Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Short Scoop on Scones

At trade shows and product samplings here in the Midwest, people are
always asking me, "What is a scone, exactly?"

Most people can describe what a scone ISNT. It isnt a biscuit. It isnt a
cookie. And it isnt a cake.

But people have trouble explaining what a scone IS. Thats why its
helpful to know a little about the history of the scone.

Scones originated in Scotland. In fact, some say this Scottish quick
bread takes its name from the word Skohn or Skon, which refers to the
Stone of Destiny, a place where Scottish kings were supposedly once
crowned. Back then scones were made of oats. They were rolled into a
large round, cut into triangles, and cooked on a griddle over an open fire
or on top of the stove. Since baking powder hadnt been invented yet,
buttermilk was used as the leavening agent. Traditionally, scones were
served at high tea.

Todays scones are a little different. They come in many shapes and are
usually made with flour. Baking powder is the leavening agent, and they
are baked in the oven. Commerical scone mixes and scone pans are
available today, too, making it even easier for people to prepare a
delicious batch of this tempting treat.

While scones are still popular for tea, they are also enjoyed at breakfast,
brunch, lunch, dinner, and especially for snacks.

Suzanne Lieurance is a freelance writer and owner of the Three Angels Gourmet Co. which produces a unique line of "heavenly gourmet mixes" for sale at: For additional food information and daily food tips, visit the Three Angels Gourmet Co. blog at

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