably shouldn't fill this support role with a friend or loved one. The people you are close to often can't be objective in this role and may not tell you what you need to hear.


Finally, it's vital to feed your Spirit when fighting depression. Although taking a more active role in religious activities can help some people, feeding your Spirit goes well beyond this structured environment.

There are countless ways to bring more spirit into your life. Here are just some examples:

  • Take a class
  • Read an uplifting book
  • Take up meditation or yoga
  • Do volunteer work
  • Practice random acts of kindness
  • Get a massage
  • Take a long, hot bubble bath
  • Hug your children or spouse more often
  • Call in sick and take a "mental health" day

Feeding your Spirit simply involves taking action or doing activities that makes your soul feel good inside.

Not an Easy Road

Taking a proactive, mind-body-spirit approach to fighting depression is not an easy road to follow, especially when you can't even bring yourself to get out of bed in the morning. But if you truly want to heal yourself from the inside out, you really need to address all aspects of who you are: body, mind, and spirit.

Begin by taking baby steps and incorporating a little bit of each aspect into each day. And be sure and reach out to your health care provider and other trained professionals to ensure that you get the loving support you need as you begin the road to recovery.

Patty Harder is a Reiki Master, ordained S.H.E.S. minister, and the founder of 5 Minute Self-Help, an online community and personal coaching program for women who want to feel better, look better, and live better fast. To learn how you can improve your life in just 5 minutes a day, visit http://www.5MinuteSelfHelp.com

How to Quickly Balance Your World

I remember a dark time when I tried to balance everything in my life and failed miserably. I was like a new circus ringmaster on opening day trying to shape and juggle my roles as a mother, wife and business owner. The stress and fears were lions eating me alive.

How could I balance everything? It seemed impossible. I resorted to researching how others did it by voraciously reading self-help books which screamed at me "my way is best." Instead of finding direction, I became even more frustrated because their advice was conflicting. My life suddenly seemed even more chaotic. I was now angry with myself for not being able to follow what these best-selling authors told me to do. I was also livid, because here I was trying to live "the balanced life" helping others through workshops I gave to companies on effective communication, and I was spiraling downhill. My body began reflecting back to me what I was going through. Gaining weight...dropping weight...then ballooning bigger than ever before.

One day during a meditation I remembered an anonymous quote I once read. "A balancing act is different from living in balance." This struck me. Living in balance is divine order, which is our natural state. In order to live a balanced life I needed to align myself with divine order which is always in balanced. Here is one thing I learned from my meditations on balance which worked for me and I know will help you too:


The way to live a balanced life is to start from the inside out. Recognize you are a spiritual being living in a perfectly balanced universe which is always under divine order. When I look at any chaos in the world, it can all be attributed to man. So with that in mind, I realized I only need to align myself with the divine order which is already operating in my world. The way I could do that was thinking not of chaos in my life, but of everything around me which was balanced.

I began contemplating the seasons, the stars, and the solar system, all operating in divine order and balance. I thought of flowers blooming in springtime. I thought of babies being born and how their tiny bodies would grow. Then my thoughts went deep inside of me. I marveled at the synchronicity of my own body functioning in perfect order. My blood circulates, the cells dividing and multiplying with precision. My organs, heart, liver, kidneys and lungs all synchronize in perfect harmony with one another. I thought of how my muscles contract and relax to help me rise out of the bed in the morning so that I could simply walk across the room. What a miracle. What perfect balance right inside of me. When I take a few moments to stop whatever I am doing to simply take deep breaths, I align myself quickly with the natural balance of life.

We spend too much time thinking of what is wrong with our lives, and what is not work. Is it any wonder we are attracting more of the same? Take a few minutes out of the day to time to think of harmony, beauty, peace and what is working in your life to find your perfect balance and inner peace.

For more information on how to effectively communicate for better relationships, visit http://www.sportingtherightattitude.com

Janet Alston Jackson is author of "A Cry for Light: A Journey into Love," named winner of Christian Inspiration Award by USA Book News Award. She is a personal and professional growth expert. Sign up for upcoming teleconferences for better relationships on her websites: http://www.JanetAJackson.com

Just the Way I AM

I may be wrong, but people seem to be getting more tolerant. It is as though in the name of political correctness, we have confused what is acceptable and what is not. My observation is based on the growing number of times I hear people say, Thats just the way I am. Or, Thats just how she/he is. It is as though saying someones this or that way makes they way they are ok. Well, I dont think so. Sometimes the way someone is is not ok. It can be wrong, rude, inappropriate, overly demanding, inconsiderate or a variety of other not ok stuff. When that happens, I dont think saying, that just how they are makes the behavior acceptable.

There is a difference between accepting someone as they are and being victimized by them. We need people in our life who accept us just as we are -- warts and all. Yet, that doesnt mean we need to bless them in their illness or let off the hook for becoming the best that they can be. People who accept me "just as I am," are those who have most likely earned the right to share with me where I need to change, grow or adjust.

Life is a balancing act between becoming and being. When am I an unfinished work in progress and when am I done?

Three questions provide the answer: 1 - Is my behavior hurting me? 2 Is my behavior hurting another? 3 Is my behavior keeping me from being all I am meant to be? If the answer is yes to any of the three, then I work on changing. If not, then its just the way I am.

Jim Gustafson was born in Chicago. He received his Masters Degree from Garrett Theological Seminary. An Ordained United Methodist Minister, he has served as a pastor and counselor. He has more than 20 years of broadcast management experience. His book Take Fun Seriously is sooned to be released. Jim live in Florida where he works, writes, plays golf and pulls weeds.

Symbol of Brotherhood

Masonic jewelry is worn as a sign of membership of the brotherhood or passed down as family heirlooms. Here is a guide to this unique and interesting tradition.

The Brotherhood

The Freemasons have the longest history of any organization in the world. The first Grand Lodge was formed in 1717 in London, but there was loose organization and use of terms and symbols centuries before that. Stonemasons were the founding fathers.

Today, it is not necessary to be an actual mason to be a member as the principles of the brotherhood are self-improvement, social works and self-awareness. They were behind the creation of public schools in Europe and America.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century, they also took it upon themselves to make sure orphans, the elderly and widows were taken care of when the system provided no protection for them. There are a lot of conspiracy theories, movies and books surrounding the mystery of the Masons, but there is no real secret to this philanthropic and educated organization.

Types of jewelry

To designate membership in a Masonic lodge, there are a variety of Masonic jewelry pieces that a member can wear. The traditional piece is the signet ring, but there are other options as well. For the man who already owns a Lodge ring, other gift options are cuff links, tie pins, pocket watches and even pendants. These can all bear the same the emblems as the rings.

The Symbols

Symbols in freemasonry are important and they designate the degree of the member, the lodge and what the member wants to say about his membership. The most common symbols are the square and compass which represent the cornerstone of freemasonry.

In the center of these tools is the letter "G", which stands for geometry, a principle of freemasonry, and for God, the original builder. Some other tools of the trade found in Masonic jewelry are the trowel, the plumb level and columns. There are many other symbols to choose from when designing different pieces.

Proper wear

Only members should wear membership jewelry, but there are cases where antique Masonic jewelry is passed down as family heirlooms. As far as how to wear the rings, there are no rules on the proper way. Some men like to wear the emblems facing them but others like to wear them facing out for others to see. Married men typically wear their rings on the right hand ring finger. Some men choose to wear their ring on the pinkie finger. So, really it is all about personal preference and comfort on how to wear the pieces.

How to clean it

In gold or silver, Masonic jewelry can be very simple or quite ornate. The more intricate the design, the dirtier it can get. Gold pieces can be soaked in warm soapy water and scrubbed with a soft brush. If there are enameled or synthetic colored parts, don't soak the piece, but gently scrub with a soft soapy brush. Regularly polish with a soft cloth. For sterling silver pieces, only use cleaners designed for silver cleaning. These products come in wipes, cloths and creams.

There are millions of freemasons across the world and a gift of men's Masonic jewelry is a great way to recognize his contribution to society and to honor his pride and dedication to his brotherhood.

Men's Masonic jewelry can make a great gift and is a way to show your appreciation for a member of the brotherhood. Browse through a beautiful collection of Masonic pieces in solid gold when you visit http://www.gemaffair.com

When Preparation Meets Opportunity - Creating Good Habits

You must be ready when an opportunity comes before you, opportunity often comes in the form of work and that's why most people seem to miss it. Most people are too busy looking for the easy path through life. They seem to lay around waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime,... to simply fall at your feet.

Why would you want to spend so much time complaining about something, or someone? Other people can help you along the way, if you let them, but it's up to you, ultimately, to become the most you can possibly be. I have had plenty of opportunities in my life and have took advantage of some, while letting most of them pass by.

I'm no different than most people but now seem to be aware of my surrounding opportunities, all the time.

How many times do you wish for an opportunity to come along? It's probably one that you missed already, at some point during your life. Are you going to be prepared for the next opportunity when it comes along? These opportunities seem to repeat themselves throughout our lives and if we're not in the right state of mind, we often overlook them and let them pass by, time and time again.

You need to prepare yourself in advance for the next opportunity. If you are prepared and have your eyes open, you will be able to see the next opportunity that comes your way. Preparation will increase your chances for success and good fortune always.

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. Be on the lookout, when you're walking to the grocery store, taking a break at work, reading the newspaper, talking to your neighbor, walking down the street or even while you are sitting alone, letting your mind wander away. Your chances for success could come while your in your quiet places, or relaxing. Be prepared.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Goal Achieving - The Secret Behind the Secret

It's 2009!...Undoubtedly, a year of change for the nation and the world . . .

The question is: Will it be a year of change for YOU?...If so, what kind of change?

Some of us would like to think that in order for us to be happy, things around us have to get better first. And, while it certainly looks so on the surface, let's talk about our role in changing our world.

Have you ever taken a moment before you turn on the TV or Talk News to feel the change in your body's stress level before and after you turned on the news? If you have, I'd bet you felt more stressed after turning it on. The reason is this: We are all problem solvers by nature - and, sitting in our homes or anywhere else, we have no control over what happens Nationally or Globally, outside of writing an email or letter to our state representative or congress person. And even then, it is out of our control what they do beyond that. We've voiced our opinion, we must now move on. In reality, there are many things we cannot change -- like everybody else in the U.S. or the world -- to fit our vision of how things should be -- and, subconsciously, the frustration of that causes us stress.

The good news is (and this may sound too simple at first) we have the greatest impact on the nation and the world by focusing on what we do at home. Although it may not seem like much, it is and I'll explain why in a minute - In order to change the world, we must first change the things we do have control over, and the closest thing to us is ourselves.

Can we change the world by changing ourselves first?

Absolutely. Our thoughts, our behavior...that little impact we make - our little 'footprint' if you will - and the impact our little changes have in our own lives influence those around us and this -- in turn - we do change the world. By changing a thought, an attitude and behavior in yourself first, you'll see changes on a very small scale initially -- in you! Over time, you'll notice the change that your new behavior and attitudes have on someone else and then someone else, and so on.

How does that work? It works like this: Have you ever seen a ripple in a pond? If you haven't, then go ahead and throw a stone or pebble into a quiet, still tub or body of water and watch what happens. The reaction the water has to the stone or pebble tossed into it is called a "ripple effect." If we throw a small stone gently into the water, the water ripples gently. If it is a large body of water, you'll notice the ripples continue going out and out and out farther and farther and until eventually they get so large and so small you can't see them. Although you cannot see the ripples any longer, the impact is still there. That is basically how we impact the world. The water represents our world and the pebble represents the thought we throw into it. No matter how hard you try, you cannot start with the large ripples. We can only get the result of large ripples by first creating the small --

Just as ripples caused by a pebble being tossed in water can never be rescinded, the ripples we send out into our world can never be retracted...What ripples do you want to be sending out into the world today?

We've all heard the adage, "Change starts at home" and "Charity begins at home." Now you can see how it absolutely does. You may ask, "How can I begin change?"...The same way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time!"

Let me ask you a question: What do you want the world to look like at this time next year? Kinder? Happier? More understanding? More honest? Richer? More compassionate? Then ask yourself: What am I doing in my own life today to make my own life kinder, happier, more understanding, more honest, richer, and more compassionate?

You'll see as the thoughts and actions in your own life change, it 'ripples' in your family and friends, and as your family and friends are influenced by your example they may begin to change, and if they don't, you may decide to spend more time with people who are open to changing previous attitudes and behaviors in order to change your world. You want to spend more time with the kind of people that move you closer to your desired life, so that your life can evolve into everything you want it to be. As you begin to change yourself, by changing your thoughts and actions, you influence your environment, your home, your work, your community and so on. With continued progress in the direction of your desire, your 'ripples' get larger and larger until you literally see your world change.

Ask yourself: "What is it I want? And, what do I intend to do today to make positive changes in my life so that I begin to create the world I want?"

And, "What do I want" can be a difficult question to answer. Most of us think in terms of things we don't want. Ask yourself, if I don't want this...why? and, if I don't want that . . .why? Your answer will likely include or lead you to what you DO want. Hopefully, one of your intentions is to change this way of thinking about what you don't want into what you do want!

The power of the mind is amazing. You can literally create and have anything you want when you become a master at controlling your thoughts. Did you know we are the only animals on the planet that can do that? We have this amazing gift and yet somehow manage to go most of our lives without being aware of it.

Here's an example of how the power of your mind can change your life: Have you ever written down your goals at the beginning of the year, looked back at them at the end of the year and noticed that most if not all of them were accomplished without you even thinking about them again? And, of those that were not accomplished - had you been encouraged to see that steps had been made toward their accomplishment? Or, maybe you decided one day you wanted something and you got it so fast you were shocked? Or you thought about someone then the phone rang and it was them! This is a perfect example of the power of our mind - and of the power of our thoughts. So, when is a good time to test this power?

There is no time better than now!

Winter time is a perfect time to reflect on how things went last year and decide what you'd like to change in your life this year. This is a perfect time to think about, really think about, the kind of life you want and write down your desires and goals for this year on paper.

There are 347 or so days left in 2009. What are you going to be doing for the next 347 days to move you toward having the life you want? 347 days from now, do you want to have the same life as you have today or would you like a different life? What does that different life look like? Visualize it. Feel how it would feel to have gotten that accomplished. Now, write it down! Write down every detail of the picture of the desired life you would like to have 347 days from now.

Now imagine if you took one new step every day toward creating a piece of that picture! If you did one thing a day for your health, beginning with the way you think about it, at the end of the year you'd be healthier than you are today because you made 347 actions toward better health. If you did one thing a day toward improving relationships, your relationships would be 347 steps closer to being reciprocal, honest, trusting, loving, and all the other characteristics you want to see in your relationships. If you read a chapter a day, you would have read 347 chapters, which is more than 20 books by the end of the year! The list is endless. Will this have an impact on your life? Will your life be different next year if you take these steps? Of course it will!

But what happens if you do nothing because you don't believe you can, so you don't change your thoughts or begin to take steps (even tiny ones) today? That's right. Nothing.

It's not a coincidence. It's Law. Just as Sir Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Gravity by analyzing the forces at work when sitting under the apple tree, we can respect the fact that there might be other Laws at play here too. Laws that, just like gravity, we do not see and cannot touch, but they are here all the same. The movie, "The Secret" lays out pretty well the power of the Law of Attraction. But another one of those Laws is the Law of Reciprocation. It states that what you put out, you get back. Put out a little effort, get little return. Put out a lot of effort, get greater returns. Put out no effort, get no return. Put out positive efforts, get positive returns. Put out negative efforts, get negative returns. Give love, get love. That is the greatest lesson of all. If you would like more love from your family, give more love to them. Be kind. Be supportive. Encourage them to grow. Do all the things you would want someone who loved you to do for you if you were in their shoes. The Law of Reciprocation is the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Another way of saying it is: Give away what you want the most. Respect, love, appreciation...

Always remember there's one thing you can control and that is you. Only you control your thoughts and your actions today. You can make those thoughts and actions congruent with the kind of life you want and you can have it. You do not have control over other people. You may have influence, but you have no control. They have free will just like you. They will discover their power to when they become aware and begin to test it and trust they have it.

Make a decision about what you want and then act on it. Take at least one step each day - make a phone call, ask someone for information, set an appointment, or spend 20 minutes focusing on something you desire, asking yourself, "If I were to have that by December 31, 2009, what could I do today to move myself closer to it." I guarantee that if you did that and took action on whatever answer came to mind, by December 31, 1009 you could be happier, have less stress, be healthier, have more money and better relationships than you do now!

You can accomplish whatever you want, that is, if you do five things: DESIRE it, ASK for it, BELIEVE that you can have it and then follow that belief and ACT on it and, most importantly, stay FOCUSED on it!

My favorite book says, "God helps those who help themselves." We help ourselves by taking action toward the life we ask our higher source or God to provide. Don't expect your goal to fall into your lap if you aren't willing to take action toward it.

Good intentions are not actions. You've heard what they say, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." You must ACT. This philosophy is congruent with Newton's Law of Motion. Whether you think in terms of the scientific or philosophical, the message is the same: Put your desires into motion by taking steps toward them. In other words, an intention with action charges the intention and brings the intended result about.

Some people might get hung up on deciding on what their goals should be. If you haven't a lot of experience setting and achieving goals, the concept can be challenging. The worst thing is when people get stuck and therefore do nothing. I don't want that to be you!!

When I was 19, the concept of a long term goal was totally foreign to me. Now, it is crystal clear. When I was 19, I could set a goal for this week, this month and even this year, but had difficulty setting a goal for what I wanted 5 or 10 years down the road. When I was 22 years old however, the lightbulb came on, I decided I wanted to own my own business someday...Not knowing yet how to do that, I set out to gain the knowledge and experience I needed to increase my chances of success and set a date.

To envision a long term goal can seem illusive, yet to others it seems simple. Why is that? I'll tell you why. If we have difficulty envisioning long term goals it's because we have no practice getting good at accomplishing our short term goals! We need first to get good at accomplishing short term goals to graduate beyond the short term to the long term. All it takes is awareness, which you are getting now, and practice!

That reminds me of the guy who stopped a concert violinist in New York for directions. He said, "Excuse me. How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" The musician replied, "Practice!"

Long term goals can seem illusive if we haven't developed the ability to achieve short term goals through practice.

Understanding how to make and achieve long term goals without first understanding short and mid-term goals can be like trying to run before first knowing how to stand or even walk -- or trying to graduate High School without going through Elementary School. I suppose if I say it can't be done, someone will sure enough do it, but it is a tough row to hoe. Our mind doesn't work that way. It's hard to grasp concepts we have no foundation for. We learned to walk by practicing getting up. We practiced getting up and began standing. We got better at balancing and standing and began taking steps. Soon we began walking -- with practice. By practicing at achieving the smaller goals, we gain trust in the process, we get better at achieving them and soon we know how to set and achieve larger and larger ones.

As you practice this, you'll notice a funny thing about the mind. That is that as you start moving toward you're the picture of the life you want to create, that life starts moving toward you. It's almost as if the world realigns itself to bring into your focus the things you need to accomplish your goal. The truth is, it was always there, waiting for you to desire it and seek it out by taking action.

Have you noticed how after you buy a new car, suddenly you notice how many of that particular car is on the road? That is an example of awareness. Once you achieve something, even something as simple as a car, you gain a heightened awareness of it. You are aware of this car more intimately now because you own it. And perhaps even begin the action to buy a nicer car soon after by creating a new thought! That's how goals work.

Start small. Build trust and awareness in the process. Eventually, you will become an expert at grasping the smaller achievements and move toward creating the life you want in the long term.

If you're still not convinced this is how your life is designed to work, think about all the stuff in the world: electricity, cars, music, clothing, paper, furniture...all the stuff you can think of that you use and love every day. All that stuff began with a thought and a desire by someone, another human like you, to create it.

When Benjamin Franklin had the thought of putting the key on the string in the thunder storm and acted on it, electricity was discovered. All the elements to create electricity had always existed, but it took Ben to first have the thought, the desire and belief that it was possible and then to stay focused and take action on the thought to achieve it. He tried many things and each time, with practice and action, he became more aware of the solution. The same elements he used to discover electricity were certainly present before that moment, but it took Ben Franklin to have the thought and take action on it to bring it about. The elements to create electricity have been here all along -- even in the cave man days, but cave men had not evolved to the point they needed to produce electricity. They had more basic needs -- like a need for fire to cook food and a wheel to carry the day's catch. Those were their 'discoveries.' Virtually all the earlier creations and discoveries have been expanded over the years to create the 'things' we enjoy today - gas fireplaces, furnaces, automobiles...the list goes on. But everything, no matter what it is, that you need to create your dream is already here, waiting for you to discover it. You only have to have the thought and take action on it.

I don't want you to worry about how you are going to achieve your goal, just know that everything you need, you will have available to you as you gain the awareness to use it. I'm sure Ben Franklin had no idea how to create electricity, but he kept focusing on his thought, maintained his desire, stayed curious about it and after many tries, the 'how' was revealed that one rainy night.

Thought is where all things that created and all goals achieved begin.

Can the mind really do that? Yes! We have a couple of well-known references to prove it. My favorite book says, "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." It also says, "Ask and ye shall receive." There are no caveats. No small print. Just, "Ask, and you shall receive." This same book also assures us that we are created in the image of our creator. Doesn't this at least imply that we might also have an ability to create something? Yes. It does. Think about it -- if there was no basic truth to these quotes, why would they have survived 2000 years?

So decide what you want and Ask for it. And don't forget the important elements of Desire, Belief, Action and Focus.

Focus is important. Focus is your mind's GPS. Focus doesn't necessarily accelerate the time it takes to reach your goals. Because the time is what it is. At maximum focus the time it takes to accomplish something is much less than with partial or minimum focus. Your level of focused action determines how fast you reach your goal. There are laws at play here too. Just know that the better you are at focusing the faster you can achieve your goals. Make sure you stay focused so that your actions are taking the shortest route possible to take you where you want to go. If you find you're doing something that does not move you closer to your goal, stop and refocus. Here's why:

Imagine taking a 355 mile trip from San Diego to Phoenix. You set the GPS to find the shortest route. The trip takes 6 hours by car going the speed limit. You begin to drive according to the GPS instructions. If you continue to drive according to the GPS, you'll reach Phoenix in 6 hours. But if you ignore the GPS and instead take several exits along the way, or take the 'scenic route' though the Grand Canyon how long would it take? Or what if you reached Interstate 10 and decided to go North to Palm Springs for the Winter instead? It could take days, weeks or months instead of hours to reach your goal, depending on how many side trips you take and how long you ignore the GPS! Now, it is OK to change your goal, but if your goal is still to get to Phoenix, do you see how much longer it will take you to get there because you took all those detours? A GPS is to a road trip what focus is to achieving your goals. You'll get there faster if you stay focused. It will take longer, or perhaps never, if you don't.

As the Nike slogan goes, "Just Do It!"

Try it. Go ahead and dream. Dream about the life you would like to have 347 days from now. Write it down. Don't worry about the how. The how will come once to decide on what you want, fuel it with your desire and belief that you can have it, stay focused on it and begin taking steps toward it each day. Maintain focus on the life you want 347 days from now and you'll be surprised how your world changes!

Teresa Myers
Sales and Life Success Consultant

Change Your Thinking About Your Life

What do I do when I get down and out. Well that use to happen to me often and I seemed to suffer with some minor depression. It would seem like time would stand still. I would look at the clock and notice the time. Let's say 2:23 in the afternoon. I would look back to see what time it was about fifteen minutes latter and it would be 2:26. Wow what in the heck is going on with this clock.

I just couldn't believe it seemed like the day would never end. I would just sit there and think about all the stuff going on in my life, good and bad of course. This seemed to last until I was in my early twenties. I just didn't want to feel like this any more. I made a Conscious design not to get depressed period. I never wanted to feel like that again.

I read a book on ESP and in the book it described visualizing a rose as you went to sleep. I started doing this every night and while I was doing the exercise it seemed to make me feel relaxed in a way I never had felt before. The reason for the exercise was to teach you to visualize something peaceful. This in turn would put you in a peaceful state of mind.

Then a thought came into my noggin. What if when ever I start to feel bad or seem to be going into a sort of depressive state of mind I change my thoughts. It worked... I would start to visualize something else that made me feel comfortable and give me a peaceful feeling. Man was I surprised with my results.

Keep in mind I didn't think of this all on my own but I did put the pieces of the puzzle I needed to together that I needed to change my life. It seemed like I could use this form of self control in different parts of my life. If I was at work and someone made me mad.... Well this didn't work all the time... I still got mad. Let's pick something else OK.

I would worry about something on the job that wasn't going right. Then I would get irritated over something else that wasn't even related to what I was worrying about. Why did I take it out on the other person when what I was really mad about was something else. We do this all the time in our lives. We seem to get mad, get even or give up. Why do we do this and what can we do to stop it.

My main point to all of this is we can change our thinking and change our lives. We can learn new things to change our thinking. We don't need to give up hope that we will always be like this. Change the things you don't like about yourself. Do it today. If you need some help there is a great book that will help you change your life for the better.

You can find it at http://www.live.spiritualideas.com This book has a lot of tools to create the change in your life you want to have a more full filling life.

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown. Ross Perot.

Start Living Your Dreams Today and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Living With Out Limits

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is the Bible Historically Accurate and True

I'm going to start with the first book of the holy Bible, Genesis chapter 1 verse one through five. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

And God said," let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

If the Bible is historically accurate, did God actually create earth. I have been battling over this, my whole life. It's very easy for someone to accept and believe in any religion, government, other people or whatever they truly desire to make real. I see it every day of my life, open your eyes and you will see it to.

It's hard to imagine that a superior entity like God created everything that we touch and see. The moon itself is pretty big and the creation of the sun would prove to be a little more difficult, but if you're God and your all knowing and all powerful, he or she or it, must be one incredible being.

This is only the first couple of paragraphs in the Bible and there is no, I repeat no, historical accuracy to this event. It seems like God or man, whoever wrote the Bible, should have started the Bible with something a little more believable for people that live in the 21st century. It's not hard to imagine someone 2000 years ago, believing in something like this.

2000 years ago the Romans were worshiping their own gods, we might find this ridiculous today but back then the Romans would punish you if you didn't worship their gods. We are not too far from that today. If we don't stop organized religion and their influence on humanity, we're going to have serious problems in the future.

The biggest problem I foresee is common sense. If the Bible has 500 historical accurate facts that can be proven without a doubt by historians, scholars and other intelligent people, but has one thing that can't be explained, how do we handle this. How do we handle the fact that the Bible states God created light? If this is false, what else is false in the Bible.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Have you ever really ask yourself Who is, Jesus of Nazareth?

Greg is currently working on a Personal Power Ideas. If you're ever wondering why some people can achieve success, while others seem to struggle aimlessly, what would it hurt, to take a couple of minutes of your time, if you could actually find the truth

30 Days To Creating Super Habits

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Salvation in the Age of Grace

We are saved by grace. The following is the great hymn, Amazing Grace. Look at the words carefully.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now am found,

Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.

And Grace, my fears relieved.

How precious did that Grace appear

The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares

I have already come;

'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.

His word my hope secures.

He will my shield and portion be,

As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,

And mortal life shall cease,

I shall possess within the veil,

A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years

Bright shining as the sun.

We've no less days to sing God's praise

Than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now am found,

Was blind, but now I see.

John Newton (1725-1807)

John Newton was the captain of a slave ship before he was saved and before he became a preacher. On one trip to America transporting slaves, Newton went down into the belly of that slave ship and was moved to tears when he saw those people, who were in bondage, singing in spite of their obvious misery. In 1772 Newton wrote the words above and delivered them in a sermon. The music was added later, but not by Newton himself.

Wherever Amazing Grace is played, it is instantly recognized. It is often played on a bag pipe in funeral possessions for police and firemen.

Look at these words carefully.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now am found,

Was blind, but now I see.

What is the meaning of the words lost and found?

If you are a Bible reader or if you have ever attended church on a regular basis, you will probably remember the story of the young man who asked his father to give him his share of his inheritance and he left home. After all his money had been spent and he realized the error of his way, he went back home, willing to work as a servant if he must.

When he arrived at home he told his father "I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy son" (Luke 15:21).

The father was overjoyed at his son's return and he said to his servants:

Luke 15:22-24: ...Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.

In Christendom, this is known as a parable; and a parable is comparing one thing against another or an example of biblical truth explained in a simplistic format. In this case it mirrors Christ's feelings toward the lost. We see evidence of this in Luke 19:10: For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. So in a biblical sense, the lost are any who do not acknowledge God as Lord and Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The words "found" then, would mean the lost have come to their senses, realized their sin and recognized God and Christ for whom and what they are.

When Newton penned the words, I once was lost but now am found, he was admitting he had recognized he was a sinner (lost) and that he had trusted the faith of Christ for salvation (being found).

The Gospel that Saves Today

In our Bible there are verses which tell someone how they can be found, i.e. saved. When Paul wrote to the Corinthians he tells them how they can be saved. Look at 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4: Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Paul reminded these Corinthians of the gospel (good news) he preached unto them. He also reminded them they had believed what he preached and they were standing steadfast in that gospel. He then proceeds to tell them in the 3rd and 4th verses what they had believed: Christ died for theirs sins, was buried and rose again the third day.

That is the gospel or good news of salvation. It is the only way anyone who is lost, a non-believer, can be found - saved.

In another letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians he said, 2 Corinthians 4:3: But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

Simply stated, Paul says if you cannot see the truth of the gospel he preached then you must be lost.

The Gospel According to Paul

I want you to look very closely at 1 Corinthians 15: 2 again: By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain (Underlining added). Notice the words I have underlined. Paul says you are saved if you believe what he preached unto you, and if you do not believe his teaching concerning salvation, you could believe in vain.

What does that mean, you have believed in vain? Simplistically, it states if you do not believe the gospel Paul preached, you would have failed in your attempt to be saved; or you effort was unsuccessful. Why? We are living in a period of time that the Bible refers to as the dispensation of the grace of God (Ephesians 3:2). In this dispensation, salvation is by grace and not by works.

Ephesians 2: 8-9: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

What this says is a person who simply trusts in what Christ did at Calvary, died for our sins, was buried and resurrected the third day, he will be saved. In a prior dispensation, know as the dispensation of the Law, salvation was by works. A person was not saved by grace but by the works of the law, i.e. repent and be baptized. In this case baptism was considered a work, and if you were not baptized you could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The Gospel according to Peter

Unlike Paul's gospel, the gospel of Peter and the twelve is a gospel with works for the remission of sins.

Acts 2:38: Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

However, we are no longer under the law. We are not being led by the conditions the law imposed on believers at one time; we are led by the Spirit. And Scripture tells us if we are led by the Spirit, we are not bound to the Law.

The Gospel of Grace

Galatians 5:18: But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

I want you to look closely at Ephesians 2:8-9 again: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

The words "ye are saved through faith" are very important. The question I pose to you is; by whose faith are you saved? It is your faith that saves you or was it Christ's faith that saved you?

Look at Galatians 2:16: Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified (Underlining Added).

The verse says we are not justified (saved) by the works of the law. In other words, baptism for the remission of sins will not save you today. Then what will? Simple: the faith of Christ is what saves you.

What was the faith of Christ? Christ was willing to go to the cross and shed his blood for our sins. The very act of Christ shedding his blood for remission of sins was the work which replaces baptism for remission of sins. Now, in this dispensation of the grace of God, we who believe in Jesus Christ will be justified (saved) by the work of Christ (he died for our sins).

There are far too many people who want you to believe that if you are not water baptized you will not be saved. Those people cannot give you a good answer to Ephesians 2:8-9: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Baptism is a work that you do, and to believe that by being baptized you have remission of sins, nullifies the work that Christ did at Calvary. You have prostituted grace.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4: For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures (Underlining Added).

If you do not believe this gospel, you are lost. If you want to be found, believe the Gospel of Christ as seen in the Scripture above. It is God's grace that saves you, not a work in which you can do.

Salvation is simple, but that does not mean it is easy.

Romans 1:16: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

The gospel of Christ is Christ died for our sins was buried and rose again for our justification. That is the simple part. Everything has been done by Christ for your salvation, but you have to trust that what he did, he died for you.

Romans 10:17: So faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

The word of God for salvation is seen in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. You have read it; do you trust that what it says is true? If you do, then you are saved; again, that is the simple part.

The part that is not quite so easy to do is to admit that you need a savior. Too many people rationalize they must be saved because:

1) they were brought up in a church,
2) they attend church services regularly,
3) Momma and Daddy were Christians, so I must be too attitude,
4) they think they are a good person.

None of those things will save a lost person. Believing the gospel is what saves. Have you done that? You say: "I walked down an isle and gave my heart to Jesus when I was a teenager, so I am saved."

So, you took a walk down a church isle, what for? Was it because your sweetheart said "I'm going down and give my heart to Jesus, why don't you come with me?"

Was it because your mother said you ought to go down?

Salvation comes to the person who recognizes they are lost and realizes they need a Savior and then trusts in the work of Christ to save them. Have you done that?

If you walked down an isle but did not believe the gospel, you took a walk for nothing. You do not need to go to church to be saved. You do not need to walk an isle and have a preacher shake your hand and commend you for having done so. You can trust Christ as Savior at home, in the woods or in your car.

Salvation comes to those who believe Christ paid a debt for their sins. Have you done that?

Remove the blinders and see the truth of what Christ did for you and you will be saved. Recognize you are a sinner and you need a Savior and God will save you, right where you are.

Will you do that right now?

If you do that, you are a child of God and will spend eternity with God in heaven. If you don't trust Christ, you are a child of the devil and will spend eternity in Hell.

The choice is yours. What will you do? Which path will you take?

There are many people who have postponed trusting Christ as their savior, saying I have plenty of time to. Do you?

The following lyrics were written by Connie Smith.

Got up on Sunday morning, went to the church at ten, I listened to the words I'd heard time and time again.

The preacher spoke of sinful lives, Lord it seems he spoke of mine, But I was young I had plenty of time.

Plenty of time to decide where I'm bound,

to eternal darkness or to a Heavenly crown oh, oh

I'm just a young girl not yet in my prime, so I'll

just wait I've got plenty of time.

I walked on down life's pathway living as I chose to live. Out to beat the other fellow how to get what life could give Making money isn't sinful Lord having fun is not a crime. So I'll just wait I've got plenty of time

Plenty of time to decide where I'm bound to

eternal darkness or to a Heavenly crown, Oh! Oh!

I'm just a young girl not yet in my prime so I'll

just wait I had plenty of time

Before I knew what happened life scenes had passed away;
and millions stood before God's throne for it was judgment day.
Now eternity beckons and the name it calls is mine
But I thought that I had plenty of time.
Eternity waits I've got plenty of time,

To think of all the days that Christ could have been mine,
Now my chance is over, earth's days are left behind,
And here am I, I've got plenty of time.
Now I've got nothing but plenty of time.

Time is a precious commodity. None of us knows what tomorrow has in store for us. You could go to the doctor tomorrow and be diagnosed with a terminal illness.

You could wake in the morning, get in your car or truck and be killed in an accident. You could be eating in a restaurant and get choked and die before someone could give you the Hymlick maneuver.

Fact is: no one knows when they will breathe their last breath. Why don't you simply trust what Christ has done for you - right now?

If you'll do that, you can make the words of Amazing Grace your own words.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now am found,

Was blind, but now I see.

Obed Kirkpatrich was a Pastor/Teacher in Baton Rouge, Louisiana from 1975 to 2000; at that time he moved to Franklin, Tennessee to be near three of his six grandchildren. He and his wife Linda have been married for 48 years. Obed is an author and still teaches Bible classes in the Middle Tennessee area.

Karen Reivich